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#Weka.filters Classes and Interfaces - 85 results found.
AbstractTimeSeriesAn abstract instance filter that assumes instances form time-series data and performs some merging of attribute values in the current instance withClassweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
Add An instance filter that adds a new attribute to the dataset.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
AddClassification A filter for adding the classification, the class distribution and an error flag to a dataset with a classifier.Classweka.filters.supervised.attributeWeka
AddCluster A filter that adds a new nominal attribute representing the cluster assigned to each instance by the specifiedClassweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
AddExpression An instance filter that creates a new attribute by applying a mathematical expression to existing attributes.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
AddID An instance filter that adds an ID attribute to the dataset.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
AddNoise An instance filter that changes a percentage of a given attributes values.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
AddUserFields A filter that adds new attributes with user specified type and constant value.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
AddUserFields .AttributeSpecInner class encapsulating a new user-specified attribute to create.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
AddUserFieldsBeanInfoBean info class for the AddUserFields filter.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
AddValues Adds the labels from the given list to an attribute if they are missing.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
AllFilterA simple instance filter that passes all instances directly through.Classweka.filtersWeka
AttributeSelection A supervised attribute filter that can be used to select attributes.Classweka.filters.supervised.attributeWeka
CartesianProduct A filter for performing the Cartesian product of a set of nominal attributes.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
Center Centers all numeric attributes in the given dataset to have zero mean (apart from the class attribute, if set).Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
ChangeDateFormat Changes the date format used by a date attribute.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
CheckSourceA simple class for checking the source generated from Filters implementing the weka.Classweka.filtersWeka
ClassAssigner Filter that can set and unset the class index.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
ClassBalancer Reweights the instances in the data so that each class has the same total weight.Classweka.filters.supervised.instanceWeka
ClassConditionalProbabilities Converts the values of nominal and/or numeric attributes into class conditional probabilities.Classweka.filters.supervised.attributeWeka
ClassOrder Changes the order of the classes so that the class values are no longer of in the order specified in the header.Classweka.filters.supervised.attributeWeka
ClusterMembership A filter that uses a density-based clusterer to generate cluster membership values; filtered instances are composed of theseClassweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
Copy An instance filter that copies a range of attributes in the dataset.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
Discretize An instance filter that discretizes a range of numeric attributes in the dataset into nominal attributes.Classweka.filters.supervised.attributeWeka
Discretize An instance filter that discretizes a range of numeric attributes in the dataset into nominal attributes.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
MultiFilter Applies several filters successively.Classweka.filtersWeka
NominalToBinary Converts all nominal attributes into binary numeric attributes.Classweka.filters.supervised.attributeWeka
NominalToBinary Converts all nominal attributes into binary numeric attributes.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
NominalToString Converts a nominal attribute (i.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
NonSparseToSparse An instance filter that converts all incoming instances into sparse format.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.instanceWeka
Normalize Normalizes all numeric values in the given dataset (apart from the class attribute, if set).Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
NumericCleaner A filter that 'cleanses' the numeric data from values that are too small, too big or very close to a certain value (e.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
NumericToBinary Converts all numeric attributes into binary attributes (apart from the class attribute, if set): if the value of theClassweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
NumericToNominal A filter for turning numeric attributes into nominal ones.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
NumericTransform Transforms numeric attributes using a given transformation method.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
Obfuscate A simple instance filter that renames the relation, all attribute names and all nominal (and string) attribute values.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
PartitionedMultiFilter A filter that applies filters on subsets of attributes and assembles the output into a new dataset.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
PartitionMembership * A filter that uses a PartitionGenerator to generate partition membership values; filtered instances are composed of these values plus the class attribute (if set in the input data) and rendered as sparse instances.Classweka.filters.supervised.attributeWeka
PKIDiscretize Discretizes numeric attributes using equal frequency binning, where the number of bins is equal to the square root ofClassweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
PotentialClassIgnorerThis filter should be extended by other unsupervised attribute filters to allow processing of the class attribute if that's required.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
PrincipalComponents Performs a principal components analysis and transformation of the data.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
