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#Org.jppf.client Classes and Interfaces - 64 results found.
AbstractClientConnectionHandlerCommon abstract superclass for client connections to a server.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
AbstractComponentBase superclass for components of a JPPF grid topology.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoringJppf
AbstractConnectionPoolAn abstract implementation of the ConnectionPool interface.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
AbstractGenericClientThis class provides an API to submit execution requests and administration commands, and request server information data.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
AbstractJobComponentBase superclass for components of a JPPF job hierarchy.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
AbstractJPPFClientThis class provides an API to submit execution requests and administration commands, and request server information data.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
AbstractJPPFJobInstances of this class represent a JPPF job and hold all the required elements: tasks, execution policy, task listener, data provider, priority, blocking indicator.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
AbstractJPPFJobStreamInstances of this class provide a stream of JPPF jobs.Classorg.jppf.client.utilsJppf
AbstractTopologyComponentBase superclass for components of a JPPF grid topology.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.topologyJppf
ClientConnectionStatusEventEvent sent to notify of a status change for a client connection.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ClientConnectionStatusHandlerInterface implemented by all classes that desire to handle a connection status and notify others about status changes.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ClientConnectionStatusListenerInstances of this class listen to status change events on client connections.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ClientEventInstances of this class are events sent to notify interested listeners that a new connection to a JPPF driver was created.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ClientListenerListener interface for receiving notifications when a new connection to a server is established and when an existing connections fails and is removed from the client.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ClientQueueEventInstances of this class represent events emitted by the JPPF client job queue whenever a job is added to or removed from the queue.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ClientQueueListenerInterface for classes that wish to be notified of jobs added to or removed from the job queue.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ClientQueueListenerAdapterClient queue listener adapter, providing no-op implementations of the ClientQueueListener interface methods.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ConnectionPoolInterface for pools of connections with a maximum size which can be dynamically updated.Interfaceorg.jppf.clientJppf
ConnectionPoolEventInstances of this class represent events in a JPPFConnectionPool's life cycle.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ConnectionPoolFilterInterface for filtering connection pools.Interfaceorg.jppf.clientJppf
ConnectionPoolListenerBase interface for classes wishing to be notified of connection pool events.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
ConnectionPoolListenerAdapterThis adapter class provides an empty implementation of each method in the ConnectionPoolListener interface.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
DataProviderHolderThis interface must be implemented by tasks that are not implementations of Task when they need access to the job's DataProvider.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.taskwrapperJppf
DefaultFilePersistenceManagerThis implementation of JobPersistence stores jobs on the file system using Java serialization to a file for each job, and uses the jobs uuids as keys to retrieve them.Classorg.jppf.client.persistenceJppf
ExecutorServiceConfigurationInterface for the configuration properties of a JPPFExecutorService.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.concurrentJppf
JobInstanes of this class represent a job as seen by a driver.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobConfigurationThis interface defines the properties that can be provided to a task submitted by a JPPFExecutorService.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.concurrentJppf
JobDispatchThis class represents the dispatch of a job to a node.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobDriverAN instance of this class represents a JPPF driver in the jobs hierarchy.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobEventEvent emitted by a job when its execution starts or completes.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
JobListenerListener interface for receiving job started and job ended event notifications.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
JobListenerAdapterA convenience class which allows subclassing and implementing only the needed methods of JobListener.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
JobMonitorThis class provides a representation of the jobs and corresponding node dispatches executing in a JPPF grid.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobMonitoringEventThis class represents an event emitteed by a JobMonitor.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobMonitoringListenerListener interface for changes in the jobs of one or more drivers.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobMonitoringListenerAdapterA convenience class for subclasses that wish to subscribe to job monitoring events without having to implement all the methods of the JobMonitoringListener interface.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobMonitorUpdateModeenum JobMonitorUpdateModeEnumeration of the possible ways job updates are published as events by the job monitor.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.jobsJppf
JobPersistenceInterface for facilities managing the persistence of jobs and their state.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.persistenceJppf
JobPersistenceExceptionException thrown when an error occurs during a job persistence operation.Classorg.jppf.client.persistenceJppf
JobResultsInstances of this class hold and manage the results of a job.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
JobStatusThe status of a job.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
JobStatusEventInstances of this class represent a status change notification for a jppf job.Classorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
JobStatusListenerListener interface for receiving job status change notifications.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.eventJppf
JPPFAnnotatedTaskJPPF task wrapper for an object whose class is annotated with JPPFRunnable.Classorg.jppf.client.taskwrapperJppf
JPPFClientThis class provides an API to submit execution requests and administration commands, and request server information data.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
JPPFClientConnectionInterface for a client connection to a JPPF driver.Interfaceorg.jppf.clientJppf
JPPFClientConnectionStatusenum JPPFClientConnectionStatusStatus of the connection between a client and a driver.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
JPPFCompletionServiceA CompletionService which works specifically with JPPFExecutorServices.Classorg.jppf.client.concurrentJppf
JPPFConnectionPoolInstances of this class manage a list of client connections with the same pool name, priority and remote driver.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
JPPFContextClientContext associated with a client.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
JPPFExecutorService This executor has two modes in which it functions: 1) Standard mode: in this mode each task or set of tasks submitted via one of theClassorg.jppf.client.concurrentJppf
JPPFJobInstances of this class represent a JPPF job and hold all the required elements: tasks, execution policy, task listener, data provider, priority, blocking indicator.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
JPPFTaskCallbackInstances of this class are intended to be delegates for the Task.Classorg.jppf.client.taskwrapperJppf
OperatorEnumeration of the possible boolean operators that can be used as a condition on the number of connections in a connection pool.Classorg.jppf.clientJppf
TaskConfigurationThis interface defines the properties that can be provided to a task submitted by a JPPFExecutorService and that is not a Task instance.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.concurrentJppf
TopologyEventInstances of this class represent topology events, including addition/removal of a driver, addition/removal/update of a node and addition/removal of a peer driver connected as a node.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.topologyJppf
TopologyListenerListener interface for changes in the grid topology.Interfaceorg.jppf.client.monitoring.topologyJppf
TopologyListenerAdapterA convenience class for subclasses that wish to receive topology events without having to implement all the methods of the TopologyListener interface.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.topologyJppf
TopologyManagerInstances of this class discover and maintain a representation of a JPPF grid topology.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.topologyJppf
TopologyPeerInstances of this class represent peer drivers as nodes for the driver they are connected to.Classorg.jppf.client.monitoring.topologyJppf