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#Org.quartz Classes and Interfaces - 273 results found.
AbstractTrigger The base abstract class to be extended by all Triggers.Classorg.quartz.impl.triggersQuartz
AndMatcherMatches using an AND operator on two Matcher operands.Classorg.quartz.impl.matchersQuartz
AnnualCalendar This implementation of the Calendar excludes a set of days of the year.Classorg.quartz.impl.calendarQuartz
AttributeRestoringConnectionInvocationHandler Protects a Connection's attributes from being permanently modfied.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
BaseCalendar This implementation of the Calendar may be used (you don't have to) as a base class for more sophisticated one's.Classorg.quartz.impl.calendarQuartz
BroadcastJobListenerHolds a List of references to JobListener instances and broadcasts all events to them (in order).Classorg.quartz.listenersQuartz
BroadcastSchedulerListenerHolds a List of references to SchedulerListener instances and broadcasts all events to them (in order).Classorg.quartz.listenersQuartz
BroadcastTriggerListenerHolds a List of references to TriggerListener instances and broadcasts all events to them (in order).Classorg.quartz.listenersQuartz
CalendarAn interface to be implemented by objects that define spaces of time during which an associated Trigger may (not) fire.Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
CalendarIntervalScheduleBuilderCalendarIntervalScheduleBuilder is a ScheduleBuilder that defines calendar time (day, week, month, year) interval-based Classorg.quartzQuartz
CalendarIntervalTriggerA concrete Trigger that is used to fire a JobDetail based upon repeating calendar time intervals.Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
CalendarIntervalTriggerImplA concrete Trigger that is used to fire a JobDetail based upon repeating calendar time intervals.Classorg.quartz.impl.triggersQuartz
CalendarIntervalTriggerPersistenceDelegateNested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
CascadingClassLoadHelperA ClassLoadHelper uses all of the ClassLoadHelper types that are found in this package in its attempts to load a class, whenClassorg.quartz.simplQuartz
CircularLossyQueueAn implementation of a CircularQueue data-structure.Classorg.quartz.utilsQuartz
ClassLoadHelperAn interface for classes wishing to provide the service of loading classes and resources within the scheduler.Interfaceorg.quartz.spiQuartz
ClassUtilsConstructor SummaryClassUtils() Classorg.quartz.utilsQuartz
ConnectionProvider to provide connections from various sources.Interfaceorg.quartz.utilsQuartz
Constants This interface can be implemented by any DriverDelegate class that needs to use the constants contained herein.Interfaceorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
ConstraintA Constraint about the node on which a job will be executed A Constraint always needs a matching Evaluator typeInterfaceorg.quartz.locality.constraintQuartz
CounterConfigConfig for a simple CounterSince:1.Classorg.quartz.utils.counterQuartz
CounterImplA simple counter implementationSince:1.Classorg.quartz.utils.counterQuartz
CounterManagerA Counter Manager that accepts a config to create counters.Interfaceorg.quartz.utils.counterQuartz
CounterManagerImplAn implementation of a CounterManager.Classorg.quartz.utils.counterQuartz
CpuConstraintCpu based constraint for best node evaluationAuthor:Alex SnapsSee Also:CpuEvaluator, Classorg.quartz.locality.constraintQuartz
CpuConstraint .OperatorClassorg.quartz.locality.constraintQuartz
CpuEvaluatorNested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.Classorg.quartz.locality.constraint.evaluatorQuartz
CronCalendarThis implementation of the Calendar excludes the set of times expressed by a given CronExpression.Classorg.quartz.impl.calendarQuartz
CronExpressionProvides a parser and evaluator for unix-like cron expressions.Classorg.quartzQuartz
CronScheduleBuilderCronScheduleBuilder is a ScheduleBuilder that defines CronExpression-based schedules for Triggers.Classorg.quartzQuartz
CronTriggerThe public interface for inspecting settings specific to a CronTrigger, .Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
