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#Org.simpleframework.xml Classes and Interfaces - 85 results found.
AnnotationStrategyThe AnnotationStrategy object is used to intercept the serialization process and delegate to custom converters.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.convertSimple
AttributeThe Attribute annotation represents a serializable XML attribute within an XML element.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
AttributeExceptionThe AttributeException is used to represent conditions when an XML attribute is in an invalid state.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
CacheThe Cache interface is used to represent a cache that will store key value pairs.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.utilSimple
CamelCaseStyleThe CamelCaseStyle is used to represent an XML style that can be applied to a serialized object.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.streamSimple
CommitThe Commit annotation is used to mark a method within a serializable object that requires a callback from the persisterClassorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
CompleteThe Complete annotation is used to mark a method that requires a callback from the persister once the serialization ofClassorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
ConcurrentCacheThe ConcurrentCache interface is used to represent a cache that will store key value pairs.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.utilSimple
ConstructorExceptionThe ConstructorException is used to represent any errors where an annotated constructor parameter is invalid.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
ConvertThe Convert annotation is used to specify a converter class to use for serialization.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.convertSimple
ConverterThe Converter object is used to convert an object to XML by intercepting the normal serialization process.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.convertSimple
ConvertExceptionThe ConvertException is thrown when there is a problem converting an object.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.convertSimple
CycleExceptionThe CycleException is thrown when an invalid cycle is found when deserializing an object from an XML document.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.strategySimple
CycleStrategyThe CycleStrategy represents a strategy that is used to augment the deserialization and serialization process such thatClassorg.simpleframework.xml.strategySimple
DefaultThe Default annotation is used to specify that all fields or methods should be serialized in a default manner.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
DefaultTypeenum DefaultTypeextends EnumThe DefaultType enumeration is used to specify theClassorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
DictionaryThe Dictionary object represents a mapped set of entry objects that can be serialized and deserialized.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.utilSimple
ElementThe Element annotation is used to represent a field or method that appears as an XML element.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
ElementArrayThe ElementArray annotation represents a method or field that is an array of elements.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
ElementExceptionThe ElementException is used to represent conditions when an XML element is in an invalid state.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
ElementListThe ElementList annotation represents a method or field that is a Collection for storing entries.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
ElementListUnionThe ElementListUnion annotation is used to describe fields and methods that can dynamically match a schema class.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
ElementMapThe ElementMap annotation represents a method or field that is a Map for storing key value pairs.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
ElementMapUnionThe ElementMapUnion annotation is used to describe a field or method that can dynamically match a schema class.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
ElementUnionThe ElementUnion annotation is used to describe fields and methods that can dynamically match a schema class.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
EntryThe Entry object represents entries to the dictionary object.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.utilSimple
EnvironmentFilterThe EnvironmentFilter object is used to provide a filter that will replace the specified values with an environmentClassorg.simpleframework.xml.filterSimple
FilterThe Filter object is used to provide replacement string values for a provided key.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.filterSimple
FormatThe Format object is used to provide information on how a generated XML document should be structured.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.streamSimple
HyphenStyleThe HyphenStyle is used to represent an XML style that can be applied to a serialized object.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.streamSimple
InputNodeThe InputNode object represents an iterator for the elements within an element.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.streamSimple
InstantiationExceptionThe InstantiationException is thrown when an object cannot be instantiated either because it is an abstract class or anClassorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
InvalidFormatExceptionThe InvalidFormatException is thrown when there is a format exception.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.transformSimple
LimitedCacheThe LimitedCache interface is used to represent a cache that will store key value pairs.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.utilSimple
MapFilterThe MapFilter object is a filter that can make use of user specified mappings for replacement.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.filterSimple
MatchThis object is stored within a Resolver so that it can be retrieved using a string that matches its pattern.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.utilSimple
MatcherThe Matcher is used to match a type with a transform such that a string value can be read or written as that type.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.transformSimple
MethodExceptionThe MethodException is used to represent conditions where a Java Bean property has been annotated incorrectly.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
Modeenum Modeextends EnumThe Mode enumeration is used to specify the outputClassorg.simpleframework.xml.streamSimple
NamespaceThe Namespace annotation is used to set a namespace on an element or attribute.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
NamespaceListThe NamespaceList annotation that is used to declare namespaces that can be added to an element.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
NamespaceMapThe NamespaceMap object is used store the namespaces for an element.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.streamSimple
