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#Org.w3c.dom Classes and Interfaces - 300 results found.
AbstractViewA base interface that all views shall derive from.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.viewsJava SE
AttrThe Attr interface represents an attribute in an Element object.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
CDATASectionCDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
CharacterDataThe CharacterData interface extends Node with a set of attributes and methods for accessing character data in the DOM.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
CommentThis interface inherits from CharacterData and represents the content of a comment, i.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
DOMExceptionDOM operations only raise exceptions in exceptional circumstances, i.Classorg.w3c.domJava SE
DOMImplementationRegistryA factory that enables applications to obtain instances of // get an instance of the DOMImplementation registryClassorg.w3c.dom.bootstrapJava SE
DocumentThe Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
DocumentEventThe DocumentEvent interface provides a mechanism by which the user can create an Event of a type supported by the implementation.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsJava SE
DocumentFragmentDocumentFragment is a lightweight or minimal Document object.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
DocumentRangeSee also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.rangesJava SE
DocumentTraversalDocumentTraversal contains methods that create NodeIterators and TreeWalkers to traverse aInterfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalJava SE
DocumentTypeEach Document has a doctype attribute whose value is either null or a DocumentType object.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
DocumentViewThe DocumentView interface is implemented by Document objects in DOM implementations supporting DOMInterfaceorg.w3c.dom.viewsJava SE
DOMConfigurationThe DOMConfiguration interface represents the configuration of a document and maintains a table of recognized parameters.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
DOMErrorDOMError is an interface that describes an error.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
DOMErrorHandlerDOMErrorHandler is a callback interface that the DOM implementation can call when reporting errors that happens whileInterfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
DOMImplementationThe DOMImplementation interface provides a number of methods for performing operations that are independent of any particular instanceInterfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
DOMImplementationListThe DOMImplementationList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of DOM implementations, without defining orInterfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
DOMImplementationLSDOMImplementationLS contains the factory methods for creating Load and Save objects.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJava SE
DOMImplementationSourceThis interface permits a DOM implementer to supply one or more implementations, based upon requested features and versions, as specifiedInterfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
DOMLocatorDOMLocator is an interface that describes a location (e.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
DOMStringListThe DOMStringList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of DOMString values, without defining orInterfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
EventExceptionEvent operations may throw an EventException as specified in their method descriptions.Classorg.w3c.dom.eventsJava SE
ElementThe Element interface represents an element in an HTML or XML document.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
ElementTraversalThe ElementTraversal interface is a set of read-only attributes which allow an author to easily navigate between elements in a document.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
EntityThis interface represents a known entity, either parsed or unparsed, in an XML document.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
EntityReferenceEntityReference nodes may be used to represent an entity reference in the tree.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
EventThe Event interface is used to provide contextual information about an event to the handler processing the event.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsJava SE
EventListenerThe EventListener interface is the primary method for handling events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsJava SE
EventTargetThe EventTarget interface is implemented by all Nodes in an implementation which supports the DOM EventInterfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsJava SE
LSExceptionParser or write operations may throw an LSException if the processing is stopped.Classorg.w3c.dom.lsJava SE
LSInputThis interface represents an input source for data.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJava SE
LSLoadEventThis interface represents a load event object that signals the completion of a document load.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJava SE
LSOutputThis interface represents an output destination for data.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJava SE
LSParserAn interface to an object that is able to build, or augment, a DOM tree from various input sources.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJava SE
LSParserFilterLSParserFilters provide applications the ability to examine nodes as they are being constructed while parsing.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJava SE
LSProgressEventThis interface represents a progress event object that notifies the application about progress as a document is parsed.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJava SE
LSResourceResolverLSResourceResolver provides a way for applications to redirect references to external resources.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJava SE
LSSerializerA LSSerializer provides an API for serializing (writing) a DOM document out into XML.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJava SE
LSSerializerFilterLSSerializerFilters provide applications the ability to examine nodes as they are being serialized and decide what nodes shouldInterfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJava SE
MouseEventThe MouseEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mouse events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsJava SE
MutationEventThe MutationEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mutation events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsJava SE
NamedNodeMapObjects implementing the NamedNodeMap interface are used to represent collections of nodes that can be accessed by name.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
NameListThe NameList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of parallel pairs of name and namespace values (which could beInterfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
NodeThe Node interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
NodeFilterFilters are objects that know how to filter out nodes.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalJava SE
NodeIteratorNodeIterators are used to step through a set of nodes, e.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalJava SE
NodeListThe NodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes, without defining or constraining how this collectionInterfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