CronTriggerImpl A concrete Trigger that is used to fire a JobDetail at given moments in time, defined with Unix 'cron-like' definitions.Classorg.quartz.impl.triggersQuartz
CronTriggerPersistenceDelegateNested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
CUBRIDDelegate This is a driver delegate for the CUBRID JDBC driver.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
DailyCalendarThis implementation of the Calendar excludes (or includes - see below) a specified time range each day.Classorg.quartz.impl.calendarQuartz
DailyTimeIntervalScheduleBuilderA ScheduleBuilder implementation that build schedule for DailyTimeIntervalTrigger.Classorg.quartzQuartz
DailyTimeIntervalTriggerA Trigger that is used to fire a JobDetail based upon daily repeating time intervals.Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
DailyTimeIntervalTriggerImplA concrete implementation of DailyTimeIntervalTrigger that is used to fire a JobDetail based upon daily repeating time intervals.Classorg.quartz.impl.triggersQuartz
DailyTimeIntervalTriggerPersistenceDelegatePersist a DailyTimeIntervalTrigger by converting internal fields to and from SimplePropertiesTriggerProperties.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
DateBuilderDateBuilder is used to conveniently create java.Classorg.quartzQuartz
DateBuilder .IntervalUnitClassorg.quartzQuartz
DB2v6DelegateQuartz JDBC delegate for DB2 v6 databases.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
DB2v7DelegateQuartz JDBC delegate for DB2 v7 databases.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
DB2v8DelegateQuartz JDBC delegate for DB2 v8 databases.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
DBConnectionManager Manages a collection of ConnectionProviders, and provides transparent access to their connections.Classorg.quartz.utilsQuartz
DBSemaphoreBase class for database based lock handlers for providing thread/resource locking in order to protect resources from being altered by multiple threads at the Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
DefaultThreadExecutorSchedules work on a newly spawned thread.Classorg.quartz.implQuartz
DelegatingLocalityJobDetailWrapping a JobDetail instance while adding the LocalityAware contract All JobDetail method calls will be delegated to the wrapped JobDetail instanceClassorg.quartz.localityQuartz
DelegatingLocalityTriggerWrapping a Trigger instance while adding the LocalityAware contract All Trigger method calls will be delegated to the wrapped Trigger instanceClassorg.quartz.localityQuartz
DirectoryScanJobInspects a directory and compares whether any files' "last modified dates" have changed since the last time it was inspected.Classorg.quartz.jobsQuartz
DirectoryScanListenerInterface for objects wishing to receive a 'call-back' from a Instances should be stored in the SchedulerContext Interfaceorg.quartz.jobsQuartz
DirectSchedulerFactory A singleton implementation of SchedulerFactory.Classorg.quartz.implQuartz
DirtyFlagMap An implementation of Map that wraps another Map and flags itself 'dirty' when it is modified.Classorg.quartz.utilsQuartz
DisallowConcurrentExecutionAn annotation that marks a Job class as one that must not have multiple instances executed concurrently (where instance is based-upon a JobDetail Classorg.quartzQuartz
DriverDelegate This is the base interface for all driver delegate classes.Interfaceorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
EhcacheConstraintConstraints related the locality of Ehcache valuesAuthor:Alex SnapsSee Also:EhcacheEvaluator, Classorg.quartz.locality.constraintQuartz
EhcacheConstraint .OperatorClassorg.quartz.locality.constraintQuartz
EhcacheConstraint .ValueSee Also:Serialized FormConstructor SummaryEhcacheConstraint.Classorg.quartz.locality.constraintQuartz
EJB3InvokerJob A Job that invokes a method on an
EJBInvokerJob A Job that invokes a method on an
EvaluatorAn Evaluator will match and potentially return best suited nodes for a Job to execute on.Interfaceorg.quartz.locality.constraint.evaluatorQuartz
EvaluatorTimerTask .StatusClassorg.quartz.locality.constraint.evaluatorQuartz
