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#Org.neuroph.util.benchmark Classes and Interfaces - 6 results found.
BenchmarkThis class is main benchmark driver.Classorg.neuroph.util.benchmarkNeuroph
BenchmarkSampleThis is an example how to use Neuroph microbenchmarking frameworkAuthor:Zoran Sevarac Classorg.neuroph.util.benchmarkNeuroph
BenchmarkTaskThis class is an abstract base class for specific microbenchmarking tasksAuthor:Zoran Sevarac Classorg.neuroph.util.benchmarkNeuroph
BenchmarkTaskResultsThis class holds benchmarking results, elapsed times for all iterations and various statistics min, max, avg times and standard deviationClassorg.neuroph.util.benchmarkNeuroph
MyBenchmarkTaskThis class is example of custom benchmarking task for Multi Layer Perceptorn network Note that this benchmark only measures the speed at implementation level - theClassorg.neuroph.util.benchmarkNeuroph
StopwatchA class to help benchmark code, it simulates a real stop watch.Classorg.neuroph.util.benchmarkNeuroph