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#Org.hippoecm.repository Classes and Interfaces - 51 results found.
CronExpressionInstances of a CronExpresssion indicate a re-occurring time specification.Classorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
DateTools .ResolutionSpecifies the time granularity.Classorg.hippoecm.repository.utilHippo
DefaultCopyHandlerCopyHandler that adds the first node as a child.Classorg.hippoecm.repository.utilHippo
DocumentA Plain Old Java Object (POJO) representing a document in a JCR repository.Classorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
HierarchyResolverThis interface is not yet part of the public API of the Hippo Repository.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
HierarchyResolver .EntryClassorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
HippoNodeAny Node instance returned by any method of a Hippo Repostitory may be cast to the HippoNode interface to expose additional functionality.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
HippoNodeIterator a repository are HippoNodeIterator objects, and when an object is a HippoNodeIterator the additional information provided by these methods may still not be available.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
HippoNodeTypeThis interface defines the node types and item names that are in use by the Hippo repository build on top of JCR.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
HippoQueryThe HippoQuery is an extension to javax.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
HippoRepositoryInstances of this class represent a connection to the Repository.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repositoryHippo
HippoSessionAn extension of a plain Session based session.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
HippoWorkspaceAny instance of a Workspace returned by a HippoRepository may be cast to a HippoWorkspace to expose some additional services from the Hippo repository.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
ImportMergeBehaviorThis call is not (yet) part of the API, but under evaluation.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
ImportReferenceBehaviorThis call is not (yet) part of the API, but under evaluation.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
InternalWorkflowThis interface is not part of the API, and should never be implemented by classes other than in the core repository implementation.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.extHippo
JcrUtilsSome utility methods for writing code against JCR API.Classorg.hippoecm.repository.utilHippo
LocalizedThe Localized object is a more generic form of the Locale object, but serves a similar purpose.Classorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
MappingExceptionAn MappingException is thrown for workflow or document mapping when when a required data or configuration is not present or a representation in data could not be made.Classorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
NodeNameCodecHelper class for encoding and decoding node names Implements the encode and decode routines based on ISO 9075-14:2003 forClassorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
OverwritingCopyHandlerCopyHandler that overwrites the first started node.Classorg.hippoecm.repository.utilHippo
ReferenceWorkspaceA reference workspace represents the state of the repository after it was first bootstrapped.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
RepositoryMapMap representation of a JCR Node.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
RevisionEventA JCR Event with the revision id of the corresponding ClusterRecord exposed by the getRevision() method.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
RevisionEventJournalAn extension of EventJournal which also allows skipping based on Event revision.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
StringCodecStrategy interface for encoding and decoding strings.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
StringCodecFactoryThe StringCodecFactory allows you access to symbolic named StringCodec's.Classorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
StringCodecFactory .IdentEncodingUsage of this class discouraged.Classorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
StringCodecFactory .ISO9075HelperUsage of this class discouraged.Classorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
StringCodecFactory .NameEncodingHelper class for encoding and decoding node names Implements the encode and decode routines based on ISO 9075-14:2003 forClassorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
StringCodecFactory .UriEncodingDirect usage of this class discouraged.Classorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
SynchronousEventListenerA marker interface for synchronous event listener.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
VMHippoRepositoryDO NOT USE THIS CLASS! This class is NOT part of the API.Classorg.hippoecm.repositoryHippo
WorkflowA workflow is a set of procedures that can be performed on a document in the repository.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
WorkflowContextA workflow context class is made available to a workflow implementation (see WorkflowImpl@getWorkflowContext) to obtain additional information during the execution of a workflow step.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
WorkflowDescriptorMethod to access extra information that might be associated with this workflow.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
WorkflowExceptionAn WorkflowException is thrown when a workflow implementation disallows the workflow step to be taken for some reason.Classorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo
WorkflowManagerThe work-flow manager is a service associated with a JCR session which provides access to a work-flow associated with a document stored in the repository.Interfaceorg.hippoecm.repository.apiHippo