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#Org.jppf.utils.collections Classes and Interfaces - 20 results found.
AbstractCollectionConcurrentMapA ConcurrentHashMap whose values are Collection instances (specialized in concrete subclasses).Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
AbstractCollectionHashtableA Hashtable whose values are Collection instances (specialized in concrete subclasses).Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
AbstractCollectionMapA map whose values are collections of a given component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
AbstractCollectionSortedMapA sorted map whose values are sets of a given component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
ArrayListHashMapA HashMap whose values are ArrayLists of a given component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
CollectionMapInterface for maps whose values are collections of a given component type.Interfaceorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
CollectionUtilsThis class provides a set of utility methods for manipulating and converting collections and arrays.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
ConcurrentHashSetA concurrent et implementation backed by a ConcurrentHashMap.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
CopyOnWriteListConcurrentMapA ConcurrentHashMap whose values are CopyOnWriteArrayList instances.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
EnumSetEnumMapA map whose keys and values are elements of an enum type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
LinkedListSortedMapA sorted map whose values are linked lists of a given component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
MetadataA generic dictionary of metadata.Interfaceorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
MetadataImplAn implementation of the Metadata interface backed by a Hashtable.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
SetHashMapA hash map whose values are sets of a specified component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
SetIdentityMapAn identity map whose values are sets of a specified component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
SetSortedMapA sorted map whose values are sets of a given component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
SoftReferenceValuesMapMap whose values are soft references.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
SortedSetSortedMapA sorted map whose values are sorted sets of a given component type.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf
VectorHashtableA Hashtable whose values are Vector instances.Classorg.jppf.utils.collectionsJppf