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#Tools.util Classes and Interfaces - 304 results found.
ArgHandlerAddToClassPathParse the -addToClassPath WebToolkit (GWT)
ArgHandlerEclipseCreates an arg handler for eclipse launch config WebToolkit (GWT)
ArgHandlerIgnoreIgnores any existing files and does not overwrite WebToolkit (GWT)
ArgHandlerOverwriteOverwrites any existing WebToolkit (GWT)
CreatorUtilitiesUtility methods used by WebToolkit (GWT)
UtilityA smattering of useful WebToolkit (GWT)
CommandLineVarious utility methods for processing Java tool command line arguments.Classtools.utilCode Trails
UtilitiesVarious utility functions for use in the compiler.Classorg.codehaus.groovy.toolsGroovy Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
AdaptiveFeatureGeneratorAn interface for generating features for name entity identification and for updating document level Language Processing (OpenNLP)
AdditionalContextFeatureGeneratorThe AdditionalContextFeatureGenerator generates the context from the passed in additional Language Processing (OpenNLP)
AggregatedFeatureGeneratorThe AggregatedFeatureGenerator aggregates a set of AdaptiveFeatureGenerators and calls them to generate the Language Processing (OpenNLP)
ArtifactProviderProvides access to model persisted Language Processing (OpenNLP)
ArtifactSerializerResponsible to create an artifact from an Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
BaseModelThis model is a common based which can be used by the components Provide sub classes access to serializers already in Language Processing (OpenNLP)
BaseToolFactoryBase class for all tool Language Processing (OpenNLP)
BeamSearchPerforms k-best search over Language Processing (OpenNLP)
BeamSearchContextGeneratorInterface for context generators used with a sequence beam Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
BrownBigramFeatureGeneratorGenerates Brown cluster features for token Language Processing (OpenNLP)
BrownClusterClass to load a Brown cluster document: word\tword_class\tprob Language Processing (OpenNLP)
BrownCluster Language Processing (OpenNLP)
BrownTokenClassesObtain the paths listed in the pathLengths array from the Brown Language Processing (OpenNLP)
BrownTokenClassFeatureGeneratorGenerates Brown cluster features for current token and token Language Processing (OpenNLP)
BrownTokenFeatureGeneratorGenerates Brown cluster features for current Language Processing (OpenNLP)
CacheProvides fixed size, pre-allocated, least recently used replacement Language Processing (OpenNLP)
CachedFeatureGeneratorCaches features of the aggregated Language Processing (OpenNLP)
CharacterNgramFeatureGeneratorThe CharacterNgramFeatureGenerator uses character ngrams to generate features about each Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
CountedSetSet which counts the number of times a values are added to Language Processing (OpenNLP)
CrossValidationPartitionerProvides access to training and test partitions for n-fold cross Language Processing (OpenNLP)
CrossValidationPartitioner .TrainingSampleStreamThe TrainingSampleStream which iterates over all training Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
DictionaryFeatureGeneratorThe DictionaryFeatureGenerator uses the DictionaryNameFinder to generated features for detected names based on the Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
EvaluatorThe Evaluator is an abstract base class for Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
ExtensionLoaderThe ExtensionLoader is responsible to load extensions to the OpenNLP Language Processing (OpenNLP)
ExtensionNotLoadedExceptionException indicates that an OpenNLP extension could not be Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
FastTokenClassFeatureGeneratorGenerates features for different for the class of the Language Processing (OpenNLP)
FeatureGeneratorAdapterThis class provides empty implementations of some of the optional methods in AdditionalContextFeatureGenerator to make implementing feature Language Processing (OpenNLP)
FeatureGeneratorFactoryThe FeatureGeneratorFactory interface is factory for Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
FeatureGeneratorResourceProviderThe FeatureGeneratorResourceProvider provides access to the resources provided in the Language Processing (OpenNLP)
FeatureGeneratorUtilThis class provide common utilities for feature Language Processing (OpenNLP)
FilterObjectStreamAbstract base class for filtering Language Processing (OpenNLP)
FMeasureThe FMeasure is an utility class for evaluators which measure precision, recall and the resulting Language Processing (OpenNLP)
GeneratorFactoryCreates a set of feature generators based on a provided XML Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
HashListClass which creates mapping between keys and a list of Language Processing (OpenNLP)
HeapInterface for interacting with a Heap data Language Processing (OpenNLP)
InputStreamFactoryAllows repeated reads through a stream for certain types of model Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
InvalidFormatExceptionThis exception indicates that a resource violates the expected data Language Processing (OpenNLP)
ListHeapThis class implements the heap interface using a List as the underlying data Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
MeanCalculates the arithmetic mean of values added with the add(double) Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
ModelUtilUtility class for handling of Language Processing (OpenNLP)
ObjectStreamReads Objects from a Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
OSGiExtensionLoaderOSGi bundle activator which can use an OSGi service as an OpenNLP Language Processing (OpenNLP)
OutcomePriorFeatureGeneratorThe definition feature maps the underlying distribution of Language Processing (OpenNLP)
ParagraphStreamStream filter which merges text lines into Language Processing (OpenNLP)
PlainTextByLineStreamReads a plain text file and return each line as a String Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
PreviousMapFeatureGeneratorThis FeatureGeneratorAdapter generates features indicating the outcome associated with a previously occuring Language Processing (OpenNLP)
PreviousTwoMapFeatureGeneratorThis FeatureGeneratorAdapter generates features indicating the outcome associated with two previously occuring Language Processing (OpenNLP)
ResetableIteratorThis interface makes an Iterator Language Processing (OpenNLP)