NotationThis interface represents a notation declared in the DTD.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
ProcessingInstructionThe ProcessingInstruction interface represents a processing instruction, used in XML as a way to keep processor-specific informationInterfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
RangeExceptionRange operations may throw a RangeException as specified in their method descriptions.Classorg.w3c.dom.rangesJava SE
RangeSee also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.rangesJava SE
TextThe Text interface inherits from CharacterData and represents the textual content (termed character data in XML) of an Element or Attr.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
TreeWalkerTreeWalker objects are used to navigate a document tree or subtree using the view of the document defined by theirInterfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalJava SE
TypeInfoThe TypeInfo interface represents a type referenced from Element or Attr nodes, specified in the schemasInterfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
UIEventThe UIEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with User Interface events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsJava SE
UserDataHandlerWhen associating an object to a key on a node using Node.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJava SE
AbstractViewA base interface that all views shall derive from.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.viewsApache Xerces
AttrThe Attr interface represents an attribute in an Element object.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
CDATASectionCDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
CharacterDataThe CharacterData interface extends Node with a set of attributes and methods for accessing character data in the DOM.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
CommentThis interface inherits from CharacterData and represents the content of a comment, i.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
DocumentThe Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
DocumentEventThe DocumentEvent interface provides a mechanism by which the user can create an Event of a type supported by the implementation.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache Xerces
DocumentFragmentDocumentFragment is a lightweight or minimal Document object.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
DocumentRangeSee also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.rangesApache Xerces
DocumentTraversalDocumentTraversal contains methods that create NodeIterators and TreeWalkers to traverse a Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalApache Xerces
DocumentTypeEach Document has a doctype attribute whose value is either null or a DocumentType object.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
DocumentViewThe DocumentView interface is implemented by Document objects in DOM implementations supporting DOM Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.viewsApache Xerces
DOMConfigurationThe DOMConfiguration interface represents the configuration of a document and maintains a table of recognized parameters.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
DOMErrorDOMError is an interface that describes an error.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
DOMErrorHandlerDOMErrorHandler is a callback interface that the DOM implementation can call when reporting errors that happens while Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
DOMExceptionDOM operations only raise exceptions in exceptional circumstances, i.Classorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
DOMImplementationThe DOMImplementation interface provides a number of methods for performing operations that are independent of any particular instance Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
DOMImplementationListThe DOMImplementationList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of DOM implementations, without defining or Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
DOMImplementationLSDOMImplementationLS contains the factory methods for creating Load and Save objects.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsApache Xerces
DOMImplementationRegistryA factory that enables applications to obtain instances of // get an instance of the DOMImplementation registryClassorg.w3c.dom.bootstrapApache Xerces
DOMImplementationSourceThis interface permits a DOM implementer to supply one or more implementations, based upon requested features and versions, as specified Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
DOMLocatorDOMLocator is an interface that describes a location (e.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
DOMStringListThe DOMStringList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of DOMString values, without defining or Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
ElementThe Element interface represents an element in an HTML or XML document.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
ElementTraversalThe ElementTraversal interface is a set of read-only attributes which allow an author to easily navigate between elements in a document.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
EntityThis interface represents a known entity, either parsed or unparsed, in an XML document.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
EntityReferenceEntityReference nodes may be used to represent an entity reference in the tree.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
EventThe Event interface is used to provide contextual information about an event to the handler processing the event.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache Xerces
EventExceptionEvent operations may throw an EventException as specified in their method descriptions.Classorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache Xerces
EventListenerThe EventListener interface is the primary method for handling events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache Xerces
EventTargetThe EventTarget interface is implemented by all Nodes in an implementation which supports the DOM Event Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache Xerces
HTMLAnchorElementThe anchor element.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLAppletElementAn embedded Java applet.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLAreaElementClient-side image map area definition.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLBaseElementDocument base URI.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLBaseFontElementBase font.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLBodyElementThe HTML document body.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLBRElementForce a line break.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLButtonElementPush button.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLCollectionAn HTMLCollection is a list of nodes.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLDirectoryElementDirectory list.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLDivElementGeneric block container.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLDListElementDefinition list.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLDocumentAn HTMLDocument is the root of the HTML hierarchy andholds the entire content.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLDOMImplementationThe HTMLDOMImplementation interface extends the DOMImplementation interface with a method for creating an Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLElementAll HTML element interfaces derive from this class.