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Usually asked only to fresh graduates.
 Q131. Difference between suspend() and stop() ?
Ans. Suspend method is used to suspend thread which can be restarted by using resume() method. stop() is used to stop the thread, it cannot be restarted again.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   threads   multi threading   operating system   synchronization   suspend   stop      basic        rare

 Q132. What is Scanner class used for ? when was it introduced in Java ?Core Java
Ans. Scanner class introduced in Java 1.5 for reading Data Stream from the imput device. Previously we used to write code to read a input using DataInputStream. After reading the stream , we can convert into respective data type using as String ,in.nextInt() as integer, in.nextDouble() as Double etc

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java5   scanner   file io   file input   data input stream  file handling      basic

 Q133. Whats the purpose of marker interfaces ?
Ans. They just tell the compiler that the objects of the classes implementing the interfaces with no defined methods need to be treated differently.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   interfaces   marker interfaces   clonable   serializable      basic        frequent

 Q134. Which load testing tools have you used ?
Ans. Rational Robot, JMeter, LoadRunner

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     testing   load testing   rational robot   jmeter   loadrunner   software tester      basic        rare

 Q135. Explain Inner Classes ?Core Java
Ans. The accessibility (public, protected, etc.) of the inner class is defined by the outer class.

Just like top-level classes, an inner class can extend a class or can implement interfaces.

Similarly, an inner class can be extended by other classes, and an inner interface can be implemented or extended by other classes or interfaces.

An inner class can be declared final or abstract.Inner classes can have inner classes, but you will have a hard time reading or understanding such complex nesting of classes.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   classes   inner classes     Asked in 2 Companies      Basic        frequent

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 Q136. What is the advantage of using arrays over variables ?
Ans. Arrays provide a structure wherein multiple values can be accessed using single reference and index. This helps in iterating over the values using loops.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   arrays   loops   variables   basic interview question

 Q137. When you will synchronize a piece of your code?
Ans. When you expect your code will be accessed by different threads and these threads may change a particular data causing data corruption.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   threads   multi threading   synchronization   concurrency      basic        frequent

 Q138. What is connection pooling?Database
Ans. It's a technique to allow multiple clients to make use of a cached set of shared and reusable connection objects providing access to a database or other resource.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   jdbc   db connectivity   connection pooling   architecture     Asked in 3 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q139. What is the difference between System.out ,System.err and
Ans. System.out and System.err both represent the monitor by default and hence can be used to send data or results to the monitor. But System.out is used to display normal messages and results whereas System.err is used to display error messages and represents InputStream object, which by default represents standard input device, i.e., keyboard.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   io   system.out   system.err   difference between   advanced   basic interview question

 Q140. Why is Java considered Portable Language ?Core Java
Ans. Java is a portable-language because without any modification we can use Java byte-code in any platform(which supports Java). So this byte-code is portable and we can use in any other major platforms.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   bytecode   jvm   compiler   portable   features of java   basic interview question

 Q141. Difference between throw and throws ?Core Java
Ans. throw is used to explicitly throw an exception especially custom exceptions, whereas throws is used to declare that the method can throw an exception.

We cannot throw multiple exceptions using throw statement but we can declare that a method can throw multiple exceptions using throws and comma separator.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   exceptions   exception handling   throw   throws   difference between   basic interview question      basic        frequent

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 Q142. What is an Object ?Core Java
Ans. Object is a run time entity whose state is stored in fields and behavior is shown via methods. Methods operate on an object's internal state and serve as the primary mechanism for object-to-object communication.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   objects   basic interview question     Asked in 1 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q143. What is a Class ?Core Java
Ans. A class is a blue print or Mold using which individual objects are created. A class can contain fields and methods to describe the behavior of an object.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   class   basic interview question     Asked in 1 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q144. What data type Variable can be used in a switch statement ?Core Java
Ans. Variables used in a switch statement can only be a byte, short, int, or char ( and String with Java 7 and above )

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   switch   variable   data type      basic        rare

