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#Org.jppf Classes and Interfaces - 384 results found.
AbstractBoundedObjectPoolQueueAn extension of AbstractObjectPoolQueue which specifies a maximum size for the pool.Classorg.jppf.utils.poolingJppf
AbstractClientConnectionHandlerCommon abstract superclass for client connections to a server.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
AbstractCollectionConcurrentMapA ConcurrentHashMap whose values are Collection instances (specialized in concrete subclasses).Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
AbstractCollectionHashtableA Hashtable whose values are Collection instances (specialized in concrete subclasses).Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
AbstractCollectionMapA map whose values are collections of a given component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
AbstractCollectionSortedMapA sorted map whose values are sets of a given component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
AbstractCommonNodeThis class is used as a container for common methods that cannot be implemented in AbstractNode.Classorg.jppf.server.nodeJppf
AbstractComponentBase superclass for components of a JPPF grid topology.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoringJppf
AbstractConnectionPoolAn abstract implementation of the ConnectionPool interface.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
AbstractGenericClientThis class provides an API to submit execution requests and administration commands, and request server information data.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
AbstractIPAddressPatternRepresents a pattern used for IP addresses inclusion or exclusion lists.Classorg.jppf.netJppf
AbstractJobComponentBase superclass for components of a JPPF job hierarchy.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
AbstractJPPFClassLoaderThis class is a custom class loader serving the purpose of dynamically loading the JPPF classes and the client application classes, to avoid costly redeployment system-wide.Classorg.jppf.classloaderJppf
AbstractJPPFClassLoaderLifeCycleThis class is a custom class loader serving the purpose of dynamically loading the JPPF classes and the client application classes, to avoid costly redeployment system-wide.Classorg.jppf.classloaderJppf
AbstractJPPFClientThis class provides an API to submit execution requests and administration commands, and request server information data.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
AbstractJPPFJobInstances of this class represent a JPPF job and hold all the required elements: tasks, execution policy, task listener, data provider, priority, blocking indicator.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
AbstractJPPFJobStreamInstances of this class provide a stream of JPPF jobs.Classorg.jppf.client.utilsJppf
AbstractJPPFSnapshotConvenience class for collecting time or size statistics.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
AbstractLocationInstances of this class represent the location of an artifact, generally a file or the data found at a url.Classorg.jppf.locationJppf
AbstractMBeanStaticProxyAbstract super class for all generated MBean static proxies.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
AbstractNodeAbstract implementation of the Node interface.Classorg.jppf.nodeJppf
AbstractObjectPoolImpl .LinkedDataClassorg.jppf.utils.poolingJppf
AbstractObjectPoolQueueA thread-safe, dynamic object pool backed by a ConcurrentLinkedQueue.Classorg.jppf.utils.poolingJppf
AbstractTaskAbstract superclass for all tasks submitted to the execution server.Classorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
AbstractThreadDumpWriterAbstract implementation of a
AbstractTopologyComponentBase superclass for components of a JPPF grid topology.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.topologyJppf
AllJobsSelectorA job selector which accepts all jobs.Classorg.jppf.jobJppf
AndroidNodeIntegrationAdapterThis is the base event handler for an Android
ArrayListHashMapA HashMap whose values are ArrayLists of a given component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
AtLeastAn execution policy rule that encapsulates a test of type property_value >= value.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
AtMostAn execution policy rule that encapsulates a test of type property_value .Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
Base64Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.Classorg.jppf.utils.base64Jppf
Base64InputStreamA Base64InputStream will read data from another InputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.Classorg.jppf.utils.base64Jppf
Base64OutputStreamA Base64OutputStream will write data to another OutputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.Classorg.jppf.utils.base64Jppf
BetweenEEAn execution policy rule that encapsulates a test of type a < property_value < b.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
BetweenEIAn execution policy rule that encapsulates a test of type a < property_value <= b.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
BetweenIEAn execution policy rule that encapsulates a test of type a <= property_value < b.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
BetweenIIAn execution policy rule that encapsulates a test of type a <= property_value <= b.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
BetweenPolicyAn execution policy rule that encapsulates a test of type a < property_value < b.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
BoundedByteArrayOutputStreamA byte ArrayOutputStream with a maximum size of data that can be written into it.Classorg.jppf.utils.streamsJppf
BundlerThis is the interface of all strategies for defining bundle task size.Interfaceorg.jppf.load.balancerJppf
BundlerExA bundler which provides a more advanced feedback method with additional performance data.Interfaceorg.jppf.load.balancerJppf
ClassLoaderEventEvent emitted by an AbstractJPPFClassLoader when a class is loaded or not found for the first time.Classorg.jppf.classloaderJppf
