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#Org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.retry Classes and Interfaces - 6 results found.
MessageKeyGeneratorGenerate a unique key for the message that is repeatable on redelivery.Interfaceorg.springframework.amqp.rabbit.retrySpring AMQP
MessageRecovererCallback for message that was consumed but failed all retry attempts.Interfaceorg.springframework.amqp.rabbit.retrySpring AMQP
MissingMessageIdAdviceAdvice that can be placed in the listener delegate's advice chain toenhance the message with an ID if not present.Classorg.springframework.amqp.rabbit.retrySpring AMQP
NewMessageIdentifierAn optimization for stateful retry of message processing.Interfaceorg.springframework.amqp.rabbit.retrySpring AMQP
RejectAndDontRequeueRecovererMessageRecover that causes the listener container to rejectthe message without requeuing.Classorg.springframework.amqp.rabbit.retrySpring AMQP
RepublishMessageRecovererMessageRecoverer implementation that republishes recovered messagesto a specified exchange with the exception stack trace stored in theClassorg.springframework.amqp.rabbit.retrySpring AMQP