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#Org.slf4j.ext Classes and Interfaces - 8 results found.
EventDataBase class for Event Data.Classorg.slf4j.extSLF4J
EventExceptionException used to identify issues related to an event that is being logged.Classorg.slf4j.extSLF4J
EventLoggerSimple Logger used to log events.Classorg.slf4j.extSLF4J
LoggerWrapperA helper class wrapping an Logger instance preserving location information if the wrapped instance supports it.Classorg.slf4j.extSLF4J
MDCStrLookupThis class can be used with the Commons Lang StrSubstitutor to replace tokens that occur in Strings with their values in the MDC.Classorg.slf4j.extSLF4J
XLogger .LevelClassorg.slf4j.ext.XLoggerSLF4J
XLoggerFactoryThis class is essentially a wrapper around an LoggerFactory producing XLogger instances.Classorg.slf4j.extSLF4J