Package com.vaadin.ui



Interface Summary
AbstractSelect.Filtering Interface for option filtering, used to filter options based on user entered value.
AbstractSelect.ItemDescriptionGenerator Implement this interface and pass it to Tree.setItemDescriptionGenerator or Table.setItemDescriptionGenerator to generate mouse over descriptions ("tooltips") for the rows and cells in Table or for the items in Tree.
AbstractSplitPanel.SplitterClickListener SplitterClickListener interface for listening for SplitterClickEvent fired by a SplitPanel.
Button.ClickListener Interface for listening for a Button.ClickEvent fired by a Component.
Component Component is the top-level interface that is and must be implemented by all Vaadin components.
Component.ErrorListener Listener interface for receiving Component.Errorss.
Component.Focusable A sub-interface implemented by components that can obtain input focus.
Component.Listener Listener interface for receiving Component.Events.
ComponentContainer Extension to the Component interface which adds to it the capacity to contain other components.
ComponentContainer.ComponentAttachListener Component attach listener interface.
ComponentContainer.ComponentDetachListener Component detach listener interface.
Field<T> TODO document
FormFieldFactory Factory interface for creating new Field-instances based on Item, property id and uiContext (the component responsible for displaying fields).
HasComponents Interface that must be implemented by all Components that contain other Components.
JavaScriptCallback Defines a method that is called by a client-side JavaScript function.
Layout Extension to the ComponentContainer interface which adds the layouting control to the elements in the container.
Layout.AlignmentHandler AlignmentHandler is most commonly an advanced Layout that can align its components.
Layout.MarginHandler This type of layout supports automatic addition of margins (space around its components).
Layout.SpacingHandler This type of layout supports automatic addition of space between its components.
LoginForm.LoginListener Login listener is a class capable to listen LoginEvents sent from LoginBox
MenuBar.Command This interface contains the layer for menu commands of the MenuBar class.
PopupView.Content Used to deliver customized content-packages to the PopupView.
PopupView.PopupVisibilityListener Defines a listener that can receive a PopupVisibilityEvent when the visibility of the popup changes.
Table.CellStyleGenerator Allow to define specific style on cells (and rows) contents.
Table.ColumnGenerator Used to create "generated columns"; columns that exist only in the Table, not in the underlying Container.
Table.ColumnReorderListener Interface for listening to column reorder events.
Table.ColumnResizeListener Interface for listening to column resize events.
Table.FooterClickListener Interface for the listener for column footer mouse click events.
Table.HeaderClickListener Interface for the listener for column header mouse click events.
Table.RowGenerator Row generators can be used to replace certain items in a table with a generated string.
TableFieldFactory Factory interface for creating new Field-instances based on Container (datasource), item id, property id and uiContext (the component responsible for displaying fields).
TabSheet.CloseHandler CloseHandler is used to process tab closing events.
TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeListener Selected tab change event listener.
TabSheet.Tab Tab meta-data for a component in a TabSheet.
Tree.CollapseListener Collapse event listener.
Tree.ExpandListener Expand event listener.
Tree.ItemStyleGenerator ItemStyleGenerator can be used to add custom styles to tree items.
Upload.FailedListener Receives events when the uploads are finished, but unsuccessful.
Upload.FinishedListener Receives the events when the uploads are ready.
Upload.ProgressListener ProgressListener receives events to track progress of upload.
Upload.Receiver Interface that must be implemented by the upload receivers to provide the Upload component an output stream to write the uploaded data.
Upload.StartedListener Receives the events when the upload starts.
Upload.SucceededListener Receives events when the uploads are successfully finished.
Window.CloseListener An interface used for listening to Window close events.
Window.ResizeListener Listener for window resize events.

Class Summary
AbsoluteLayout AbsoluteLayout is a layout implementation that mimics html absolute positioning.
AbstractComponent An abstract class that defines default implementation for the Component interface.
AbstractComponentContainer Extension to AbstractComponent that defines the default implementation for the methods in ComponentContainer.
AbstractField<T> Abstract field component for implementing buffered property editors.
AbstractField.FocusShortcut A ready-made ShortcutListener that focuses the given Focusable (usually a Field) when the keyboard shortcut is invoked.
AbstractField.ReadOnlyStatusChangeEvent An Event object specifying the Property whose read-only status has changed.
AbstractJavaScriptComponent Base class for Components with all client-side logic implemented using JavaScript.