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLFieldSetElementOrganizes form controls into logical groups.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLFontElementLocal change to font.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLFormElementThe FORM element encompasses behavior similar to acollection and an element.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLFrameElementCreate a frame.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLFrameSetElementCreate a grid of frames.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLHeadElementDocument head information.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLHeadingElementFor the H1 to H6 elements.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLHRElementCreate a horizontal rule.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLHtmlElementRoot of an HTML document.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLIFrameElementInline subwindows.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLImageElementEmbedded image.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLInputElementForm control.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLIsIndexElementThis element is usedfor single-line text input.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLLabelElementForm field label text.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLLegendElementProvides a caption for a FIELDSET grouping.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLLIElementList item.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLLinkElementThe LINK element specifies a link to an externalresource, and defines this document's relationship to that resource(or vice versa).Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLMapElementClient-side image map.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLMenuElementMenu list.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLMetaElementThis contains generic meta-information about the document.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLModElementNotice of modification to part of a document.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLObjectElementGeneric embedded object.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLOListElementOrdered list.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLOptGroupElementGroup options together in logical subdivisions.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLOptionElementA selectable choice.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLParagraphElementParagraphs.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLParamElementParameters fed to the OBJECT element.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLPreElementPreformatted text.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLQuoteElementFor the Q and BLOCKQUOTE elements.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLScriptElementScript statements.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLSelectElementThe select element allows the selection of an option.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLStyleElementStyle information.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLTableCaptionElementTable caption See the CAPTION element definition in HTML 4.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLTableCellElementThe object used to represent the TH and TD elements.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLTableColElementRegroups the COL and COLGROUP elements.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLTableElementThe create* and delete* methods on the table allow authors to constructand modify tables.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLTableRowElementA row in a table.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLTableSectionElementThe THEAD, TFOOT, and TBODYelements.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLTextAreaElementMulti-line text field.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLTitleElementThe document title.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
HTMLUListElementUnordered list.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.htmlApache Xerces
LSExceptionParser or write operations may throw an LSException if the processing is stopped.Classorg.w3c.dom.lsApache Xerces
LSInputThis interface represents an input source for data.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsApache Xerces
LSLoadEventThis interface represents a load event object that signals the completion of a document load.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsApache Xerces
LSOutputThis interface represents an output destination for data.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsApache Xerces
LSParserAn interface to an object that is able to build, or augment, a DOM tree from various input sources.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsApache Xerces
LSParserFilterLSParserFilters provide applications the ability to examine nodes as they are being constructed while parsing.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsApache Xerces
LSProgressEventThis interface represents a progress event object that notifies the application about progress as a document is parsed.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsApache Xerces
LSResourceResolverLSResourceResolver provides a way for applications to redirect references to external resources.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsApache Xerces
LSSerializerA LSSerializer provides an API for serializing (writing) a DOM document out into XML.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsApache Xerces
LSSerializerFilterLSSerializerFilters provide applications the ability to examine nodes as they are being serialized and decide what nodes should Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsApache Xerces
MouseEventThe MouseEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mouse events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache Xerces
MutationEventThe MutationEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mutation events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache Xerces
NamedNodeMapObjects implementing the NamedNodeMap interface are used to represent collections of nodes that can be accessed by name.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
NameListThe NameList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of parallel pairs of name and namespace values (which could be Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
NodeThe Node interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
NodeFilterFilters are objects that know how to filter out nodes.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalApache Xerces
NodeIteratorNodeIterators are used to step through a set of nodes, e.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalApache Xerces
NodeListThe NodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes, without defining or constraining how this collection Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
NotationThis interface represents a notation declared in the DTD.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
ProcessingInstructionThe ProcessingInstruction interface represents a processing instruction, used in XML as a way to keep processor-specific information Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
RangeSee also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.rangesApache Xerces
