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#Org.jgrapht.ext Classes and Interfaces - 16 results found.
ComponentAttributeProviderProvides display attributes for vertices and/or edges in a graph.Interfaceorg.jgrapht.extJGraph
DOTExporterExports a graph into a DOT file.Classorg.jgrapht.extJGraph
EdgeNameProviderAssigns a display name for each of the graph edes.Interfaceorg.jgrapht.extJGraph
GmlExporterExports a graph into a GML file (Graph Modelling Language).Classorg.jgrapht.extJGraph
GraphMLExporterExports a graph into a GraphML file.Classorg.jgrapht.extJGraph
IntegerEdgeNameProviderAssigns a unique integer to represent each edge.Classorg.jgrapht.extJGraph
IntegerNameProviderAssigns a unique integer to represent each vertex.Classorg.jgrapht.extJGraph
JGraphModelAdapterAn adapter that reflects a JGraphT graph as a JGraph graph.Classorg.jgrapht.extJGraph
JGraphModelAdapter .CellFactoryCreates the JGraph cells that reflect the respective JGraphT elements.Interfaceorg.jgrapht.ext.JGraphModelAdapterJGraph
JGraphModelAdapter .DefaultCellFactoryA simple default cell factory.Classorg.jgrapht.ext.JGraphModelAdapterJGraph
JGraphXAdapterAdapter to draw a JGraphT graph with the JGraphX drawing library.Classorg.jgrapht.extJGraph
MatrixExporterExports a graph to a plain text matrix format, which can be processed by matrix manipulation software, such as Classorg.jgrapht.extJGraph
StringEdgeNameProviderGenerates edge names by invoking Object.Classorg.jgrapht.extJGraph
StringNameProviderGenerates vertex names by invoking Object.Classorg.jgrapht.extJGraph
VertexNameProviderAssigns a display name for each of the graph vertices.Interfaceorg.jgrapht.extJGraph
VisioExporterExports a graph to a csv format that can be imported into MS Visio.Classorg.jgrapht.extJGraph