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#Sim.util Classes and Interfaces - 87 results found.
AbstractContinousDistributionAbstract base class for all continous distributions.Classsim.util.distributionMason
AbstractDiscreteDistributionAbstract base class for all discrete distributions.Classsim.util.distributionMason
AbstractDistributionAbstract base class for all random distributions.Classsim.util.distributionMason
AbstractScrollableAbstractScrollable is a JPanel with basic implementation of the Scrollable interface, making possible simple anonymous subclasses.Classsim.util.guiMason
ArithmeticArithmetic functions.Classsim.util.distributionMason
BagMaintains a simple array (objs) of Objects and the number of objects (numObjs) in the array (the array can be bigger than this number).Classsim.utilMason
BarChartGeneratorA ChartGenerator for Bar
BarChartSeriesAttributesA SeriesAttributes used for user control of bar chart series created with
BetaBeta distribution; math definition and animated definition.Classsim.util.distributionMason
BinomialBinomial distribution; See the math definition and animated definition.Classsim.util.distributionMason
BoxPlotGeneratorBoxPlotGenerator is a ChartGenerator which displays a BoxPlot using the JFreeChart
BoxPlotSeriesAttributesA SeriesAttributes used for user control of BoxPlot series created with
BreitWignerBreitWigner (aka Lorentz) distribution; See the math definition.Classsim.util.distributionMason
BreitWignerMeanSquareMean-square BreitWigner distribution; See the math definition.Classsim.util.distributionMason
CausedRuntimeExceptionA simple RuntimeException which wraps a deeper exception inside of it and prints it in a fashion similar to exceptions like InvocationTargetException.Classsim.utilMason
ChartGeneratorChartGenerator is a JPanel which displays a chart using the JFreeChart
ChiSquareChiSquare distribution; See the math definition and animated definition.Classsim.util.distributionMason
CollectionPropertiesA simple class for examining the slots of Maps, Collections, Indexed, and arrays as if the slots were Java Bean Properties.Classsim.utilMason
ColorMapColorMap is a interface for mapping numerical values to colors.Interfacesim.util.guiMason
ConstantsDefines some useful constants.Classsim.util.distributionMason
DataCullerThis is meant to accomodate an on-line algorithm for keeping a constant number of data points from an on-going time
DisclosurePanelA panel with a small disclosure triangle which toggles between two subcomponents: notionally an "abridged" (short) component and an expanded ("disclosed") component.Classsim.util.guiMason
DistributionsContains methods for conveniently generating pseudo-random numbers from special distributions such as the Burr, Cauchy, Erlang, Geometric, Lambda, Laplace, Logistic, Weibull, etc.Classsim.util.distributionMason
Double2DDouble2D is more or less the same class as java.Classsim.utilMason
Double3DDouble3D is more or less the same class as javax.Classsim.utilMason
DoubleBagMaintains a simple array (objs) of doubles and the number of doubles (numObjs) in the array (the array can be bigger than this number).Classsim.utilMason
EmpiricalEmpirical distribution.Classsim.util.distributionMason
EmpiricalWalkerDiscrete Empirical distribution (pdf's can be specified).Classsim.util.distributionMason
ExponentialExponential Distribution (aka Negative Exponential Distribution); See the math definition animated definition.Classsim.util.distributionMason
ExponentialPowerExponential Power distribution.Classsim.util.distributionMason
GammaGamma distribution; math definition, definition of gamma functionClasssim.util.distributionMason
Heap from the HeapSort example algorithm in Introduction to algorithms by Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest.Classsim.utilMason
HistogramGeneratorHistogramGenerator is a ChartGenerator which displays a histogram using the JFreeChart
HistogramSeriesAttributesA SeriesAttributes used for user control of histogram series created with
HTMLBrowserHTMLBrowser is a simple web browser which lets the user click on links and which provides a Back button when appropriate.Classsim.util.guiMason
HyperbolicHyperbolic distribution.Classsim.util.distributionMason
HyperGeometricHyperGeometric distribution; See the math definition The hypergeometric distribution with parameters N, n and s is the probability distribution of the random variable X, Classsim.util.distributionMason
IndexedA simple interface (simpler than List) for accessing random-access objects without changing their size.Interfacesim.utilMason
Int2DInt2D is more or less the same class as java.Classsim.utilMason
