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#Org.zkoss.zkplus.hibernate Classes and Interfaces - 4 results found.
HibernateSessionContextListenerListener to make sure each ZK thread got the same hibernate session context; used with Hibernate's "thread" session context (org.Classorg.zkoss.zkplus.hibernateZKoss (ZK)
HibernateSessionFactoryListenerListener to init and cleanup the hibernate session factory automatically.Classorg.zkoss.zkplus.hibernateZKoss (ZK)
HibernateUtilUtility to access Hibernate Session.Classorg.zkoss.zkplus.hibernateZKoss (ZK)
OpenSessionInViewListenerListener to init and cleanup the hibernate session automatically, implement the Hibernate's "Open Session In View" pattern without JTA support.Classorg.zkoss.zkplus.hibernateZKoss (ZK)