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#Org.hypergraphdb.query Classes and Interfaces - 100 results found.
AnalyzedQuery A query object that holds information collected during the compilation process.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
And Represents the conjunction operator of a query condition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
AnyAtomCondition This condition is satisfied by any and all atoms in the HyperGraph database.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
ArityCondition The ArityCondition is a simply predicate condition that checks the arity (i.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
AsyncSearchResultImpl Default implementation of AsyncSearchResult based on an underlying HGSearchResult where each operation is submitted as a task to the Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
AtomPartCondition A condition that constraints the value of a component of a composite typed atom.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
AtomPartRegExPredicateA predicate that constrains the value of a component of a composite typed atom using a regular expression.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
AtomProjectionCondition An AtomProjectionCondition will yield all atoms that are projections along a certain dimension of a given base atom set.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
AtomRegExPredicateBase class for matching string values using a regular expression.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
AtomTypeCondition An AtomTypeCondition examines the type of a given atom and evaluates to true or false depending onClassorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
AtomValueCondition The AtomValueCondition represents a query condition on the atom value.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
AtomValueRegExPredicateA predicate that constrains the value of an atom using a regular expression.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
BFSCondition The breadth-first search variant of a TraversalCondition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
ComparisonOperatorenum ComparisonOperator Type safe enum for comparison operators equals, less than etc.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
ContractConjunction .ApplyByPartIndexClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.cond2qry.ContractConjunctionHypergraphDb
ContractConjunction .ApplyByTargetIndexClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.cond2qry.ContractConjunctionHypergraphDb
ContractConjunction .TypeValueContractClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.cond2qry.ContractConjunctionHypergraphDb
ContradictoryCondition To simplify the logic of query compilation a bit - a step during the compilation process can throw that exception to indicate that it has detected a condition that is self-contradictory, it cannot be fullfilled and it will always lead to an emptyClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.cond2qryHypergraphDb
DelayedSetLoadPredicate A predicate that check whether a handle is the member of a set of handles.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
DFSCondition The depth-first search variant of a TraversalCondition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
DisconnectedPredicate A predicate that returns true if the incidence set of a given atom is empty and false otherwise.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
FilteredResultSet Filter a result set through a predicate.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
HandleArrayResultSet Implements a HGSearchResult comprising the atoms in a given HGHandle array.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
HGAtomPredicate This interface defines a predicate of a single atom.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
HGQueryCondition The interface defines a HyperGraph query condition.Interfaceorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
HGQueryConfiguration Holds a set of configuration settings for the query sub-system of a HyperGraphAuthor:Borislav IordanovClassorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
IncidentCondition The IncidentCondition specifies that a search result atom should be a member of the incidence set of a given atom.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
IndexBasedQuery A simple query that operates on a single index.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
IndexBasedQuery .ScanTypeClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.impl.IndexBasedQueryHypergraphDb
IndexScanQuery This queries simply scans all elements in a given index.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
InMemoryIntersectionResult .CombinerClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.impl.InMemoryIntersectionResultHypergraphDb
IntersectionQuery An IntersectionQuery combines the results of two underlying queries and produces a result set containing only elements that appearClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
IsCondition An "identity" condition that evaluates to true for a specific handle.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
KeyBasedQuery A KeyBasedQuery is a HGQuery that produces a result based on a single key value.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
LinkCondition A LinkCondition constraints the query result set to links pointing to a target set of atoms.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
LinkTargetsResultSet This is the same as HandleArrayResultSet, but it uses a loaded link atom instance instead of a HGHandle[].Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
MappedResult A MappedResult is a HGSearchResult with an applied transformation to each of its elements.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
Not A generic negating HGQueryCondition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
Nothing This condition represents the negation of everything.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
Or Represents the disjunction operator of a query condition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
OrderedLinkCondition A OrderedLinkCondition constraints the query result set to ordered links pointing to a target set of atoms.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
PipedResult A piped query result takes the output of a query, in the form of a HGSearchResult instance and uses it as input to a "pipe"Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
PipeQuery A PipeQuery pipes the output of one query as the input of another.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
PositionedIncidentCondition A PositionedLinkCondition constraints the query result set to links pointing to a target atom positioned within a predetermined range in Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
PredicateBasedFilter A HGQuery whose result is constructed by filtering the result set of another HGQuery according to a HGQueryCondition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
PredicateBasedRAFilter A HGQuery whose result is constructed by filtering the result set of another HGQuery according to a HGQueryCondition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
QueryCompile A controller-type of class that maintains context during the query compilation process.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
QueryCompile .ContractInterfaceorg.hypergraphdb.query.QueryCompileHypergraphDb
QueryCompile .ExpandInterfaceorg.hypergraphdb.query.QueryCompileHypergraphDb
RABasedPredicate Make a random access result set as a predicate.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
ResultMapQuery A HGQuery that transforms the result of an underlying query by applying a provided mapping.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
SearchableBasedQuery A simple query that operates on a single HGSearchable entity, usuallyAuthor:Borislav IordanovClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
SimpleValueCondition Basic class for conditions examining individual primitive values.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
SortedIntersectionResult Combines two ordered result sets into a (ordered) result representing their set theoretical intersection.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
SortedIntersectionResult .CombinerClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.impl.SortedIntersectionResultHypergraphDb
SubsumedCondition The SubsumedCondition examines a given atom and is satisfied if that atom is subsumed by the atom specified in the condition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
SubsumesCondition The SubsumesCondition examines a given atom and is satisfied if that atom subsumes the atom specified in the condition.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
TargetCondition A query condition that constraints the result set to atoms that are targets toAuthor:Borislav IordanovClassorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
TraversalBasedQuery .ReturnTypeClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.impl.TraversalBasedQueryHypergraphDb
TraversalCondition A condition that gets translated into a graph traversal.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
TraversalResult TraversalResult wraps a graph HGTraversal as a query HGSearchResult.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
TypedValueCondition This is a HGQueryCondition that constrains the value of an atom as well as its type.Classorg.hypergraphdb.queryHypergraphDb
UnionQuery An UnionQuery combines the results of two underlying queries and produces a result set containing elements that appearClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
UnionResult Combines two result set into a result representing their set theoretic union.Classorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
ZigZagIntersectionResult The ZigZagIntersectionResult operates on two sorted, random accessAuthor:Borislav IordanovClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.implHypergraphDb
ZigZagIntersectionResult .CombinerClassorg.hypergraphdb.query.impl.ZigZagIntersectionResultHypergraphDb