Int3DInt3D stores three values (x, y, and z) but it is immutable: once the x and y and z values are set, they cannot be changed (they're final).Classsim.utilMason
IntBagMaintains a simple array (objs) of ints and the number of ints (numObjs) in the array (the array can be bigger than this number).Classsim.utilMason
IntervalDefines an inclusive (closed) interval between two numerical values MIN and MAX.Classsim.utilMason
LabelledListLabelledList is a JPanel which makes it easy to set up two columns of Components, with the right column taking up the extra space if there is any.Classsim.util.guiMason
LocationLogAn experimental test object for performing assertions which log all location accesses in fields.Classsim.utilMason
LogarithmicLogarithmic distribution.Classsim.util.distributionMason
MinGapDataCullerThis is meant as an on-line algorithm for keeping a constant number of data points from an on-going time
MiniHistogramA very simple histogram class.Classsim.util.guiMason
MovieEncoderUsage of this class depends on the existence of the Java Media Framework (JMF) which can be acquired from javasoft.Classsim.util.mediaMason
MovieMakerA class which gives a GUI front-end to sim.Classsim.util.guiMason
MutableDoubleMutableDouble simply holds a double value, which can be changed at any time.Classsim.utilMason
MutableDouble2DMutableDouble2D is more or less the same class as java.Classsim.utilMason
MutableDouble3DMutableDouble3D is more or less the same class as javax.Classsim.utilMason
MutableInt2DMutableInt2D is largely a class identical to java.Classsim.utilMason
MutableInt3DMutableInt3D stores three values (x, y, and z) and is hash-equivalent to Int3D; except MutableInt3D's values can be modified and Int3D's values cannot.Classsim.utilMason
NegativeBinomialNegative Binomial distribution; See the math definition.Classsim.util.distributionMason
NumberTextFieldA simple class that lets you specify a label and validate a numerical value.Classsim.util.guiMason
PieChartGeneratorA ChartGenerator for Pie
PieChartSeriesAttributesA SeriesAttributes used for user control of pie chart series created with
PNGEncoderPNGEncoder takes a Java Image object and creates a byte string which can be saved as a PNG file.Classsim.util.mediaMason
PoissonPoisson distribution (quick); See the math definition and animated definition.Classsim.util.distributionMason
PoissonSlowPoisson distribution; See the math definition and animated definition.Classsim.util.distributionMason
PolynomialPolynomial functions.Classsim.util.distributionMason
PropertiedA Propertied object is one which provides its own Properties rather than letting SimpleProperties scan the object statically.Interfacesim.utilMason
PropertiesThe abstract superclass of Property inspectors.Classsim.utilMason
PropertyFieldA simple class designed to allow the user to modify a property in the form of a string, number, boolean value, or option.Classsim.util.guiMason
ProxiableA proxiable object is one which provides SimpleProperties with a proxy to stand in for it; that is, to have the proxy's properties inspected insteadInterfacesim.utilMason
SeriesAttributesThe superclass for the series-attributes widgets used by subclasses of ChartGenerator to let the user control individual series'
SimpleColorMapMaps numerical levels to colors using either a lookup table, color interpolation, or both.Classsim.util.guiMason
SimplePropertiesA very simple class for getting and setting object properties.Classsim.utilMason
StudentTStudentT distribution (aka T-distribution); See the math definition and animated definition.Classsim.util.distributionMason
TableLoader This class provides utility methods for loading tables from files into int[][] or double[][] arrays.Classsim.utilMason
TimeSeriesAttributesA SeriesAttributes used for user control pf time series created with
TimeSeriesChartGeneratorTimeSeriesChartGenerator is a ChartGenerator which displays a time-series chart using the JFreeChart
UniformUniform distribution; Math definition and animated definition.Classsim.util.distributionMason
UtilitiesVarious static utility methods.Classsim.util.guiMason
ValuableHaving a value.Interfacesim.utilMason
VonMisesVon Mises distribution.Classsim.util.distributionMason
WordWrapWordWrap is a simple word-wrapping class which provides word-wrap either to columns of raw text; or to some number of pixels (given a font).Classsim.util.guiMason
XYChartGeneratorAn abstract subclass of ChartGenerator for charts which involve X-Y data, such as Time Series, Histograms, and Scatter
Zeta Valid parameter ranges: ro > 0 and pk >= 0.Classsim.util.distributionMason