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#Org.hypergraphdb.atom Classes and Interfaces - 20 results found.
AtomProjection This link represents a relationship between a composite type and one of its projections.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
AtomSetType Implements the HyperGraph type of HGAtomSet atoms.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGAtomRef An instance HGAtomRef represents a reference to a HyperGraph atom.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGAtomRef .ModeThis constant define an FLOATING reference mode.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atom.HGAtomRefHypergraphDb
HGAtomSet A HGAtomSet represents a temporary construction of a set of atoms.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGBergeLink A HGBergeLink represent a hyperarc or hyperedge in the mathematical theory of hypergraphs.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGRel Represents a name relationship/link between entities.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGRelType Represents the type a "semantic" relationship.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGRelTypeConstructor The type of HGRelType.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGSerializable This atom marks a Java class (or interface) for serialization in HyperGraph storage.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGStats This is a singleton HyperGraph managed atom that the system uses to collect global statistics about the HyperGraph instance.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGSubgraph A HyperNode that encapsulates a set of atoms from the global HyperGraph database.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGSubsumes The HGSubsumes link represents a subsumes relationship between two atoms, either declared, or inferred by HyperGraph.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGTypeStructuralInfo The HGTypeStructuralInfo class represents a HyperGraph atom that provides fixed structural information about atoms of a definite type.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
HGUniquenessConstraint A HGUniquenessContraint defines what makes an atom of a given type unique.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atomHypergraphDb
UUIDTrieAn implementation of a trie for storing UUIDs.Classorg.hypergraphdb.atom.implHypergraphDb