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#Org.opengis.util Classes and Interfaces - 34 results found.
CloneableIndicates that it is legal to make a field-for-field copy of instances of implementing classes.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
CodeListBase class for all code lists.Classorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
GenericNameA sequence of identifiers rooted within the context of a namespace.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
InternationalStringA string that has been internationalized into several locales.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
LocalNameIdentifier within a name space for a local object.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
MemberNameThe name to identify a member of a record.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
NameFactoryFactory for generic names and international strings.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
NameSpaceA domain in which names given by character strings are defined.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
NoSuchEnumerationExceptionException that is thrown when an invalid enumeration lookup is performed in the SimpleEnumerationType class.Classorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
ProgressListenerMonitor the progress of some lengthly operation, and allows cancelation.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
RecordA list of logically related elements as (name, value) pairs in a dictionary.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
RecordSchemaA collection of record types.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
RecordTypeThe type definition of a record.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
ScopedNameA composite of a local name (as head) for locating another name space, and a generic name (asInterfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
SimpleEnumerationTypeClass that implements simple, type safe enumerations in Java.Classorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
TypeNameThe name of an attribute type.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
UnlimitedIntegerAn integer with associated infinite flag.Classorg.opengis.utilGeoTools
CodeListBase class for all code lists.Classorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
CodeList .FilterUsed by CodeList.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
FactoryBase interface for all factories.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
FactoryExceptionThrown when a factory can't create an instance of the requested object.Classorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
GenericNameA sequence of identifiers rooted within the context of a namespace.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
InternationalStringA string that has been internationalized into several locales.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
LocalNameIdentifier within a name space for a local object.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
MemberNameThe name to identify a member of a record.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
NameFactoryFactory for generic names and international strings.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
NameSpaceA domain in which names given by character strings are defined.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
NoSuchIdentifierExceptionThrown when an identifier provided to a factory method can not be found.Classorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
RecordA list of logically related elements as (name, value) pairs in a dictionary.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
RecordSchemaA collection of record types.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
RecordTypeThe type definition of a record.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
ScopedNameA composite of a local name (as head) for locating another name space, and a generic name (asInterfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
TypeThe type definition.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoApi
TypeNameThe name of an attribute type.Interfaceorg.opengis.utilGeoApi