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#Org.jscience.computing.distributed Classes and Interfaces - 11 results found.
ClientRecordObject representing a client connected to an Interactive Task Server.Classorg.jscience.computing.distributed.serverJScience
FineGrainedInteractiveTasksProvides an abstraction to run many interactive tasks concurrently so that if one stops before others it can be replaced by a new task.Classorg.jscience.computing.distributed.serverJScience
InteractiveTaskClientThis is a generic client that will connect to an InteractiveTaskServer, download its task, run it and perform interaction with the server at regular intervals.Classorg.jscience.computing.distributed.clientJScience
InteractiveTaskServer Remote interface for clients to connect to a server managing interactive tasks.Interfaceorg.jscience.computing.distributedJScience
MultiInteractiveTaskThis allows many InteractiveTasks to be bundled togather as one All tasks will be started simultaneously and the task as a whole will onlyClassorg.jscience.computing.distributed.serverJScience
MultiServerDaemon MultiServerDaemon allocates multiple clients between multiple servers in real-time.Classorg.jscience.computing.distributed.serverJScience
ServerRecordRecord representing an InteractiveTaskServer.Classorg.jscience.computing.distributed.serverJScience
SingleServerWrapperThis wrapper simplifies the process of making your own server.Classorg.jscience.computing.distributed.serverJScience
TaskA Task represents a single task that takes a paramater when it starts and returns a value when it terminates, both can be vectors.Interfaceorg.jscience.computing.distributedJScience