ReverseListIteratorAn iterator for a list which returns values in the opposite order as the typical list Language Processing (OpenNLP)
SentenceFeatureGeneratorThis feature generator creates sentence begin and end Language Processing (OpenNLP)
SequenceRepresents a weighted sequence of Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
SpanClass for storing start and end integer Language Processing (OpenNLP)
StringListThe StringList is an immutable list of Language Processing (OpenNLP)
StringPatternRecognizes predefined patterns in Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
TokenClassFeatureGeneratorGenerates features for different for the class of the Language Processing (OpenNLP)
TokenFeatureGeneratorGenerates a feature which contains the token Language Processing (OpenNLP)
TokenPatternFeatureGeneratorPartitions tokens into sub-tokens based on character classes and generates class features for each of the sub-tokens and combinations of those Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
TreeHeapAn implementation of the Heap interface based on Language Processing (OpenNLP)
TrigramNameFeatureGeneratorAdds trigram features based on tokens and token Language Processing (OpenNLP)
UncloseableInputStreamAn InputStream which cannot be Language Processing (OpenNLP)
VersionThe Version class represents the OpenNlp Tools library Language Processing (OpenNLP)
WindowFeatureGeneratorGenerates previous and next features for a given Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP)
WordClusterDictionary Language Processing (OpenNLP) Language Processing (OpenNLP) CXF CXF CXF CXF CXF CXF CXF CXF CXF CXF
AbstractInternationalStringA string that has been internationalized into several locales.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
BooleanConverterFactoryConverterFactory for handling boolean conversions.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
CanonicalSetA canonical set of objects, used to optimize memory use.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
CharsetConverterFactoryConverter for going from a String to a Charset and vice versa.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
CheckedArrayListA checked and synchronized List.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
CheckedCollectionCollection that ensures that all elements are assignable to a given base type.Interfaceorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
CheckedHashMapA checked and synchronized Map.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
CheckedHashSetA checked and synchronized Set.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
CollectionConverterFactoryConverts among arrays and different collection classes.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
ColorConverterFactoryConverterFactory for handling color conversions.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
CommonsConverterFactoryConvert String to common scalar values.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
CommonsLoggerFactoryA factory for loggers that redirect all Java logging events to the Apache's Commons-logging framework.Classorg.geotools.util.loggingGeoTools
ComparatorsGeneral purpose comparators.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
ComplexAttributeConverterFactoryThis converter retrieves the values out of attributes.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
ConverterConverts values of one type into another.Interfaceorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
ConverterFactoryFactory used to create instances of Converter.Interfaceorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
ConvertersConvenience class for converting an object from one type to an object of another.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
DefaultProgressListenerDefault Implementation of ProgressListener that does retain exceptions.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
DefaultProgressListener .WarningCollector class for warnings.Classorg.geotools.util.DefaultProgressListenerGeoTools
DerivedMapA map whose keys are derived from an other map.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
DerivedSetA set whose values are derived from an other set.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
DisjointSetA set which is disjoint from others DisjointSets.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
EnumerationConverterFactoryConverts between enumerations and stringsAuthor:Andrea Aime - OpenGeoClassorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
FrequencySortedSetA set with elements ordered by the amount of time they were added.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
GenericNameBase class for generic scoped and local name structure for type and attributeClassorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
GeometryConverterFactoryConverter factory performing converstions among geometric types.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
GeometryTypeConverterFactoryConverter factory performing conversions among JTS geometries of different types.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
GrowableInternationalStringAn implementation of international string using a map of strings for different locales.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
IntegerListA list of unsigned integer values.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
InterpolationPropertiesStores properties and provides methods to support interpolation of properties in a file.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
KeySortedListList of elements sorted by a key which is not the element itself.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
KVPA linked HashMap set up for easy construction.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
ListenerListThis class is used to maintain a list of listeners, and is used in the implementations of several classes within JFaceClassorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
LocalNameIdentifier within a name space for a local object.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
Log4JLoggerFactoryA factory for loggers that redirect all Java logging events to the Apache'sSince:2.Classorg.geotools.util.loggingGeoTools
LoggedFormatWraps a Format object in order to either parse fully a string, or log a warning.Classorg.geotools.util.loggingGeoTools
LoggerAdapterAn adapter that redirect all Java logging events to an other logging framework.Classorg.geotools.util.loggingGeoTools
LoggerFactoryA factory for Java Logger wrapping an other logging framework.Classorg.geotools.util.loggingGeoTools
