
Provides implementations of Property, Item and Container interfaces, and utilities for the data layer.


Interface Summary
AbstractBeanContainer.BeanIdResolver<IDTYPE,BEANTYPE> Resolver that maps beans to their (item) identifiers, removing the need to explicitly specify item identifiers when there is no need to customize this.
ItemSorter An item comparator which is compatible with the Container.Sortable interface.
VaadinPropertyDescriptor<BT> Property descriptor that can create a property instance for a bean.

Class Summary
AbstractBeanContainer<IDTYPE,BEANTYPE> An abstract base class for in-memory containers for JavaBeans.
AbstractContainer Abstract container class that manages event listeners and sending events to them (PropertySetChangeNotifier, ItemSetChangeNotifier).
AbstractContainer.BaseItemSetChangeEvent An event object specifying the container whose Item set has changed.
AbstractContainer.BasePropertySetChangeEvent An event object specifying the container whose Property set has changed.
AbstractInMemoryContainer<ITEMIDTYPE,PROPERTYIDCLASS,ITEMCLASS extends Item> Abstract Container class that handles common functionality for in-memory containers.
AbstractProperty<T> Abstract base class for Property implementations.
AbstractProperty.ReadOnlyStatusChangeEvent An Event object specifying the Property whose read-only status has been changed.
BeanContainer<IDTYPE,BEANTYPE> An in-memory container for JavaBeans.
BeanItem<BT> A wrapper class for adding the Item interface to any Java Bean.
BeanItemContainer<BEANTYPE> An in-memory container for JavaBeans.
ContainerHierarchicalWrapper A wrapper class for adding external hierarchy to containers not implementing the Container.Hierarchical interface.
ContainerOrderedWrapper A wrapper class for adding external ordering to containers not implementing the Container.Ordered interface.
DefaultItemSorter Provides a default implementation of an ItemSorter.
DefaultItemSorter.DefaultPropertyValueComparator Provides a default comparator used for comparing Property values.
FilesystemContainer A hierarchical container wrapper for a filesystem.
HierarchicalContainer A specialized Container whose contents can be accessed like it was a tree-like structure.
HierarchicalContainerOrderedWrapper A wrapper class for adding external ordering to containers not implementing the Container.Ordered interface while retaining Container.Hierarchical features.
IndexedContainer An implementation of the Container.Indexed interface with all important features.
IndexedContainer.ItemSetChangeEvent An event object specifying the list whose Item set has changed.
ListSet<E> ListSet is an internal Vaadin class which implements a combination of a List and a Set.
MethodProperty<T> Proxy class for creating Properties from pairs of getter and setter methods of a Bean property.
MethodPropertyDescriptor<BT> Property descriptor that is able to create simple MethodProperty instances for a bean, using given accessors.
NestedMethodProperty<T> Nested accessor based property for a bean.
NestedPropertyDescriptor<BT> Property descriptor that is able to create nested property instances for a bean.
ObjectProperty<T> A simple data object containing one typed value.
PropertyFormatter<T> Deprecated. Since 7.0 replaced by Converter
PropertysetItem Class for handling a set of identified Properties.
QueryContainer Deprecated. will be removed in the future, use the SQLContainer add-on
TextFileProperty Property implementation for wrapping a text file.
TransactionalPropertyWrapper<T> Wrapper class that helps implement two-phase commit for a non-transactional property.

Exception Summary
MethodProperty.MethodException Exception object that signals that there were problems calling or finding the specified getter or setter methods of the property.

Package Description

Provides implementations of Property, Item and Container interfaces, and utilities for the data layer.

Various Property, Item and Container implementations are provided in this package. Each implementation can have its own sets of constraints on the data it encapsulates and on how the implementation can be used. See the class javadocs for more information.

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