NodeThe Node is used to represent a name value pair and acts as the base form of data used within the framework.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.streamSimple
NodeBuilderThe NodeBuilder object is used to create either an input node or an output node for a given source or destination.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.streamSimple
NodeExceptionThe NodeException is thrown to indicate the state of either the input node or output node being invalid.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.streamSimple
NodeMapThe NodeMap object represents a map of nodes that can be set as name value pairs.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.streamSimple
OrderThe Order annotation is used to specify the order of appearance of XML elements and attributes.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
OutputNodeThe OutputNode object is used to represent a cursor which can be used to write XML elements and attributes.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.streamSimple
PathThe Path annotation is used to specify an XML path where an XML element or attribute is located.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
PathExceptionThe PathException is thrown when there is a problem with the syntax of an XPath expression.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
PersistThe Persist annotation is used to mark a method that requires a callback from the persister before serialization ofClassorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
PersistenceExceptionThe PersistenceException is thrown when there is a persistance exception.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
PersisterThe Persister object is used to provide an implementation of a serializer.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
PlatformFilterThe PlatformFilter object makes use of all filter types this resolves user specified properties first, followedClassorg.simpleframework.xml.filterSimple
PositionThe Position object is used to acquire the position of the read cursor within the XML file.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.streamSimple
RegistryThe Registry represents an object that is used to register bindings between a class and a converter implementation.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.convertSimple
RegistryMatcherThe RegistryMatcher provides a simple matcher backed by a registry.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.transformSimple
RegistryStrategyThe RegistryStrategy object is used to intercept the serialization process and delegate to custom converters.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.convertSimple
ReplaceThe Replace method is used to replace an object that is about to be serialized to an XML document.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
ResolveThe Resolve method is used to resolve an object that has been deserialized from the XML document.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
ResolverThis is used to store Match objects, which can then be retrieved using a string by comparing that string to the pattern ofClassorg.simpleframework.xml.utilSimple
RootThis Root annotation is used to annotate classes that need to be serialized.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
RootExceptionThe RootException is thrown if the Root annotation is missing from a root object that is to be serializedClassorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
SerializerThe Serializer interface is used to represent objects that can serialize and deserialize objects to an from XML.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
StackFilterThe StackFilter object provides a filter that can be given a collection of filters which can be used to resolve aClassorg.simpleframework.xml.filterSimple
StrategyThe Strategy interface represents a strategy that can be used to resolve and load the Class objects that compose Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.strategySimple
StyleThe Style interface is used to represent an XML style that can be applied to a serialized object.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.streamSimple
SystemFilterThe SystemFilter object is used to provide a filter that will replace the specified values with system properties.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.filterSimple
TextThe Text annotation is used to represent a field or method that appears as text within an XML element.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
TextExceptionThe TextException is used to represent conditions when an XML element text value is in an invalid state.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
TransformA Transform represents a an object used to transform an object to and from a string value.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.transformSimple
TransformerThe Transformer object is used to convert strings to and from object instances.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.transformSimple
TransformExceptionThe TransformException is thrown if a problem occurs during the transformation of an object.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.transformSimple
TransientThe Transient annotation is an optional annotation that can be used within an XML class schema to mark a method orClassorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
TreeStrategyThe TreeStrategy object is used to provide a simple strategy for handling object graphs in a tree structure.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.strategySimple
TypeThe Type interface is used to represent a method or field that has been annotated for serialization.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.strategySimple
UnionExceptionThe UnionException is thrown when there is an error associated with unions.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
ValidateThe Validate annotation is used to mark a method in a serializable object that requires a callback from the persisterClassorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
ValueThe Value object describes a type that is represented by an XML element.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.strategySimple
ValueRequiredExceptionThe ValueRequiredException is thrown when an attribute or element is missing from the XML document.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.coreSimple
Verbosityenum Verbosityextends EnumThe Verbosity enumeration is used to specify a verbosityClassorg.simpleframework.xml.streamSimple
VersionThe Version annotation is used to specify an attribute that is used to represent a revision of the class XML schema.Classorg.simpleframework.xmlSimple
VisitorThe Visitor interface represents an object that is used to visit each XML element during serialization.Interfaceorg.simpleframework.xml.strategySimple
VisitorStrategyThe VisitorStrategy object is a simplification of a strategy, which allows manipulation of the serialization process.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.strategySimple
WeakCacheThe WeakCache object is an implementation of a cache that holds on to cached items only if the key remains in memory.Classorg.simpleframework.xml.utilSimple