RangeExceptionRange operations may throw a RangeException as specified in their method descriptions.Classorg.w3c.dom.rangesApache Xerces
TextThe Text interface inherits from CharacterData and represents the textual content (termed character data in XML) of an Element or Attr.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
TreeWalkerTreeWalker objects are used to navigate a document tree or subtree using the view of the document defined by their Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalApache Xerces
TypeInfoThe TypeInfo interface represents a type referenced from Element or Attr nodes, specified in the schemas Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
UIEventThe UIEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with User Interface events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache Xerces
UserDataHandlerWhen associating an object to a key on a node using Node.Interfaceorg.w3c.domApache Xerces
XPathEvaluatorThe evaluation of XPath expressions is provided by XPathEvaluator.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.xpathApache Xerces
XPathExceptionA new exception has been created for exceptions specific to these XPath See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 XPath Specification.Classorg.w3c.dom.xpathApache Xerces
XPathExpressionThe XPathExpression interface represents a parsed and resolved See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 XPath Specification.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.xpathApache Xerces
XPathNamespaceThe XPathNamespace interface is returned by XPathResult interfaces to represent the XPath namespace node Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.xpathApache Xerces
XPathNSResolverThe XPathNSResolver interface permit prefix strings in the expression to be properly bound to Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.xpathApache Xerces
XPathResultThe XPathResult interface represents the result of the evaluation of an XPath 1.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.xpathApache Xerces
CustomEventThe CustomEvent interface is the recommended interface for application-specific event types.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache FOP Batik
DocumentEventThe DocumentEvent interface provides a mechanism by which the user can create an Event object of a type supported by the Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache FOP Batik
ElementTraversalInterfaceorg.w3c.domApache FOP Batik
EventThe Event interface is used to provide contextual information about an event to the listener processing the event.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache FOP Batik
EventExceptionEvent operations may throw an EventException as specified in their method descriptions.Classorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache FOP Batik
EventListenerThe EventListener interface is the primary way for handling events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache FOP Batik
EventTargetThe EventTarget interface is implemented by all the objects which could be event targets in an implementation which supports the .Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache FOP Batik
KeyboardEventThe KeyboardEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with keyboard devices.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache FOP Batik
MouseEventThe MouseEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mouse events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache FOP Batik
MutationEventThe MutationEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mutation events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache FOP Batik
MutationNameEventThe MutationNameEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mutation name event types.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache FOP Batik
TextEventThe TextEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Text Events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache FOP Batik
UIEventThe UIEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with User Interface events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsApache FOP Batik
AttrThe Attr interface represents an attribute in an Element object.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
CDATASectionCDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
CharacterDataThe CharacterData interface extends Node with a set of attributes and methods for accessing character data in the DOM.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
CommentThis interface inherits from CharacterData and represents the content of a comment, i.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
DOMConfigurationThe DOMConfiguration interface represents the configuration of a document and maintains a table of recognized parameters.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
DOMErrorDOMError is an interface that describes an error.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
DOMErrorHandlerDOMErrorHandler is a callback interface that the DOM implementation can call when reporting errors that happens while Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
DOMExceptionDOM operations only raise exceptions in "exceptional" circumstances, i.Classorg.w3c.domJaxP
DOMImplementationThe DOMImplementation interface provides a number of methods for performing operations that are independent of any particular instance Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
DOMImplementationLSDOMImplementationLS contains the factory methods for creating Load and Save objects.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJaxP
DOMImplementationListThe DOMImplementationList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of DOM implementations, without defining or Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
DOMImplementationRegistryA factory that enables applications to obtain instances of // get an instance of the DOMImplementation registryClassorg.w3c.dom.bootstrapJaxP
DOMImplementationSourceThis interface permits a DOM implementer to supply one or more implementations, based upon requested features and versions, as specified Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
DOMLocatorDOMLocator is an interface that describes a location (e.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
DOMStringListThe DOMStringList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of DOMString values, without defining or Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
DocumentThe Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
DocumentEventThe DocumentEvent interface provides a mechanism by which the user can create an Event of a type supported by the implementation.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsJaxP
DocumentFragmentDocumentFragment is a "lightweight" or "minimal" Document object.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
DocumentRangeSee also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.rangesJaxP
DocumentTraversalDocumentTraversal contains methods that create NodeIterators and TreeWalkers to traverse a Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalJaxP
DocumentTypeEach Document has a doctype attribute whose value is either null or a DocumentType object.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
ElementThe Element interface represents an element in an HTML or XML document.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
EntityThis interface represents a known entity, either parsed or unparsed, in an XML document.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
