Package com.vaadin

The Vaadin base package.


Interface Summary
Application.UserChangeListener The UserChangeListener interface for listening application user changes.
Application.WindowAttachListener Window attach listener interface.
Application.WindowDetachListener Window detach listener interface.

Class Summary
Application Base class required for all Vaadin applications.
Application.ApplicationStartEvent An event sent to Application.start(ApplicationStartEvent) when a new Application is being started.
Application.CustomizedSystemMessages Contains the system messages used to notify the user about various critical situations that can occur.
Application.LegacyApplication Deprecated. This class is only intended to ease migration and should not be used for new projects.
Application.SystemMessages Contains the system messages used to notify the user about various critical situations that can occur.

Exception Summary
RootRequiresMoreInformationException Exception that is thrown to indicate that creating or initializing the root requires information detailed from the web browser (WrappedRequest.BrowserDetails) to be present.

Package com.vaadin Description

The Vaadin base package. Contains the Application class, the starting point of any application that uses Vaadin.

Contains all Vaadin core classes. A Vaadin application is based on the Application class and deployed as a servlet using ApplicationServlet or GAEApplicationServlet (for Google App Engine).

Vaadin applications can also be deployed as portlets using com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server.ApplicationPortlet (JSR-168) or ApplicationPortlet2 (JSR-286).

All classes in Vaadin are serializable unless otherwise noted. This allows Vaadin applications to run in cluster and cloud environments.

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