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#Org.jooby.assets Classes and Interfaces - 24 results found.
AssetCompiler Process static files by validate or modify them in some way.Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby
AssetProblemA problem found while processing an asset.Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby
AssetProcessor Checks, validate and/or modify asset contents.Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby
Assets The asset module is library to concatenate, minify or compress JavaScript and CSS assets.Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby
Babel Babel is a JavaScript compiler.Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby
CleanCss A fast, efficient, and well tested CSS minifier, via: dist: [clean-css]Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby
ClosureCompiler Closure Compiler is a tool for making JavaScript download and run faster.Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby
Csslint CSSLint automated linting of Cascading Stylesheets.Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby
Jscs JavaScript Code Style checker.Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby
Jshint JSHint is a community-driven tool to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript codeClassorg.jooby.assetsJooby
Less Less is a CSS pre-processor, meaning that it extends the CSS language, adding features that allow variables, mixins, functions and many other techniquesClassorg.jooby.assetsJooby
NgAnnotate ng-annotate add, remove and rebuild AngularJS dependency injection annotations.Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby
Props Replace expressions like: ${foo} to the value of the property foo.Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby
Rjs require.Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby
Rollup rollup.Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby
Sass sass-lang implementation from Sass (ruby) Sass is the most mature, stable, andClassorg.jooby.assetsJooby
Uglify UglifyJs2 JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier toolkit.Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby
V8Context .CallbackInterfaceorg.jooby.assetsJooby
YuiCss Yui css compressor.Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby
YuiJs home: [js/home.Classorg.jooby.assetsJooby