EverythingMatcherMatches on the complete key being equal (both name and group).Classorg.quartz.impl.matchersQuartz
ExecuteInJTATransactionAn annotation that marks a Job class as one that will have its execution wrapped by a JTA Transaction.Classorg.quartzQuartz
FileScanJobInspects a file and compares whether it's "last modified date" has changed since the last time it was inspected.Classorg.quartz.jobsQuartz
FileScanListenerInterface for objects wishing to receive a 'call-back' from a Author:jhouseSee Also:FileScanJobInterfaceorg.quartz.jobsQuartz
FiredTriggerRecord Conveys the state of a fired-trigger record.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
GroupMatcherMatches on group (ignores name) property of Keys.Classorg.quartz.impl.matchersQuartz
HolidayCalendar This implementation of the Calendar stores a list of holidays (full days that are excluded from scheduling).Classorg.quartz.impl.calendarQuartz
HostnameInstanceIdGenerator InstanceIdGenerator that names the scheduler instance using just the machine hostname.Classorg.quartz.simplQuartz
HSQLDBDelegate This is a driver delegate for the HSQLDB database.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
InitThreadContextClassLoadHelperA ClassLoadHelper that uses either the context class loader of the thread that initialized Quartz.Classorg.quartz.simplQuartz
InstanceIdGenerator An InstanceIdGenerator is responsible for generating the clusterwide unique instance id for a Scheduler node.Interfaceorg.quartz.spiQuartz
InterruptableJobThe interface to be implemented by Jobs that provide a mechanism for having their execution interrupted.Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
InvalidConfigurationException Exception class for when a driver delegate cannot be found for a given configuration, or lack thereof.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
JBoss4RMIRemoteMBeanScheduler An implementation of the Scheduler interface that remotely proxies all method calls to the equivalent call on a given
JmsHelperUtility class that aids in the processing of JMS based jobs and sending ofAuthor:Fernando Ribeiro, Weston
JmsJobExceptionThe JmsJobException is used to indicate an error during sending of aAuthor:Fernando Ribeiro, Weston
JmsMessageFactoryThe JmsMessageFactory interface allows for the creation of a
JMXInvokerJobGeneric JMX invoker
JNDIConnectionProvider A ConnectionProvider that provides connections from a DataSource that is managed by an application server, and made available via JNDI.Classorg.quartz.utilsQuartz
Job The interface to be implemented by classes which represent a 'job' to be Instances of Job must have a publicInterfaceorg.quartzQuartz
JobBuilderJobBuilder is used to instantiate JobDetails.Classorg.quartzQuartz
JobChainingJobListenerKeeps a collection of mappings of which Job to trigger after the completion of a given job.Classorg.quartz.listenersQuartz
JobDataMapHolds state information for Job instances.Classorg.quartzQuartz
JobDetailConveys the detail properties of a given Job instance.Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
JobDetailImpl Conveys the detail properties of a given Job instance.Classorg.quartz.implQuartz
JobExecutionContextA context bundle containing handles to various environment information, that is given to a JobDetail instance as it isInterfaceorg.quartzQuartz
JobExecutionExceptionAn exception that can be thrown by a Job to indicate to the Quartz Scheduler that an errorClassorg.quartzQuartz
JobFactory A JobFactory is responsible for producing instances of Job This interface may be of use to those wishing to have their applicationInterfaceorg.quartz.spiQuartz
JobKeyUniquely identifies a JobDetail.Classorg.quartzQuartz
JobListenerThe interface to be implemented by classes that want to be informed when a JobDetail executes.Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
JobListenerSupportA helpful abstract base class for implementors of The methods in this class are empty so you only need to override the Classorg.quartz.listenersQuartz
JobPersistenceExceptionAn exception that is thrown to indicate that there has been a failure in the scheduler's underlying persistence mechanism.Classorg.quartzQuartz