EntityReferenceEntityReference nodes may be used to represent an entity reference in the tree.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
EventThe Event interface is used to provide contextual information about an event to the handler processing the event.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsJaxP
EventExceptionEvent operations may throw an EventException as specified in their method descriptions.Classorg.w3c.dom.eventsJaxP
EventListenerThe EventListener interface is the primary method for handling events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsJaxP
EventTargetThe EventTarget interface is implemented by all Nodes in an implementation which supports the DOM Event Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsJaxP
LSExceptionParser or write operations may throw an LSException if the processing is stopped.Classorg.w3c.dom.lsJaxP
LSInputThis interface represents an input source for data.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJaxP
LSLoadEventThis interface represents a load event object that signals the completion of a document load.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJaxP
LSOutputThis interface represents an output destination for data.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJaxP
LSParserAn interface to an object that is able to build, or augment, a DOM tree from various input sources.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJaxP
LSParserFilterLSParserFilters provide applications the ability to examine nodes as they are being constructed while parsing.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJaxP
LSProgressEventThis interface represents a progress event object that notifies the application about progress as a document is parsed.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJaxP
LSResourceResolverLSResourceResolver provides a way for applications to redirect references to external resources.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJaxP
LSSerializerA LSSerializer provides an API for serializing (writing) a DOM document out into XML.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJaxP
LSSerializerFilterLSSerializerFilters provide applications the ability to examine nodes as they are being serialized and decide what nodes should Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.lsJaxP
MouseEventThe MouseEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mouse events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsJaxP
MutationEventThe MutationEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mutation events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsJaxP
NameListThe NameList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of parallel pairs of name and namespace values (which could be Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
NamedNodeMapObjects implementing the NamedNodeMap interface are used to represent collections of nodes that can be accessed by name.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
NodeThe Node interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
NodeFilterFilters are objects that know how to "filter out" nodes.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalJaxP
NodeIteratorNodeIterators are used to step through a set of nodes, e.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalJaxP
NodeListThe NodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes, without defining or constraining how this collection Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
NotationThis interface represents a notation declared in the DTD.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
ProcessingInstructionThe ProcessingInstruction interface represents a "processing instruction", used in XML as a way to keep processor-specific information Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
RangeSee also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.rangesJaxP
RangeExceptionRange operations may throw a RangeException as specified in their method descriptions.Classorg.w3c.dom.rangesJaxP
TextThe Text interface inherits from CharacterData and represents the textual content (termed character data in XML) of an Element or Attr.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
TreeWalkerTreeWalker objects are used to navigate a document tree or subtree using the view of the document defined by their Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.traversalJaxP
TypeInfoThe TypeInfo interface represents a type referenced from Element or Attr nodes, specified in the schemas Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
UIEventThe UIEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with User Interface events.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.eventsJaxP
UserDataHandlerWhen associating an object to a key on a node using Node.Interfaceorg.w3c.domJaxP
MathMLActionElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLAlignGroupElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLAlignMarkElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLAnnotationElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLApplyElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLBvarElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLCaseElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLCiElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLCnElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLConditionElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLContentContainerFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLContentElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLContentTokenFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLCsymbolElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLDeclareElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLDocumentFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
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MathMLFencedElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
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MathMLIntervalElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLLabeledRowElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLLambdaElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLListElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLMathElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLMatrixElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
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MathMLMultiScriptsElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLOperatorElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLPaddedElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLPiecewiseElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLPredefinedSymbolFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLPresentationContainerFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLPresentationElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLPresentationTokenFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLRadicalElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLScriptElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
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MathMLTableElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLTableRowElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLTendsToElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLUnderOverElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLVectorElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience
MathMLXMLAnnotationElementFields inherited from interface org.Interfaceorg.w3c.dom.mathmlJScience