LoggingA set of utilities method for configuring loggings in GeoTools.Classorg.geotools.util.loggingGeoTools
LRULinkedHashMapA Map with a fixed maximum size which removes the least recently used (LRU) entry if an entry is added when full.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
MapEntryA default implementation of Map.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
MeasureConverterFactoryConverterFactory which converts between the Measure and String.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
MeasurementRangeA range of numbers associated with a unit of measurement.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
MemberNameImplThe name to identify a member of a record.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
MonolineFormatterA formatter writting log messages on a single line.Classorg.geotools.util.loggingGeoTools
NameConverterFactoryConverterFactory for handling Name conversions.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
NameFactoryA factory for GenericName objects.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
NullProgressListenerA default progress listener implementation suitable for This implementation supports cancelation and getting/setting the description.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
NumberRangeA range of numbers.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
NumericConverterFactoryConverterFactory which converts between the "standard" numeric types.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
ObjectCacheA cache for arbitrary objects.Interfaceorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
ObjectCachesThis is facade around several constructs used by GeoTools for internal caching.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
ProgressListenerMonitor the progress of some lengthly operation.Interfaceorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
QNameConverterFactoryConverterFactory for handling qname conversions.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
RangeA range between a minimum and maximum comparable.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
RangeSetAn ordered set of ranges.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
RanksSorts elements in an array while remembering their ranks.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
RecordTypeImplThe type definition of a record.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
ResourceInternationalStringAn international string backed by a resource bundle.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
ScopedNameFully qualified identifier for an object.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
SimpleInternationalStringA simple international string consisting of a single string for all locales.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
SoftValueHashMapA hash map implementation that uses soft references, leaving memory when an entry is not used anymore and memory is low.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
SoftValueHashMap .ValueCleanerA delegate that can be used to perform clean up operation, such as resource closing, before the values cached in soft part of the cache gets disposed ofInterfaceorg.geotools.util.SoftValueHashMapGeoTools
SubProgressListenerA sub progress monitor, used to delegate a portion of work to a separate process.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
TemporalConverterFactoryConverter factory which created converting between the various temporal types.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
UnsupportedImplementationExceptionThrows when an operation can't use arbitrary implementation of an interface, and a given instance doesn't meet the requirement.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
URConverterFactoryConverter factory which can convert between URL,URI, and String.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
UtilitiesMiscellaneous methods, including cnvenience methods for equals and hashCode implementations.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
UuidConverterFactoryConverterFactory for handling uuid (uniqueidentifier) conversions.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
VersionHolds a version number.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
WeakCollectionCleanerA thread invoking Reference.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
WeakHashSetA set of objects hold by weak references.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
WeakValueHashMapA hashtable-based Map implementation with weak values.Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
XmlXpathUtilitesUlities class for xpath handling on a jdom document objectAuthor:Russell Petty (GeoScience Victoria)Classorg.geotools.utilGeoTools
AbstractAsyncWriterAbstract class that is designed to be extended and specialized to provide an asynchronous wrapper around any kind of Writer class that takes an object and writes it out somehow.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
AbstractIteratorBase class of implementing iterators.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
AbstractProgressLoggerAbstract implementation of a Little progress logging class to facilitate consistent output of useful information when progressing through a stream of SAM records.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
AsciiWriterFast (I hope) buffered Writer that converts char to byte merely by casting, rather than charset conversion.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
BinaryCodecEncapsulates file representation of various primitive data types.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
BlockCompressedFilePointerUtilStatic for manipulating virtual file pointers in BGZF files.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
BlockCompressedInputStream .FileTerminationReturns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
BlockCompressedOutputStreamWriter for a file that is a series of gzip blocks (BGZF format).Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
BlockGunzipperAlternative to GZIPInputStream, for decompressing GZIP blocks that are already loaded into a byte[].Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
BufferedLineReader than AsciiLineReaderImpl.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
CloseableIteratorThis interface is used by iterators that use releasable resources during iteration.Interfacehtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