JobRunShell JobRunShell instances are responsible for providing the 'safe' environment for Job s to run in, and for performing all of the work ofClassorg.quartz.coreQuartz
JobRunShellFactory Responsible for creating the instances of JobRunShell to be used within the QuartzScheduler instance.Interfaceorg.quartz.coreQuartz
JobStore The interface to be implemented by classes that want to provide a Job and Trigger storage mechanism for theInterfaceorg.quartz.spiQuartz
JobStoreCMT JobStoreCMT is meant to be used in an application-server environment that provides container-managed-transactions.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
JobStoreSupport Contains base functionality for JDBC-based JobStore implementations.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
JobStoreSupport .RecoverMisfiredJobsResultHelper class for returning the composite result of trying to recover misfired jobs.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
JobStoreSupport .TransactionCallback the a transaction template.Interfaceorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
JobStoreSupport .VoidTransactionCallback the a transaction template that has no return value.Interfaceorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
JobStoreTX JobStoreTX is meant to be used in a standalone environment.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
JTAAnnotationAwareJobRunShellFactory Responsible for creating the instances of a JobRunShell to be used within the
JTAJobRunShell An extension of JobRunShell that begins an XA transaction before executing the Job, and commits (
JTAJobRunShellFactory Responsible for creating the instances of JTAJobRunShell to be used within the
JTANonClusteredSemaphoreProvides in memory thread/resource locking that is JTA Transaction aware.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
Key Object representing a job or trigger key.Classorg.quartz.utilsQuartz
KeyMatcherMatches on the complete key being equal (both name and group).Classorg.quartz.impl.matchersQuartz
ListenerManagerClient programs may be interested in the 'listener' interfaces that are available from Quartz.Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
LoadingLoaderClassLoadHelperA ClassLoadHelper that uses either the loader of it's own class (this.Classorg.quartz.simplQuartz
LocalityAwareLocalityAware types can provide node specifications to potentially dispatch the instance to a particular node in the cluster.Interfaceorg.quartz.localityQuartz
LocalityExceptionException thrown when some Constraint cannot be handledAuthor:Alex SnapsSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.quartz.localityQuartz
LocalityJobBuilderBuilder for LocalityAware JobDetail instances.Classorg.quartz.localityQuartz
LocalityJobDetailA specialized JobDetail that contains Quartz Where informationAuthor:Alex SnapsSee Also:JobDetail, Interfaceorg.quartz.localityQuartz
LocalityTriggerA specialized Trigger that contains Quartz Where informationAuthor:Alex SnapsSee Also:Trigger, Interfaceorg.quartz.localityQuartz
LocalityTriggerBuilderBuilder for LocalityAware Triggers, which decorate the Trigger and adds the Locality feature to it, by adding a reference to a NodeSpec.Classorg.quartz.localityQuartz
LockException Exception class for when there is a failure obtaining or releasing aAuthor:James HouseSee Also:Semaphore, Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
LoggingJobHistoryPluginLogs a history of all job executions (and execution vetos) via the Jakarta Commons-Logging framework.Classorg.quartz.plugins.historyQuartz
LoggingTriggerHistoryPluginLogs a history of all trigger firings via the Jakarta Commons-Logging The logged message is customizable by setting one of the following messageClassorg.quartz.plugins.historyQuartz
ManagementRESTServiceConfigurationConfiguration class of management REST services.Classorg.quartz.managementQuartz
ManagementServerInterface implemented by management servers.Interfaceorg.quartz.managementQuartz
MatcherMatchers can be used in various Scheduler API methods to select the entities that should be operated upon.Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