ClassLoaderListenerInterface to implement for the objects that wish to receive notifications of JPPF class loader events.Interfaceorg.jppf.classloaderJppf
ClassPathA container for class path elements.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
ClassPathElementInstances of this class represent classpath elements that can be added dynamically to a JPPF class loader.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
ClassPathElementImplA simple implementation of the ClassPathElement interface.Classorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
ClassPathImplA simple implementation of the ClassPath interfaceSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
ClientConnectionStatusEventEvent sent to notify of a status change for a client connection.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ClientConnectionStatusHandlerInterface implemented by all classes that desire to handle a connection status and notify others about status changes.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ClientConnectionStatusListenerInstances of this class listen to status change events on client connections.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ClientEventInstances of this class are events sent to notify interested listeners that a new connection to a JPPF driver was created.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ClientListenerListener interface for receiving notifications when a new connection to a server is established and when an existing connections fails and is removed from the client.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ClientQueueEventInstances of this class represent events emitted by the JPPF client job queue whenever a job is added to or removed from the queue.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ClientQueueListenerInterface for classes that wish to be notified of jobs added to or removed from the job queue.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ClientQueueListenerAdapterClient queue listener adapter, providing no-op implementations of the ClientQueueListener interface methods.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
CollectionMapInterface for maps whose values are collections of a given component type.Interfaceorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
CollectionUtilsThis class provides a set of utility methods for manipulating and converting collections and arrays.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
CommandLineTaskInstances of this class encapsulate the execution of an external process, program or shell script.Classorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
ComparisonUtilsA set of utility methods to facilitate concurrent and multithreaded rpogramming.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
ConcurrentHashSetA concurrent et implementation backed by a ConcurrentHashMap.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
ConcurrentUtilsA set of utility methods to facilitate concurrent and multithreaded rpogramming.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
ConcurrentUtils .ConditionThis interface represents a condition to evaluate to either true or false.Interfaceorg.jppf.utilsJppf
ConnectionContextInstances of this class define the context for a node (re)connection request.Classorg.jppf.node.connectionJppf
ConnectionPoolInterface for pools of connections with a maximum size which can be dynamically updated.Interfaceorg.jppf.clientJppf
ConnectionPoolEventInstances of this class represent events in a JPPFConnectionPool's life cycle.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ConnectionPoolFilterInterface for filtering connection pools.Interfaceorg.jppf.clientJppf
ConnectionPoolListenerBase interface for classes wishing to be notified of connection pool events.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ConnectionPoolListenerAdapterThis adapter class provides an empty implementation of each method in the ConnectionPoolListener interface.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ConnectionReasonenum ConnectionReasonThis enum lists the possible high-level reasons for a node reconnection request.Classorg.jppf.node.connectionJppf
ContainsAn execution policy rule that encapsulates a test of type property_value contains string.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
ContextAwarenessBundler implementations should implement this interface if they wish to have access to a node's context.Interfaceorg.jppf.load.balancerJppf
CopyOnWriteListConcurrentMapA ConcurrentHashMap whose values are CopyOnWriteArrayList instances.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
CPUTimeCollectorThis class computes, at regular intervals, the approximative value of the CPU load for the current
CumulativeSnapshotIn this implementation, getLatest() is computed as the cumulated sum of all values added to the snapshot.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
CustomPolicyAbstract superclass for all user-defined policies.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
DataProviderInstances of this class provide a way for tasks to share common data.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
DataProviderHolderThis interface must be implemented by tasks that are not implementations of Task when they need access to the job's DataProvider.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.taskwrapperJppf
DateTimeUtilsUtility methods for date and time manipulation and conversion.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
DefaultAndroidNodeIntegrationThis is the default node events handler, used if none is provided by the
DefaultFilePersistenceManagerThis implementation of JobPersistence stores jobs on the file system using Java serialization to a file for each job, and uses the jobs uuids as keys to retrieve them.Classorg.jppf.client.persistenceJppf
DefaultJavaSerializationThis implementation uses the default Java serialization.Classorg.jppf.serializationJppf
DefaultJPPFSerializationThis implementation uses the JPPF serialization.Classorg.jppf.serializationJppf
DefaultLifeCycleErrorHandlerThe default node life cycle error handler, used when the life cycle listener implementation does not implement NodeLifeCycleErrorHandler.Classorg.jppf.node.eventJppf
