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#Sim.portrayal3d.simple Classes and Interfaces - 22 results found.
AxesPortrayal3DDraws coordinate system axes 1 unit long each, centered at the origin, and labelled "O", "X", "Y", and "Z".Classsim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
BranchGroupPortrayal3DLoads a Lightwave 3D scene file (.Classsim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
CircledPortrayal3DA wrapper for other Portrayal3Ds which also draws a big translucent sphere around them -- useful for distinguishing one object from other similar-looking objects.Classsim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
ConePortrayal3DPortrays objects as a cone of the specified color or appearance (flat opaque white by default) which fills the region from (-0.Classsim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
CubePortrayal3DPortrays objects as a cube of the specified color or appearance (flat opaque white by default) which fills the region from (-0.Classsim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
CylinderPortrayal3DPortrays objects as a cylinder of the specified color or appearance (flat opaque white by default) which fills the region from (-0.Classsim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
ImagePortrayal3DPortrays objects as a thin flat rectangle displaying a provided Image.Classsim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
LabelledPortrayal3DA wrapper for other Portrayal3Ds which also draws a textual label.Classsim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
LightPortrayal3DA simple Portrayal3D which provides ambient, directional, or point light to the scene.Classsim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
PrimitivePortrayal3DAn abstract superclass for portrayals involving Shape3D or various Primitive (sphere, cone, etc.Classsim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
Shape3DPortrayal3DA simple portrayal for displaying Shape3D objects.Classsim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
SimplePortrayal3DThe superclass of all 3D Simple Portrayals which by default adds nothing to the 3D scene.Classsim.portrayal3dMason
SpherePortrayal3DPortrays objects as a sphere of the specified color or appearance (flat opaque white by default) which fills the region from (-0.Classsim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
TransformedPortrayal3DA wrapper for other Portrayal3Ds which transforms them with an underlying Transform3D: meaning that you can rotate them, translate them, scale them, etc.Classsim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
ValuePortrayal3DValuePortrayal3D defines a cube or square whose color and transparency can be changed, and is really intended solely for use in ValueGridPortrayal3D.Classsim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
ValuePortrayal3D .DoubleFilterClasssim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
ValuePortrayal3D .FilterClasssim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
ValuePortrayal3D .IntFilterClasssim.portrayal3d.simpleMason
WireFrameBoxPortrayal3DA SimplePortrayal3D which draws an arbitrary wireframe box.Classsim.portrayal3d.simpleMason