MemoryConstraintConstraint on memory characteristics of the node to execute the Job onAuthor:Alex SnapsSee Also:MemoryEvaluator, Classorg.quartz.locality.constraintQuartz
MemoryConstraint .OperatorClassorg.quartz.locality.constraintQuartz
MemoryConstraint .UnitClassorg.quartz.locality.constraintQuartz
MonthlyCalendar This implementation of the Calendar excludes a set of days of the month.Classorg.quartz.impl.calendarQuartz
MSSQLDelegate This is a driver delegate for the MSSQL JDBC driver.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
MutableTriggerNested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.quartz.spiQuartz
NameMatcherMatches on name (ignores group) property of Keys.Classorg.quartz.impl.matchersQuartz
NativeJob Built in job for executing native executables in a separate process.Classorg.quartz.jobsQuartz
NodeGroupConstraintConstraint to have a Job execute on a specific node group.Classorg.quartz.locality.constraintQuartz
NodeGroupConstraint .OperatorClassorg.quartz.locality.constraintQuartz
NodeGroupEvaluatorEvaluator that matches job execution to particular nodes based on the Trigger and JobDetail groups they are in.Classorg.quartz.locality.constraint.evaluatorQuartz
NodeSpecEncapsulates all metadata about Locality.Interfaceorg.quartz.localityQuartz
NodeSpecBuilderBuilder for NodeSpec, specifically required for the DSL builder-style API: newJob(CheckForNode1AndWaitJob.Classorg.quartz.localityQuartz
NoOpJob An implementation of Job, that does absolutely nothing - useful for system which only wish to use TriggerListenersClassorg.quartz.jobsQuartz
NoSuchDelegateException Exception class for when a driver delegate cannot be found for a given configuration, or lack thereof.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
NotMatcherMatches using an NOT operator on another Matcher.Classorg.quartz.impl.matchersQuartz
ObjectAlreadyExistsExceptionAn exception that is thrown to indicate that an attempt to store a new object (i.Classorg.quartzQuartz
OperableTriggerNested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.quartz.spiQuartz
OracleDelegate This is a driver delegate for the Oracle 10 and 11 database.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.oracleQuartz
OrMatcherMatches using an OR operator on two Matcher operands.Classorg.quartz.impl.matchersQuartz
OsConstraintConstraint to a specific operating systemAuthor:Alex SnapsSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.quartz.locality.constraintQuartz
OsConstraint .OperatorClassorg.quartz.locality.constraintQuartz
OsConstraint .OSClassorg.quartz.locality.constraintQuartz
OsEvaluatorEvaluator that persists all nodes' Operation SystemsConstructor SummaryOsEvaluator()Classorg.quartz.locality.constraint.evaluatorQuartz
PersistentEvaluatorAn particular Evaluator that will be passed a clustered ConcurrentMap instance to store shared data.Interfaceorg.quartz.locality.constraint.evaluatorQuartz
PersistJobDataAfterExecutionAn annotation that marks a Job class as one that makes updates to its JobDataMap during execution, and wishes the scheduler to re-store theClassorg.quartzQuartz
PointbaseDelegate This is a driver delegate for the Pointbase JDBC driver.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
PoolingConnectionProvider A ConnectionProvider implementation that creates its own pool of connections.Classorg.quartz.utilsQuartz
PostgreSQLDelegate This is a driver delegate for the PostgreSQL JDBC driver.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
PropertiesParser This is an utility calss used to parse the properties.Classorg.quartz.utilsQuartz
PropertySettingJobFactoryA JobFactory that instantiates the Job instance (using the default no-arg constructor, or more specifically: class.Classorg.quartz.simplQuartz
QuartzInitializerListener A ServletContextListner that can be used to initialize
QuartzInitializerServlet A Servlet that can be used to initialize Quartz, if configured as a load-on-startup servlet in a web
QuartzScheduler This is the heart of Quartz, an indirect implementation of the Scheduler interface, containing methods to schedule Jobs,Classorg.quartz.coreQuartz