DefaultSerializationExceptionHookThis default hook is used when none is specified in the node configuration.Classorg.jppf.server.nodeJppf
DelegationModelenum DelegationModelEnumeration of available delegation models for the JPPF class loaders.Classorg.jppf.classloaderJppf
DemoTaskDemonstration task to test the resource adaptor.Classorg.jppf.jca.demoJppf
DiagnosticsMBeanInterface for the diagnostics
DriverConnectionInfoThis interface provides the required information for connecting to a remote JPPF driver.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.connectionJppf
DriverConnectionStrategyThis interface defines which parameters should be used to connect to the driver.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.connectionJppf
DriverDiagnosticsMBeanStaticProxyGenerated static proxy for the DiagnosticsMBean MBean
DriverJobManagementMBeanThis is the job management MBean interface.Interfaceorg.jppf.server.job.managementJppf
DriverJobManagementMBeanStaticProxyGenerated static proxy for the DriverJobManagementMBean MBean
EnumSetEnumMapA map whose keys and values are elements of an enum type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
EqualAn execution policy rule that encapsulates a test of type property_value == value.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
ExceptionUtilsThis class provides a set of utility methods for manipulating Throwable objects.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
ExecutionPolicyInterface for all execution policy implementations.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
ExecutionPolicy .AndRuleAn execution policy that realizes a logical "AND" combination of multiple policies specified as operands.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
ExecutionPolicy .LogicalRuleAn execution policy that realizes a binary logical combination of the policies specified as operands.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
ExecutionPolicy .NotRuleAn execution policy that realizes the negation of a policy specified as operand.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
ExecutionPolicy .OrRuleAn execution policy that realizes a logical "OR" combination of multiple policies specified as operands.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
ExecutionPolicy .XorRuleAn execution policy that realizes a logical "XOR" combination of multiple policies specified as operands.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
ExecutionPolicySelectorSelects nodes based on an ExecutionPolicy.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
ExecutorServiceConfigurationInterface for the configuration properties of a JPPFExecutorService.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.concurrentJppf
FileLocationWrapper for manipulating a file.Classorg.jppf.locationJppf
FileStoreSourceA secure store source that uses a file as source.Classorg.jppf.sslJppf
FileUtilsThis class provides a set of utility methods for reading, writing and manipulating files.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
FixedSizeBundlerThis class provide a used defined bundle size jppf.Classorg.jppf.load.balancer.implJppf
FixedSizeBundlerProviderProvider implementation for the fixed bundle size load-balancing algorithm.Classorg.jppf.load.balancer.spiJppf
FixedSizeProfileProfile for the fixed bundle size load-balancing algorithm.Classorg.jppf.load.balancer.implJppf
FocusedJFrameThis extension of JFrale ensures that the frame is brought to the fore, on top of any other window, when toFront() is called.Classorg.jppf.node.screensaverJppf
HealthSnapshotThis class represents a snapshot of the JVM
HostIPInstances of this class represent a hostname / ip address pair.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
HTMLThreadDumpWriterThis class prints a thread dump nicely formatted as HTML to a character
InitializationHookInterface for custom discovery of the driver to connect to.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.initializationJppf
InterruptibilityThis interface should be implemented by JPPF task classes that wish to control whether they can be interrupted upon cancellation or timeout.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
IPv4AddressNetmaskRepresents a netmask used for IP addresses include or exclude lists.Classorg.jppf.netJppf
IPv4AddressPatternRepresents a pattern used for IP addresses include or exclude lists.Classorg.jppf.netJppf
IPv6AddressNetmaskRepresents a netmask used for IPv6 addresses inclusion and exclusion lists.Classorg.jppf.netJppf
IPv6AddressPatternRepresents a pattern used for IPv6 addresses inclusion and exclusion lists.Classorg.jppf.netJppf
IsInIPv4SubnetAn execution policy rule that encapsulates a test of type IPv4 is in This policy has the following XML representation:Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
IsInIPv6SubnetAn execution policy rule that encapsulates a test of type IPv6 is in Subnet string.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
J2EEDemoInstances of this class encapsulate a simple call to the JPPF resource adapter.Classorg.jppf.jca.demoJppf
JmxAppenderAn appender that delegates message appending to a JmxLogger.Classorg.jppf.logging.log4jJppf
JMXConnectionWrapperWrapper around a JMX connection, providing a thread-safe way of handling disconnections and recovery.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
JMXDriverConnectionWrapperNode-specific connection wrapper, implementing a user-friendly interface for the monitoring and management of the node.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
JmxHandlerA handler that prints log messages as JMX notifications.Classorg.jppf.logging.jdkJppf
JMXNodeConnectionWrapperNode-specific connection wrapper, implementing a user-friendly interface for the monitoring and management of the node.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
JMXWrapperEventEvent sent when a JMXConnectionWrapper is connected.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
