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#Org.openscience.cdk.formula.rules Classes and Interfaces - 10 results found.
ChargeRuleThis class validate if the charge in the IMolecularFormula correspond with a specific value.Classorg.openscience.cdk.formula.rulesCDK
ElementRuleThis class validate if the occurrence of the IElements in the IMolecularFormula are into a limits.Classorg.openscience.cdk.formula.rulesCDK
IRuleInterface which groups all method that validate a IMolecularFormula.Interfaceorg.openscience.cdk.formula.rulesCDK
IsotopePatternRuleThis class validate if the Isotope Pattern from a given IMolecularFormula correspond with other to compare.Classorg.openscience.cdk.formula.rulesCDK
MMElementRuleThis class validate if the occurrence of the IElements in the IMolecularFormula, for metabolites, are into a maximal limit according paper: .Classorg.openscience.cdk.formula.rulesCDK
MMElementRule .DatabaseA enumeration of the possible databases according the rulesClassorg.openscience.cdk.formula.rulesCDK
MMElementRule .RangeMassA enumeration of the possible mass range according the rulesClassorg.openscience.cdk.formula.rulesCDK
NitrogenRuleThis class validate if the rule of nitrogen is kept.Classorg.openscience.cdk.formula.rulesCDK
RDBERuleRing Double Bond Equivalents (RDBE) or Double Bond Equivalents (DBE) are calculated from valence values of Classorg.openscience.cdk.formula.rulesCDK
ToleranceRangeRuleThis class validate if the mass from an IMolecularFormula is between the tolerance range give a experimental mass.Classorg.openscience.cdk.formula.rulesCDK