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#Org.openscience.cdk.geometry Classes and Interfaces - 22 results found.
AtomToolsA set of static utility classes for geometric calculations on Atoms.Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometryCDK
BondToolsA set of static utility classes for geometric calculations on IBonds.Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometryCDK
CIPLigandRuleCompares to ILigands based on CIP sequences sub rules.Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometry.cip.rulesCDK
CIPToolTool to help determine the R,S and stereochemistry definitions of a subset of the CIP rules .Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometry.cipCDK
CIPTool .CIP_CHIRALITYClassorg.openscience.cdk.geometry.cipCDK
CrystalGeometryToolsA set of static methods for working with crystal coordinates.Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometryCDK
GeometryToolsA set of static utility classes for geometric calculations and operations.Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometryCDK
ILigandConcept of a ligand in CIP terms, reflecting a side chain of a central atom that can have precedence over another.Interfaceorg.openscience.cdk.geometry.cipCDK
ImplicitHydrogenLigandSubclass of Ligand to which no further recursion must be applied.Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometry.cipCDK
IRDFWeightFunctionWeight function used in the RDFCalculator.Interfaceorg.openscience.cdk.geometryCDK
ISequenceSubRuleSequence sub rule used in the CIP method to decide which of the two ligands takes precedence .Interfaceorg.openscience.cdk.geometry.cip.rulesCDK
KabschAlignmentAligns two structures to minimize the RMSD using the Kabsch algorithm.Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometry.alignmentCDK
LigandConcept of a ligand in CIP terms, reflecting a side chain of a central atom that can have precedence over another.Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometry.cipCDK
NeighborListCreates a list of atoms neighboring each atom in the molecule.Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometry.surfaceCDK
NumericalSurfaceA class representing the solvent acessible surface area surface of a molecule.Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometry.surfaceCDK
ProjectorTool to make projections from 3D to 2DKeywords:projection in 2DClassorg.openscience.cdk.geometryCDK
RDFCalculatorCalculator of radial distribution functions.Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometryCDK
TessellatePerforms a tessellation of the unit sphere.Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometry.surfaceCDK
TriangleRepresentation of a triangle in 3D.Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometry.surfaceCDK
VABCVolumeCalculates the Van der Waals volume using the method proposed in .Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometry.volumeCDK
VisitedAtomsHelper class for the CIPTool to keep track of which atoms have already been visited.Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometry.cipCDK
ZMatrixToolsA set of static utility classes for dealing with Z matrices.Classorg.openscience.cdk.geometryCDK