JobInstanes of this class represent a job as seen by a driver.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobAwarenessBundler implementations should implement this interface if they wish to have access to a job's information.Interfaceorg.jppf.load.balancerJppf
JobAwarenessExBundler implementations should implement this interface if they wish to have access to a job's information.Interfaceorg.jppf.load.balancerJppf
JobClientSLAThis interface represents the Service Level Agreement between a JPPF job and a JPPF client.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
JobCommonSLAThis interface represents the Service Level Agreement between a JPPF job and a server.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
JobConfigurationThis interface defines the properties that can be provided to a task submitted by a JPPFExecutorService.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.concurrentJppf
JobDispatchThis class represents the dispatch of a job to a node.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobDriverAN instance of this class represents a JPPF driver in the jobs hierarchy.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobEventEvent emitted by a job when its execution starts or completes.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
JobEventTypeThis enum describes the types of events emitted by a JPPFJobManager.Classorg.jppf.jobJppf
JobInformationInstances of this class provide information about the state of a job being processed by a driver.Classorg.jppf.jobJppf
JobListenerListener interface for receiving job started and job ended event notifications.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
JobListenerAdapterA convenience class which allows subclassing and implementing only the needed methods of JobListener.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
JobMetadataInstances of this interface hold metadata about a job, that can be used from a driver or node extension or plugin.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
JobMonitorThis class provides a representation of the jobs and corresponding node dispatches executing in a JPPF grid.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobMonitoringEventThis class represents an event emitteed by a JobMonitor.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobMonitoringListenerListener interface for changes in the jobs of one or more drivers.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobMonitoringListenerAdapterA convenience class for subclasses that wish to subscribe to job monitoring events without having to implement all the methods of the JobMonitoringListener interface.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobMonitorUpdateModeenum JobMonitorUpdateModeEnumeration of the possible ways job updates are published as events by the job monitor.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobNotificationInstances of this class represent events emitted by a JPPFJobManager.Classorg.jppf.jobJppf
JobPersistenceInterface for facilities managing the persistence of jobs and their state.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.persistenceJppf
JobPersistenceExceptionException thrown when an error occurs during a job persistence operation.Classorg.jppf.client.persistenceJppf
JobResultsInstances of this class hold and manage the results of a job.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
JobReturnReasonenum JobReturnReasonEnumeration of the possible reasons why a set of tasks is returned by a node in a given state.Classorg.jppf.jobJppf
JobSelectorInterface used to select or filter jobs in a client, driver or node.Interfaceorg.jppf.jobJppf
JobSLAThis interface represents the Service Level Agreement between a JPPF job and a server.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
JobStatusThe status of a job.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
JobStatusEventInstances of this class represent a status change notification for a jppf job.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
JobStatusListenerListener interface for receiving job status change notifications.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
JobTasksEventInstances of this class encapsulate information on job dispatches to nodes.Classorg.jppf.jobJppf
JobTasksListenerListener interface for classes that wish to receive notifications of job tasks dispatched or returned in the driver.Interfaceorg.jppf.jobJppf
JobTasksListenerManager of job tasks listeners and notify these listeners of job tasks events.Interfaceorg.jppf.jobJppf
JobUuidSelectorA job selector which accepts all jobs whose uuids are in the set specified in one of its constructors.Classorg.jppf.jobJppf
JPPFAdminConsoleThis class provides an API to launch the JPPF admininstration console and to embed it within an external GUI application.Classorg.jppf.ui.consoleJppf
JPPFAdminMBeanManagement interface for the administration of a JPPF component, driver or node.Interfaceorg.jppf.managementJppf
JPPFAnnotatedTaskJPPF task wrapper for an object whose class is annotated with JPPFRunnable.Classorg.jppf.client.taskwrapperJppf
JPPFBundlerProviderInterface for all load-balancing algorithm providers.Interfaceorg.jppf.load.balancer.spiJppf
JPPFCallableA serializable extension of the Callable interface.Interfaceorg.jppf.utilsJppf
JPPFClassLoaderJPPF class loader implementation for remote standalone nodes.Classorg.jppf.classloaderJppf
JPPFClientThis class provides an API to submit execution requests and administration commands, and request server information data.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
JPPFClientConnectionInterface for a client connection to a JPPF driver.Interfaceorg.jppf.clientJppf
JPPFClientConnectionStatusenum JPPFClientConnectionStatusStatus of the connection between a client and a driver.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
JPPFClientStartupSPIThis interface class represents objects that are run at client startup time.Interfaceorg.jppf.startupJppf
JPPFCompletionServiceA CompletionService which works specifically with JPPFExecutorServices.Classorg.jppf.client.concurrentJppf
JPPFConfigurationUtility class for loading and accessing the JPPF configuration properties.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