QuartzSchedulerResources Contains all of the resources (JobStore,ThreadPool, etc.Classorg.quartz.coreQuartz
QuartzSchedulerThread The thread responsible for performing the work of firing Trigger s that are registered with the QuartzScheduler.Classorg.quartz.coreQuartz
QuartzServer Instantiates an instance of Quartz Scheduler as a stand-alone program, if the scheduler is configured for RMI it will be made available.Classorg.quartz.implQuartz
QuartzServiceJBoss specific MBean implementation for configuring, starting, and binding to JNDI a Quartz Scheduler
QuartzServiceMBeanInterface exposed via JMX for MBean for configuring, starting, and binding to JNDI a Quartz Scheduler
RAMJobStore This class implements a JobStore that utilizes RAM as its storage device.Classorg.quartz.simplQuartz
RemoteMBeanScheduler An implementation of the Scheduler interface that remotely proxies all method calls to the equivalent call on a given QuartzSchedulerClassorg.quartz.implQuartz
RemoteScheduler An implementation of the Scheduler interface that remotely proxies all method calls to the equivalent call on a given QuartzSchedulerClassorg.quartz.implQuartz
SampledCounterInterface of a sampled counter -- a counter that keeps sampled valuesSince:1.Interfaceorg.quartz.utils.counter.sampledQuartz
SampledCounterConfigConfig for a SampledCounterSince:1.Classorg.quartz.utils.counter.sampledQuartz
SampledCounterImplAn implementation of SampledCounterSince:1.Classorg.quartz.utils.counter.sampledQuartz
SampledRateCounterInterface of a sampled rate counter -- a counter that keeps sampled values ofSince:1.Interfaceorg.quartz.utils.counter.sampledQuartz
SampledRateCounterConfigAn implementation of SampledCounterConfigSince:1.Classorg.quartz.utils.counter.sampledQuartz
SampledRateCounterImplAn implementation of SampledRateCounterSince:1.Classorg.quartz.utils.counter.sampledQuartz
SchedulerThis is the main interface of a Quartz Scheduler.Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
SchedulerConfigExceptionAn exception that is thrown to indicate that there is a misconfiguration of the SchedulerFactory- or one of the components itClassorg.quartzQuartz
SchedulerContextHolds context/environment data that can be made available to Jobs as they are executed.Classorg.quartzQuartz
SchedulerExceptionBase class for exceptions thrown by the Quartz Scheduler.Classorg.quartzQuartz
SchedulerFactoryProvides a mechanism for obtaining client-usable handles to SchedulerAuthor:James HouseSee Also:Scheduler, Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
SchedulerListenerThe interface to be implemented by classes that want to be informed of majorAuthor:James HouseSee Also:Scheduler, Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
SchedulerListenerSupportA helpful abstract base class for implementors of The methods in this class are empty so you only need to override the Classorg.quartz.listenersQuartz
SchedulerMetaDataDescribes the settings and capabilities of a given SchedulerAuthor:James HouseSee Also:Serialized FormClassorg.quartzQuartz
SchedulerPlugin Provides an interface for a class to become a "plugin" to Quartz.Interfaceorg.quartz.spiQuartz
SchedulerPluginWithUserTransactionSupportBase class for plugins that wish to support having their start and shutdown methods run within a UserTransaction.Classorg.quartz.pluginsQuartz
SchedulerRepository Holds references to Scheduler instances - ensuring uniqueness, and preventing garbage collection, and allowing 'global' lookups - all within aClassorg.quartz.implQuartz
SchedulerSignalerAn interface to be used by JobStore instances in order to communicate signals back to the QuartzScheduler.Interfaceorg.quartz.spiQuartz
SchedulerSignalerImplAn interface to be used by JobStore instances in order to communicate signals back to the QuartzScheduler.Classorg.quartz.coreQuartz
SchedulerStateRecord Conveys a scheduler-instance state record.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
SemaphoreAn interface for providing thread/resource locking in order to protect resources from being altered by multiple threads at the same time.Interfaceorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
SendDestinationMessageJob A Job that sends a