 Q145. How finally used under Exception Handling?Core Java
Ans. The finally keyword is used to create a block of code that follows a try block. A finally block of code always executes, whether or not an exception has occurred.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   exceptions   exception handling   try   finally   basic interview question     Asked in 1 Companies

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 Q146. What are use cases?Process
Ans. It is part of the analysis of a program and describes a situation that a program might encounter and what behavior the program should exhibit in that circumstance.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     use cases   design   high level design   testing   test driven development   software system analyst   project lead      basic        frequent

 Q147. What is the difference between a break statement and a continue statement?Core Java
Ans. Break statement results in the termination of the statement to which it applies (switch, for, do, or while). A continue statement is used to end the current loop iteration and return control to the loop statement.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   break   continue   loop   for loop  control statements  loop statement   while loop  control statements  loop statement   break   continue   difference between   basic interview question      basic        frequent

 Q148. Can try statements be nested?Core Java
Ans. Yes

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   exceptions   try   yes no      basic

 Q149. What is an enumeration?Core Java
Ans. An enumeration is an interface containing methods for accessing the underlying data structure from which the enumeration is obtained. It allows sequential access to all the elements stored in the collection.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   enum   enumeration interface   basic interview question

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 Q150. Difference between Encapsulation and Data Hiding ?
Ans. Data Hiding is a broader concept. Encapsulation is a OOP's centri concept which is a way of data hiding in OOP's.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   oops concepts   encapsulation   data hiding   build management      basic

  Q151. What is the use of HashCode in objects ?Core Java
Ans. Hashcode is used for bucketing in Hash implementations like HashMap, HashTable, HashSet etc.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   string   hashcode   hash code   string comparison  hashtable     Asked in 17 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q152. What will be the output of the following code ?

String s1 = "Buggy Bread";
String s2 = "Buggy Bread";
if(s1 == s2)
   System.out.println("equal 1");
String n1 = new String("Buggy Bread");
String n2 = new String("Buggy Bread");
if(n1 == n2)
   System.out.println("equal 2");
Core Java
Ans. equal 1

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   string class   string   string pool   code   coding      basic        frequent

 Q153. Difference between PATH and CLASSPATH ?Operating System
Ans. PATH is the variable that holds the directories for the OS to look for executables. CLASSPATH is the variable that holds the directories for JVM to look for .class files ( Byte Code ).

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   path   classpath   byte code   jvm   basic interview question     Asked in 3 Companies      intermediate        rare

 Q154. Which markup languages can be used in restful web services ? Rest
Ans. XML and JSON ( Javascript Object Notation ).

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   web services   rest   java   j2ee   xml   json   architecture      basic        frequent

 Q155. Difference between Inner and Outer Join ?Database
Ans. Inner join is the intersection of two tables on a particular columns whereas Outer Join is the Union of two tables.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     sql   joins   inner join   outer join     Asked in 4 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q156. What is a Cursor ?Database
Ans. It's a facility that allows traversal over the records pulled from a table or combination of tables. Its like iterator in Java.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     databases   sql   cursors   packages     Asked in 5 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q157. Which of the following syntax are correct ?a. LinkedList<Integer> l=new LinkedList<int>();b. List<Integer> l=new LinkedList<int>();c. LinkedList<Integer> l=new LinkedList<Integer>();d. List<Integer> l = new LinkedList<Integer>();Core Java
Ans. All are correct.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   generics   linkedlist   list   collections      basic

  Q158. Can we have null keys in TreeMap ?Core Java
Ans. No, results in exception.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   treemap     Asked in 6 Companies      Basic        frequent

 Q159. What are the different types of inheritance in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. Table Per Class , Table per Sub Class , Table per Concrete Class

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   orm   inheritance hibernate     Asked in 1 Companies      Basic        frequent

 Q160. How to do Eager loading in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. Using

lazy = false in hibernate config file


@Basic(fetch=FetchType.EAGER) at the mapping

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   lazy loading hibernate   basic annotation hibernate   architecture

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