JPPFConfiguration .ConfigurationSource WARNING: not shown in the interface but also required: implementations must have a public no-arg constructor.Interfaceorg.jppf.utilsJppf
JPPFConfiguration .ConfigurationSourceReader WARNING: not shown in the interface but also required: implementations must have a public no-arg constructor.Interfaceorg.jppf.utilsJppf
JPPFConnectionInterface for JPPF JCA connections.Interfaceorg.jppf.jca.cciJppf
JPPFConnectionFactory the JPPF resource adapter.Classorg.jppf.jca.cciJppf
JPPFConnectionPoolInstances of this class manage a list of client connections with the same pool name, priority and remote driver.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
JPPFContextBundler implementations should use this context if they wish to have access to execution context.Classorg.jppf.load.balancerJppf
JPPFContextClientContext associated with a client.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
JPPFContextDriverContext associated with a driver.Classorg.jppf.serverJppf
JPPFCsvFileConnectionStrategyThis implementation of DriverConnectionStrategy reads a list of drivers from a CSV file where each line has the following format:Classorg.jppf.node.connectionJppf
JPPFDefaultConnectionStrategyThis implementation of DriverConnectionStrategy is the JPPF default and produces DriverConnectionInfo instances based solely on the JPPF configuration.Classorg.jppf.node.connectionJppf
JPPFDriverThis class serves as an initializer for the entire JPPF server.Classorg.jppf.serverJppf
JPPFDriverAdminMBeanMBean interface for the management of a JPPF driver.Interfaceorg.jppf.managementJppf
JPPFDriverAdminMBeanStaticProxyGenerated static proxy for the JPPFDriverAdminMBean MBean
JPPFDriverConnectionInfoA default implementation for the DriverConnectionInfo interface.Classorg.jppf.node.connectionJppf
JPPFDriverMBeanProviderService provider interface for pluggable management beans for JPPF
JPPFDriverStartupSPIThis interface class represents objects that are run at server startup time.Interfaceorg.jppf.startupJppf
JPPFErrorClass of JPPF-specific error that may be caught in special cases.Classorg.jppfJppf
JPPFExceptionClass of exceptions for JPPF-specific exceptions.Classorg.jppfJppf
JPPFExceptionResultInstances of this class are used to signal that a task could not be sent back by the node to the server.Classorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
JPPFExecutorService This executor has two modes in which it functions: 1) Standard mode: in this mode each task or set of tasks submitted via one of theClassorg.jppf.client.concurrentJppf
JPPFHelperUtility class for obtaining and releasing Resource adapter connections.Classorg.jppf.jca.demoJppf
JPPFJobInstances of this class represent a JPPF job and hold all the required elements: tasks, execution policy, task listener, data provider, priority, blocking indicator.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
JPPFLocalClassLoaderJPPF class loader implementation for nodes running within the same JVM as the JPPF server (local nodes).Classorg.jppf.classloaderJppf
JPPFLogFormatterFormats log records in format [yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss.Classorg.jppf.logging.jdkJppf
JPPFManagementInfoInstances of this class encapsulate the information required to access the JMX server of a node.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
JPPFMBeanProviderService provider interface for pluggable management
JPPFMBeanProviderManagerInstances of this class manage all management plugins defined through the Service Provider
JPPFNodeInstances of this class encapsulate execution nodes.Classorg.jppf.server.nodeJppf
JPPFNodeAdminMBeanExposed interface of the JPPF node management bean.Interfaceorg.jppf.managementJppf
JPPFNodeAdminMBeanStaticProxyGenerated static proxy for the JPPFNodeAdminMBean MBean
JPPFNodeConnectionNotifierMBeanThis MBean provides notifications of nodes connecting to, or disconnecting from a JPPF driver.Interfaceorg.jppf.managementJppf
JPPFNodeConnectionNotifierMBeanStaticProxyGenerated static proxy for the JPPFNodeConnectionNotifierMBean MBean
JPPFNodeForwardingMBeanMBean interface for forwarding node management requests and monitoring notfications via the
JPPFNodeForwardingMBeanStaticProxyGenerated static proxy for the JPPFNodeForwardingMBean MBean
JPPFNodeForwardingNotificationInstances of this notification class wrap any JMX notification received from a
JPPFNodeMaintenanceMBeanMBean interface for various maintenance operations on the nodes.Interfaceorg.jppf.managementJppf
JPPFNodeMaintenanceMBeanStaticProxyGenerated static proxy for the JPPFNodeMaintenanceMBean MBean
JPPFNodeMBeanProviderService provider interface for pluggable management beans for JPPF
JPPFNodeProvisioningMBeanProvides an interface for "master" nodes, giving them the ability to start, stop and monitor "slave" nodes on the same machine.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.provisioningJppf
JPPFNodeProvisioningMBeanStaticProxyGenerated static proxy for the JPPFNodeProvisioningMBean MBean
JPPFNodeStartupSPIThis interface represents objects that are run at node startup time.Interfaceorg.jppf.startupJppf
JPPFNodeStateInstances of this class represent the state of a node.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
JPPFNodeState .ConnectionStateThe node is connected.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
JPPFNodeState .ExecutionStateThe node is disconnected.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
JPPFNodeTaskMonitorMBeanMBean interface for task-level monitoring on each node.Interfaceorg.jppf.managementJppf
JPPFNodeTaskMonitorMBeanStaticProxyGenerated static proxy for the JPPFNodeTaskMonitorMBean MBean
JPPFObjectInputStream they implement Serializable or not.Classorg.jppf.serializationJppf
JPPFObjectOutputStream they implement Serializable or not.Classorg.jppf.serializationJppf
JPPFRunnableAnnotation to determine which method in a class is the task's main method.Classorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
JPPFRuntimeExceptionClass of exceptions for JPPF-specific exceptions.Classorg.jppfJppf