SendMailJob A Job which sends an e-mail with the configured content to the configured Arbitrary
SendMailJob .MailInfoprotected
SendQueueMessageJob A Job that sends a
SendTopicMessageJob A Job that sends a
ShutdownHookPluginThis plugin catches the event of the JVM terminating (such as upon a CRTL-C) and tells the scheuler to shutdown.Classorg.quartz.plugins.managementQuartz
SimpleClassLoadHelperA ClassLoadHelper that simply calls Class.Classorg.quartz.simplQuartz
SimpleInstanceIdGeneratorThe default InstanceIdGenerator used by Quartz when instance id is to be automatically generated.Classorg.quartz.simplQuartz
SimpleJobFactoryThe default JobFactory used by Quartz - simply calls newInstance() on the job class.Classorg.quartz.simplQuartz
SimplePropertiesTriggerPersistenceDelegateSupportA base implementation of TriggerPersistenceDelegate that persists trigger fields in the "QRTZ_SIMPROP_TRIGGERS" table.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
SimpleScheduleBuilderSimpleScheduleBuilder is a ScheduleBuilder that defines strict/literal interval-based schedules for Classorg.quartzQuartz
SimpleSemaphoreInternal in-memory lock handler for providing thread/resource locking in order to protect resources from being altered by multiple threads at the Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
SimpleThreadPool This is class is a simple implementation of a thread pool, based on the ThreadPool interface.Classorg.quartz.simplQuartz
SimpleTimeBroker The interface to be implemented by classes that want to provide a mechanism by which the QuartzScheduler canClassorg.quartz.simplQuartz
SimpleTriggerA Trigger that is used to fire a Job at a given moment in time, and optionally repeated at a specified interval.Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
SimpleTriggerImpl A concrete Trigger that is used to fire a JobDetail at a given moment in time, and optionally repeated at a specified interval.Classorg.quartz.impl.triggersQuartz
SimpleTriggerPersistenceDelegateNested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
StatefulJobA marker interface for JobDetail s that wish to have their state maintained between executions.Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
StdJDBCConstants This interface extends Constants to include the query string constants in use by the StdJDBCDelegateInterfaceorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
StdJDBCDelegate This is meant to be an abstract base class for most, if not all, DriverDelegate implementations.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
StdJobRunShellFactory Responsible for creating the instances of JobRunShell to be used within the QuartzSchedulerClassorg.quartz.implQuartz
StdRowLockSemaphoreInternal database based lock handler for providing thread/resource locking in order to protect resources from being altered by multiple threads at the Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
StdScheduler An implementation of the Scheduler interface that directly proxies all method calls to the equivalent call on a given QuartzSchedulerClassorg.quartz.implQuartz
StdSchedulerFactory An implementation of SchedulerFactory that does all of its work of creating a QuartzScheduler instanceClassorg.quartz.implQuartz
StringKeyDirtyFlagMap An implementation of Map that wraps another Map and flags itself 'dirty' when it is modified, enforces that all keys areClassorg.quartz.utilsQuartz
StringMatcherAn abstract base class for some types of matchers.Classorg.quartz.impl.matchersQuartz
StringMatcher .StringOperatorNameClassorg.quartz.impl.matchersQuartz
SybaseDelegate This is a driver delegate for the Sybase database.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
SystemPropertyInstanceIdGeneratorInstanceIdGenerator that will use a system property to configure the scheduler.Classorg.quartz.simplQuartz
TablePrefixAwareInterface for Quartz objects that need to know what the table prefix of the tables used by a JDBC JobStore is.Interfaceorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
ThreadContextClassLoadHelperA ClassLoadHelper that uses either the current thread's context class loader (Thread.Classorg.quartz.simplQuartz