CloserUtilUtility to close things that implement Closeable WARNING: This should only be used for Closeable things open for read, because it ignores exceptions, andClasshtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
CodeUtilMiscellaneous util methods that don't fit anywhere else.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
CollectionUtilSmall utility methods for dealing with collection classes.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
CollectionUtil .DefaultingMapA defaulting map, which returns a default value when a value that does not exist in the map is looked up.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
CollectionUtil .DefaultingMap .FactoryInterfacehtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
CollectionUtil .MultiMapSimple multi-map for convenience of storing collections in map values.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
CollectionUtil .PartitionerClasshtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
ComparableTupleA simple extension of the Tuple class that, for comparable Types, allows comparing Tuples of non-null elements.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
CoordSpanInputSteamAn input stream that wraps a SeekableStream to produce only bytes specified within coordinates.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
DateParserNOTE: This code has been taken from w3.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
DateParser .InvalidDateExceptionClasshtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
DeflaterFactoryCreate zlib-based Deflater if JNI library and other require libraries are available, otherwise create standard Java 7 has its own Deflater implementation (libzip.Classhtsjdk.samtools.util.zipHtsJDK
DelegatingIteratorSimple iterator class that delegates all method calls to an underlying iterator.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
DiskBackedQueueA single-ended FIFO queue.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
FastLineReaderLine-oriented InputStream reader that uses one buffer for disk buffering and line-termination-finding, in order to improve performance.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
FastqQualityFormatenum FastqQualityFormatEnumeration for FastQ quality score formats formats.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
FileAppendStreamLRUCacheLRU cache of OutputStreams to handle situation in which it is necessary to have more FileOutputStreams than resource limits will allow.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
FormatUtilSimple class used to format object values into a standard format for printing.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
FTPStreamA "non-seekable" ftp stream.Classhtsjdk.samtools.util.ftpHtsJDK
HistogramClass for computing and accessing histogram type data.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
IntelDeflaterThis is a copy of java.Classhtsjdk.samtools.util.zipHtsJDK
IntervalRepresents a simple interval on a sequence.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
IntervalListRepresents a list of intervals against a reference sequence that can be written to and read from a file.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
IntervalListReferenceSequenceMaskServe up loci of interest based on an interval list.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
IntervalTreeA Red-Black tree with intervals for keys.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
IntervalTree .NodeClasshtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
IntervalTree .ValuesIteratorClasshtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
IntervalTreeMapUtility class that implements an interval map.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
IOUtilMiscellaneous stateless static IO-oriented methods.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
Iso8601DateUse this type rather than java.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
IterableAdapterProvides an adapter to wrap an Iterator with an Iterable, allowing it to be run through a foreach loop.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
IterableOnceIteratorAbstract implementation of an iterator that also implements Iterable (to return itself) so that it can be used if for() loops.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
LazySimple utility for building an on-demand (lazy) object-initializer.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
Lazy .LazyInitializerDescribes how to build the instance of the lazy object.Interfacehtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
LineReaderInterface allows for implementations that read lines from a String, an ASCII file, or somewhere else.Interfacehtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
ListMapA Map class that holds a list of entries under each key instead of a single entry, and provides utility methods for adding an entry under a key.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
LocatableAny class that has a single logical mapping onto the genome should implement Locatable positions should be reported as 1-based and closed at both endsInterfacehtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
LocationAwareDescribes API for getting current position in a stream, writer, or underlying file.Interfacehtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
LocusLocation info about a locus.Interfacehtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
LocusComparatorcompares first by sequence index then by positionAuthor:Doug Voet (dvoet at broadinstitute dot org)See Also:Serialized FormClasshtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
LocusImplSimple implementation of Locus interface for ease of passing as an arg and comparing with other Locus implementations.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
LogA wafer thin wrapper around System.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
Log .LogLevelReturns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
Md5CalculatingInputStreamClass to generate an MD5 string for a file as it is being readAuthor:ktibbett@broadinstitue.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
Md5CalculatingOutputStreamClass to generate an MD5 string for a file as it is being readAuthor:ktibbett@broadinstitue.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
MergingIteratorAn iterator over Iterators that return Ts.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