JPPFScheduleInstances of this class contain data used to setup a schedule.Classorg.jppf.schedulingJppf
JPPFScreenSaverThis is the interface to implement for any custom implementation of a screen saver associated with a JPPF node.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.screensaverJppf
JPPFScreenSaverImplA built-in screen saver implementation.Classorg.jppf.node.screensaver.implJppf
JPPFSerializationInterface and factory for object serialization and deserialization schemes in JPPF.Interfaceorg.jppf.serializationJppf
JPPFSerialization .FactoryFactory class for instantiating a default or configured serialization.Classorg.jppf.serializationJppf
JPPFSnapshotConvenience class for collecting time or size statistics.Interfaceorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
JPPFSnapshot .LabelBasedFilterBase class for filters including or excluding snpashots based on a provided set of labels.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
JPPFSnapshot .LabelExcludingFilterFilter excluding snpashots based on a provided set of labels.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
JPPFSnapshot .LabelIncludingFilterFilter including snpashots based on a provided set of labels.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
JPPFStartupCommon super interface for node and server startup SPI interfaces.Interfaceorg.jppf.startupJppf
JPPFStatisticsInstances of this class hold statistics snapshots.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
JPPFStatistics .FilterA filter interface for snapshots.Interfaceorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
JPPFStatisticsHelperThis helper class holds the constants definitions for the labels of the statistics snapshots used in JPPF, along with utility methods.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
JPPFSystemInformationThis class encapsulates the system information for a node.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
JPPFTaskThis class is kept for compatibility with existing user installations which make use of it, as we understand there are quite a few that still do.Classorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
JPPFTaskCallbackInstances of this class are intended to be delegates for the Task.Classorg.jppf.client.taskwrapperJppf
JPPFUnsupportedOperationExceptionException raised to indicate that a call to a JPPF method is not supported.Classorg.jppfJppf
JPPFUuidInstances of this class serve as unique identifiers for messages sent to and from remote execution services.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
LessThanAn execution policy rule that encapsulates a test of type property_value < value.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
LinkedListSortedMapA sorted map whose values are linked lists of a given component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
LoadBalancingInformationInformation on the load-balancing algorithm currently setup in the driver.Classorg.jppf.load.balancerJppf
LoadBalancingProfileThis interface defines the set of parameters used by a load-balancing algorithm.Interfaceorg.jppf.load.balancerJppf
LocationAbstraction of a block of data no matter how its actual location is referred to.Interfaceorg.jppf.locationJppf
LocationEventInstances of this class represent events occurring when performing I/O operations between Location instances.Classorg.jppf.locationJppf
LocationEventListenerListener for events occurring with Location objects.Interfaceorg.jppf.locationJppf
LockInformationInformation about a lock found in a ThreadInfo
MemoryInformationInstances of this class hold memory usage
MemoryLocationWrapper fro manipulating a block of data in memory.Classorg.jppf.locationJppf
MemoryUsageInformationA Serializable implementation of
MetadataA generic dictionary of metadata.Interfaceorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
MetadataImplAn implementation of the Metadata interface backed by a Hashtable.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
MoreThanAn execution policy rule that encapsulates a test of type property_value > value.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
MutableReferenceHolds a mutable object reference witho no locking or synchronization mechanism.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
MyConnectionStrategyThis implementation of DriverConnectionStrategy reads a list of drivers from a CSV file where each line has the following format:Classorg.jppf.node.connectionJppf
NodeInterface for a node that provides information about its activity.Interfaceorg.jppf.nodeJppf
NodeAwarenessBundler implementations should implement this interface if they wish to have access to a node's configuration.Interfaceorg.jppf.load.balancerJppf
NodeConnectionEventEvent emitted when a node connects to or disconnects from the server.Classorg.jppf.server.eventJppf
NodeConnectionListenerInterface for classes that wish to be notified of node connection events.Interfaceorg.jppf.server.eventJppf
NodeDiagnosticsMBeanStaticProxyGenerated static proxy for the DiagnosticsMBean MBean
NodeIntegrationThis interface groups two other interfaces, from which an external can receive notifications from the node.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.eventJppf
NodeIntegrationThis interface groups two other interfaces, from which the screen saver can receive notifications from the node.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.screensaverJppf
NodeIntegrationAdapterAn abstract adapter class for receiving node events.Classorg.jppf.node.eventJppf
NodeIntegrationAdapterAn abstract adapter class for receiving node events.Classorg.jppf.node.screensaverJppf
NodeJobInformationInstances of this cass hold temporary information about a sub-job and the nodes it was dispatched toSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.jppf.server.job.managementJppf
NodeLifeCycleErrorHandlerInterface for handling uncaught throwables raised when executing one of the methods of NodeLifeCycleListener.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.eventJppf
NodeLifeCycleEventInstances of this class represent node life cycle events.Classorg.jppf.node.eventJppf