ThreadExecutorAllows different strategies for scheduling threads.Interfaceorg.quartz.spiQuartz
ThreadPool The interface to be implemented by classes that want to provide a thread pool for the QuartzScheduler's use.Interfaceorg.quartz.spiQuartz
TimeBrokerNOTE: TimeBroker is not currently used in the Quartz code base.Interfaceorg.quartz.spiQuartz
TimeOfDayRepresents a time in hour, minute and second of any given day.Classorg.quartzQuartz
TimeStampedCounterValueA counter value at a particular time instanceSince:1.Classorg.quartz.utils.counter.sampledQuartz
TriggerThe base interface with properties common to all Triggers - use TriggerBuilder to instantiate an actual Trigger.Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
Trigger .CompletedExecutionInstructionNOOP Instructs the Scheduler that the Trigger has no further instructions.Classorg.quartzQuartz
Trigger .TriggerStateClassorg.quartzQuartz
Trigger .TriggerTimeComparatorA Comparator that compares trigger's next fire times, or in other words, sorts them according to earliest next fire time.Classorg.quartzQuartz
TriggerBuilderTriggerBuilder is used to instantiate Triggers.Classorg.quartzQuartz
TriggerFiredBundle A simple class (structure) used for returning execution-time data from the JobStore to the QuartzSchedulerThread.Classorg.quartz.spiQuartz
TriggerKeyUniquely identifies a Trigger.Classorg.quartzQuartz
TriggerListenerThe interface to be implemented by classes that want to be informed when a Trigger fires.Interfaceorg.quartzQuartz
TriggerListenerSupportA helpful abstract base class for implementors of The methods in this class are empty so you only need to override the Classorg.quartz.listenersQuartz
TriggerPersistenceDelegateAn interface which provides an implementation for storing a particular type of Trigger's extended properties.Interfaceorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
TriggerPersistenceDelegate .TriggerPropertyBundleConstructor SummaryTriggerPersistenceDelegate.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
TriggerStatus Object representing a job or trigger key.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
TriggerUtilsConvenience and utility methods for working with Triggers.Classorg.quartzQuartz
UnableToInterruptJobExceptionAn exception that is thrown to indicate that a call to InterruptableJob.Classorg.quartzQuartz
UpdateCheckerCheck for updates and alert users if an update is availableConstructor SummaryUpdateChecker()Classorg.quartz.utilsQuartz
UpdateLockRowSemaphoreProvide thread/resource locking in order to protect resources from being altered by multiple threads at the same time usingClassorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
UserTransactionHelper A helper for obtaining a handle to a
Util This class contains utility functions for use in all delegate classes.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
ValidationExceptionReports JobSchedulingDataLoader validation exceptions.Classorg.quartz.xmlQuartz
VersionPrinter Prints the version of Quartz on stdout.Classorg.quartz.helpersQuartz
WeblogicConnectionProvider Provides connections via Weblogic's JTS driver.Classorg.quartz.utils.weblogicQuartz
WebLogicDelegate This is a driver delegate for the WebLogic JDBC driver.Classorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstoreQuartz
WebLogicOracleDelegateHandle Blobs correctly when Oracle is being used inside of Weblogic
WeeklyCalendar This implementation of the Calendar excludes a set of days of the week.Classorg.quartz.impl.calendarQuartz
WorkManagerThreadExecutorCommonJ WorkManager implementation of hacked Quartz ThreadExecutor class.Classorg.quartz.commonjQuartz
XMLSchedulingDataProcessorParses an XML file that declares Jobs and their schedules (Triggers), and processes the related data.Classorg.quartz.xmlQuartz
XMLSchedulingDataProcessorPluginThis plugin loads XML file(s) to add jobs and schedule them with triggers as the scheduler is initialized, and can optionally periodically scan theClassorg.quartz.plugins.xmlQuartz
ZeroSizeThreadPool This is class is a simple implementation of a zero size thread pool, based on the ThreadPool interface.Classorg.quartz.simplQuartz