Murmur3Provides an implementation of the Murmur3_32 hash algorithm that has desirable properties in terms of randomness and uniformity of the distribution of output values that make it a useful hashing algorithm for downsampling.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
ObjectsSubset of JDK7's Objects for non-JDK7 support.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
OverlapDetectorUtility class to efficiently do in memory overlap detection between a large set of mapping like objects, and one or more candidate mappings.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
PeekIteratorWrapper around an iterator that enables non-destructive peeking at the next element that would be returned by next()Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
ProcessExecutorUtility class that will execute sub processes via Runtime.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
ProcessExecutor .ExitStatusAndOutputClasshtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
ProgressLoggerLittle progress logging class to facilitate consistent output of useful information when progressing through a stream of SAM records.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
ProgressLoggerInterfaceAn interface defining the record() methods of the Picard-public ProgressLogger implementation.Interfacehtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
QualityEncodingDetectorUtility for determining the type of quality encoding/format (see FastqQualityFormat) used in a SAM/BAM or Fastq.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
QualityEncodingDetector .FileContextReturns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
QualityUtilUtility class for working with quality scores and error probabilities.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
ReferenceSequenceMaskInterface for specifying loci of interest for genotype calling and other operations.Interfacehtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
RelativeIso8601DateLike Iso8601Date, but also comes in a "lazy now" flavor.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
ResourceLimitedMapLRU collection class for managing objects that place some resource burden such that not too many of them can existing in the VM at one time, but they can be reconstructed ias necessary.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
RuntimeEOFExceptionThrown by various codecs to indicate EOF without having to clutter the API with throws clausesSee Also:Serialized FormClasshtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
RuntimeIOExceptionThrown by various IO classes to indicate IOException without having to clutter the API with throws clausesSee Also:Serialized FormClasshtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
RuntimeScriptExceptionThrown by classes handling script engines like the javascript-based filters for SAM/VCFSee Also:Serialized FormClasshtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
SamLocusIteratorIterator that traverses a SAM File, accumulating information on a per-locus basis.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
SamLocusIterator .LocusInfoThe unit of iteration.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
SamLocusIterator .RecordAndOffsetHolds a SAMRecord plus the zero-based offset into that SAMRecord's bases and quality scores that corresponds to the base and quality at the genomic position described the containing LocusInfo.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
SamRecordIntervalIteratorFactoryCreate an iterator over a SAMFileReader that only returns reads that overlap one of the intervals in an interval list.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
SamRecordTrackingBufferThis class stores SAMRecords for return.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
SamRecordWithOrdinalA little class to store the unique index associated with this record.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
SequenceUtil .SequenceListsDifferExceptionClasshtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
SnappyLoaderIf Snappy is available, obtain single-arg ctors for SnappyInputStream and SnappyOutputStream.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
SolexaQualityConverterOptimized method for converting Solexa ASCII qualities into Phred scores.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
SortingCollectionCollection to which many records can be added.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
SortingCollection .CodecClient must implement this class, which defines the way in which records are written to andMust return a cloned copy of the codec that can be used independently ofInterfacehtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
SortingLongCollectionAccumulate a list of longs that can then be sorted in natural order and iterated over.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
StopWatchUtility to help in performance testing.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
StringLineReader is necessary because the String is in unicode.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
StringUtilGrab-bag of stateless String-oriented utilities.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
TempStreamFactoryFactory class for wrapping input and output streams for temporary files.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
TrimmingUtilUtility code for performing quality trimming.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
TupleA simple tuple class.Classhtsjdk.samtools.utilHtsJDK
AndFilterThis filter will "accept" any object that is accept by both of the specified wrapped
CloneIterablePull together remover state and behavior for
CloneIteratorA CloneIterator iterates over a copy of a collection, allowing for concurrent access to the original
CloneIterator .RemoverUsed by CloneIterator to remove elements from the original collection; since the
CloneIterator .Remover
CompoundFilterThis filter provides a simple framework for combining the behavior of a pair of
EmptyIterableAn EmptyIterable is just
EmptyIteratorA null instance of an
SingleElementListIterableA SingleElementListIterable returns a ListIterator that holds a single
SingleElementListIteratorA SingleElementListIterator holds a single element and returns it with the first call to next(), at which point it will return false to any subsequent
SnapshotCloneIterableA SnapshotCloneIterable returns an iterator on a "snapshot" of a collection, allowing for concurrent access to the original
XmlEscapeCharacterConverterThis converter handles references when dealing with text or markup in an XML