NodeLifeCycleEventTypeenum NodeLifeCycleEventTypeA type safe enumeration of all possible types of node life cycle events.Classorg.jppf.node.eventJppf
NodeLifeCycleListenerInterface for all listeners to the node's life cycle events.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.eventJppf
NodeLifeCycleListenerAdapterConvenience class that can be used when not all methods of NodeLifeCycleListener need to be implemented.Classorg.jppf.node.eventJppf
NodePanelThis class displays the connection status, execution status and number of tasks for a node.Classorg.jppf.node.screensaver.implJppf
NodePendingActionenum NodePendingActionAn enumeration of the possible pending actions for a node, set via one of theClassorg.jppf.managementJppf
NodeProvisioningConstantsThis class contains constant definitions for the names of the properties used for node provisioning.Classorg.jppf.node.provisioningJppf
NodeRunnerBootstrap class for launching a JPPF node.Classorg.jppf.nodeJppf
NodeSelectorMarker interface for selecting nodes when using the JPPFNodeForwardingMBean methods.Interfaceorg.jppf.managementJppf
NodeSelector .AllNodesSelectorClassorg.jppf.managementJppf
NodeSelector .ExecutionPolicySelectorSelects nodes based on an ExecutionPolicy.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
NodeSelector .UuidSelectorSelects nodes based on their uuids.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
NodeStateInstances of this class represent information about a node.Classorg.jppf.node.screensaver.implJppf
NonCumulativeSnapshotIn this implementation, getLatest() is computed as the average of the latest set of values that were added, or the latest value if only one was added.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
NotifyingInputStreamInput stream that delegates read and skip operations to an underlying stream, and sends notifications of how many bytes were read or skipped via a callback.Classorg.jppf.utils.streamsJppf
NotifyingOutputStreamOutput stream that delegates write operations to an underlying stream, and sends notifications of how many bytes were written via a callback.Classorg.jppf.utils.streamsJppf
NotifyingStreamCallbackThis interface defines a callback used by notifying streams to provide notifications of the bytes read, written or skipped.Interfaceorg.jppf.utils.streamsJppf
ObjectPoolInterface for oject pools.Interfaceorg.jppf.utils.poolingJppf
OperatorEnumeration of the possible boolean operators that can be used as a condition on the number of connections in a connection pool.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
OutputRedirectHookThis initialization redirects the dirver's or node's stdout and stderr to specified files.Classorg.jppf.node.initializationJppf
PairUtility class holding a pair of references to two objects.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
PatternConfigurationInstances of this class represent the configuration parameters for a specific IP address pattern implementation.Classorg.jppf.netJppf
PeerDriverMBeanStaticProxyGenerated static proxy for the PeerDriverMBean MBean
PluggableViewThis is the interface for user-defined view added to the administration console.Classorg.jppf.ui.pluginJppf
PolicyBuilderInstances of this class build an execution policy graph, based on a policy descriptor parsed from an XML document.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
PolicyContextInstances of this class provide contextual information to execution policies.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
PolicyDescriptorIntermediary data structure generated by the xml parser that makes the actual building of an execution policy easier.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
PolicyParserThis class is a parser for XML Execution Policy documents.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
PolicyRuleTestSimple test of an execution policy.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
PreferenceA policy which evaluates a set of policies ordered by preference.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
ProcessCommandsThis class holds the constant for actions handled by a LauncherListenerProtocolHandler.Classorg.jppf.processJppf
ProcessLauncherThis class is intended as a controller for a subprocess, to enable stopping and restarting it when requested.Classorg.jppf.processJppf
ProcessWrapperWrapper around an external process started with ProcessBuilder.Classorg.jppf.processJppf
ProcessWrapperEventInstances of this class encapsulate an event occurring when a process writes to its output or error stream.Classorg.jppf.processJppf
ProcessWrapperEventListenerListener interface for receiving event notifications from a process wrapper.Interfaceorg.jppf.processJppf
PropertiesTableFormatAbstract class for formatters that print the contents of a Properties object as a string.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
PropertyTypeEnumeration of possible properties types.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
RangeInstances of this class represent a range of values.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
RangePatternRepresents a pattern used for IP addresses inclusion or exclusion lists.Classorg.jppf.netJppf
ReflectionUtilsCollection of static utility methods for dealing with reflection-based APIs.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
RegExpAn execution policy rule that encapsulates a test of type property_value matches regular_expression.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
RegexUtilsThis class provides a set of utility methods for manipulating regular expressions.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
ScreenSaverMainMain entry point for starting the screen saver.Classorg.jppf.node.screensaverJppf
ScriptedJobSelectorA job selector that uses a script to accept jobs.Classorg.jppf.jobJppf
ScriptedPolicyA policy which executes an aribtrary script in its accepts() method.Classorg.jppf.node.policyJppf
ScriptedTaskA task implementation which executes a script in a specified JSR 223 (javax.Classorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