Randomize Randomly shuffles the order of instances passed through it.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.instanceWeka
RandomProjection Reduces the dimensionality of the data by projecting it onto a lower dimensional subspace using a random matrix with columns of unit length (i.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
RandomSubset Chooses a random subset of attributes, either an absolute number or a percentage.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
Remove An filter that removes a range of attributes from the dataset.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
RemoveByName Removes attributes based on a regular expression matched against their names.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
RemoveDuplicates Removes all duplicate instances from the first batch of data it receives.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.instanceWeka
RemoveFolds This filter takes a dataset and outputs a specified fold for cross validation.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.instanceWeka
RemoveFrequentValues Determines which values (frequent or infrequent ones) of an (nominal) attribute are retained and filters the instancesClassweka.filters.unsupervised.instanceWeka
RemoveMisclassified A filter that removes instances which are incorrectly classified.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.instanceWeka
RemovePercentage A filter that removes a given percentage of a Valid options are:Classweka.filters.unsupervised.instanceWeka
RemoveRange A filter that removes a given range of instances of Valid options are:Classweka.filters.unsupervised.instanceWeka
RemoveType Removes attributes of a given type.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
RemoveUseless This filter removes attributes that do not vary at all or that vary too much.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
RemoveWithValues Filters instances according to the value of an Valid options are:Classweka.filters.unsupervised.instanceWeka
RenameAttribute This filter is used for renaming attribute names.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
RenameNominalValues Renames the values of nominal attributes.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
Reorder A filter that generates output with a new order of the attributes.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
ReplaceMissingValues Replaces all missing values for nominal and numeric attributes in a dataset with the modes and means from the training data.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
ReplaceMissingWithUserConstant Replaces all missing values for nominal, string, numeric and date attributes in the dataset with user-supplied constantClassweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
ReplaceWithMissingValue A filter that can be used to introduce missing values in a dataset.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
Resample Produces a random subsample of a dataset using either sampling with replacement or without replacement.Classweka.filters.supervised.instanceWeka
Resample Produces a random subsample of a dataset using either sampling with replacement or without replacement.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.instanceWeka
ReservoirSample Produces a random subsample of a dataset using the reservoir sampling Algorithm "R" by Vitter.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.instanceWeka
SimpleBatchFilterThis filter is a superclass for simple batch filters.Classweka.filtersWeka
SimpleFilterThis filter contains common behavior of the SimpleBatchFilter and the SimpleStreamFilter.Classweka.filtersWeka
SimpleStreamFilterThis filter is a superclass for simple stream filters.Classweka.filtersWeka
SortLabels A simple filter for sorting the labels of nominal Valid options are:Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
SortLabels .CaseInsensitiveComparatorRepresents a case-insensitive comparator for two strings.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
SortLabels .CaseSensitiveComparatorRepresents a case-sensitive comparator for two strings.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
SourcableInterface for filters that can be converted to Java source.Interfaceweka.filtersWeka
SparseToNonSparse An instance filter that converts all incoming sparse instances into non-sparse format.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.instanceWeka
SpreadSubsample Produces a random subsample of a dataset.Classweka.filters.supervised.instanceWeka
Standardize Standardizes all numeric attributes in the given dataset to have zero mean and unit variance (apart from the class attribute, if set).Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
StratifiedRemoveFolds This filter takes a dataset and outputs a specified fold for cross validation.Classweka.filters.supervised.instanceWeka
StringToNominal Converts a range of string attributes (unspecified number of values) to nominal (set number of values).Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
StringToWordVector Converts String attributes into a set of attributes representing word occurrence (depending on the tokenizer) information from the text contained in the strings.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
SubsetByExpression Filters instances according to a user-specified expression.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.instanceWeka
SwapValues Swaps two values of a nominal attribute.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
TimeSeriesDelta An instance filter that assumes instances form time-series data and replaces attribute values in the current instance with the difference between the current value and the equivalent attribute attribute value of some previous (or future) instance.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
TimeSeriesTranslate An instance filter that assumes instances form time-series data and replaces attribute values in the current instance with the equivalent attribute values of some previous (or future) instance.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka
Transpose Transposes the data: instances become attributes and attributes become instances.Classweka.filters.unsupervised.attributeWeka