SerializationExceptionHookThis interface represents a hook invoked when the serialization of a task raises an exception.Interfaceorg.jppf.server.nodeJppf
ServerTaskInformationInstances of this class provide information about tasks that were dispatched to a node, at the time they are returned from the node.Classorg.jppf.jobJppf
SetHashMapA hash map whose values are sets of a specified component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
SetIdentityMapAn identity map whose values are sets of a specified component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
SetSortedMapA sorted map whose values are sets of a given component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
ShutdownRestartNodeProtocolHandlerThe protocol handler which executes commands sent to a slave node by its master node.Classorg.jppf.nodeJppf
SimpleNodeIntegrationThis is the default node events handler, used if none is provided by the
SimpleScreenSaverA built-in simple screen saver implementation.Classorg.jppf.node.screensaver.implJppf
SingleValueSnapshotInstances of this class simply accumulate the values provided via calls to SingleValueSnapshot.Classorg.jppf.utils.statsJppf
SoftReferenceValuesMapMap whose values are soft references.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
SortedSetSortedMapA sorted map whose values are sorted sets of a given component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
SSLConfigurationExceptionThis exception is thrown when a problem is detected while loading the SSL configuration.Classorg.jppf.sslJppf
StackFrameInformationnformation about a frame in a thread stack
StreamUtilsCollection of utility methods for manipulating streams.Classorg.jppf.utils.streamsJppf
StringUtilsThis class provides a set of utility methods for manipulating strings.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
SystemUtilsCollection of utility methods used as a convenience for retrieving JVM-level or System-level information.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
TaskInterface for all tasks submitted to the execution server.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.protocolJppf
TaskConfigurationThis interface defines the properties that can be provided to a task submitted by a JPPFExecutorService and that is not a Task instance.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.concurrentJppf
TaskExecutionEventInstances of this class represent events that occur during the life span of an individual JPPF task.Classorg.jppf.node.eventJppf
TaskExecutionListenerInterface for all classes that wish to listen to events occurring during the life span of individual JPPF tasks.Interfaceorg.jppf.node.eventJppf
TaskExecutionNotificationNotification sent to provide information about a task that was executed in a node.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
TaskInformationInstances of this class encapsulate runtime information on tasks executed by a node.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
TaskReturnEventInstances of this class encapsulate information on job dispatches to nodes.Classorg.jppf.jobJppf
TaskReturnListenerListener interface for classes that wish to listen to job return events in the driver.Interfaceorg.jppf.jobJppf
TaskReturnManager of task return listeners and notify these listeners of task return events.Interfaceorg.jppf.jobJppf
TexFileSplitterUtility class that splits a text file into smaller ones with the same number of lines.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
TextPropertiesTableFormatFormatter that print the contents of a Properties object as a plain-text string.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
TextThreadDumpWriterThis class prints a thread dump nicely formatted as plain text to a character
ThreadDumpThis class encapsulates a JVM thread dump, including dealocks information when
ThreadDumpWriterInterface for printing a
ThreadInformationInformation about a thread, including the stack trace and associated
ThumbnailGenerator .ImageAttributesClassorg.jppf.utilsJppf
TimeMarkerA simple utility class to measure the elapsed time between two points in the code.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
TopologyEventInstances of this class represent topology events, including addition/removal of a driver, addition/removal/update of a node and addition/removal of a peer driver connected as a node.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.topologyJppf
TopologyListenerListener interface for changes in the grid topology.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.monitoring.topologyJppf
TopologyListenerAdapterA convenience class for subclasses that wish to receive topology events without having to implement all the methods of the TopologyListener interface.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.topologyJppf
TopologyManagerInstances of this class discover and maintain a representation of a JPPF grid topology.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.topologyJppf
TopologyPeerInstances of this class represent peer drivers as nodes for the driver they are connected to.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.topologyJppf
TypedPropertiesExtension of the java.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
TypedProperties .FilterA filter for TypedProperties objects.Interfaceorg.jppf.utilsJppf
UnmodifiableTypedPropertiesThis class is an extension of TypedProperties which does not allow modifying the properties it contains.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
URLLocationWrapper for manipulating data from a URL.Classorg.jppf.locationJppf
UuidSelectorSelects nodes based on their uuids.Classorg.jppf.managementJppf
VectorHashtableA Hashtable whose values are Vector instances.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
VersionUtilsThis class provides a utility method to determine the JPPF build number available in the class path.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
VersionUtils .VersionDescribes the available version information.Classorg.jppf.utilsJppf
XstreamSerializationThis implementation uses the Xstream serialization library.Classorg.jppf.serializationJppf