AbstractLayout An abstract class that defines default implementation for the Layout interface.
AbstractMedia Abstract base class for the HTML5 media components.
AbstractSelect A class representing a selection of items the user has selected in a UI.
AbstractSelect.AcceptItem This criterion accepts a only a Transferable that contains given Item (practically its identifier) from a specific AbstractSelect.
AbstractSelect.TargetItemIs Criterion which accepts a drop only if the drop target is (one of) the given Item identifier(s).
AbstractSelect.VerticalLocationIs An accept criterion to accept drops only on a specific vertical location of an item.
AbstractSplitPanel AbstractSplitPanel.
Accordion An accordion is a component similar to a TabSheet, but with a vertical orientation and the selected component presented between tabs.
Alignment Class containing information about alignment of a component.
Audio The Audio component translates into an HTML5 <audio> element and as such is only supported in browsers that support HTML5 media markup.
Button A generic button component.
Button.ClickShortcut A ShortcutListener specifically made to define a keyboard shortcut that invokes a click on the given button.
ComboBox A filtering dropdown single-select.
Component.ErrorEvent Class of all component originated error events.
Component.Event Superclass of all component originated events.
ComponentContainer.ComponentAttachEvent Component attach event sent when a component is attached to container.
ComponentContainer.ComponentDetachEvent Component detach event sent when a component is detached from container.
ConnectorTracker A class which takes care of book keeping of ClientConnectors for a Root.
CssLayout CssLayout is a layout component that can be used in browser environment only.
CustomComponent Custom component provides simple implementation of Component interface for creation of new UI components by composition of existing components.
CustomField<T> A Field whose UI content can be constructed by the user, enabling the creation of e.g.
CustomLayout A container component with freely designed layout and style.
DateField A date editor component that can be bound to any Property that is compatible with java.util.Date.
DefaultFieldFactory This class contains a basic implementation for both FormFieldFactory and TableFieldFactory.
Embedded Component for embedding external objects.
Field.ValueChangeEvent An Event object specifying the Field whose value has been changed.
Form Deprecated. Use FieldGroup instead of Form for more flexibility.
FormLayout FormLayout is used by Form to layout fields.
GridLayout A layout where the components are laid out on a grid using cell coordinates.
HorizontalLayout Horizontal layout HorizontalLayout is a component container, which shows the subcomponents in the order of their addition (horizontally).
HorizontalSplitPanel A horizontal split panel contains two components and lays them horizontally.
Html5File DragAndDropWrapper can receive also files from client computer if appropriate HTML 5 features are supported on client side.
InlineDateField A date entry component, which displays the actual date selector inline.
JavaScript Provides access to JavaScript functionality in the web browser.
Label Label component for showing non-editable short texts.
Label.ValueChangeEvent Value change event
Link Link is used to create external or internal URL links.
ListSelect This is a simple list select without, for instance, support for new items, lazyloading, and other advanced features.
LoginForm LoginForm is a Vaadin component to handle common problem among Ajax applications: browsers password managers don't fill dynamically created forms like all those UI elements created by Vaadin.
MenuBar A class representing a horizontal menu bar.
NativeSelect This is a simple drop-down select without, for instance, support for multiselect, new items, lazyloading, and other advanced features.
Notification A notification message, used to display temporary messages to the user - for example "Document saved", or "Save failed".
OptionGroup Configures select to be used as an option group.
Panel Panel - a simple single component container.
PasswordField A field that is used to enter secret text information like passwords.
PopupDateField A date entry component, which displays the actual date selector as a popup.
PopupView A component for displaying a two different views to data.
ProgressIndicator ProgressIndicator is component that shows user state of a process (like long computing or file upload) ProgressIndicator has two mainmodes.
RichTextArea A simple RichTextArea to edit HTML format text.
Root The topmost component in any component hierarchy.
Root.LegacyWindow Deprecated.
Select A class representing a selection of items the user has selected in a UI.
Slider A component for selecting a numerical value within a range.
Table Table is used for representing data or components in a pageable and selectable table.
Table.ColumnReorderEvent This event is fired when a columns are reordered by the end user user.
Table.ColumnResizeEvent This event is fired when a column is resized.
Table.FooterClickEvent Click event fired when clicking on the Table footers.
Table.HeaderClickEvent Click event fired when clicking on the Table headers.
Table.TableDropCriterion Lazy loading accept criterion for Table.
TabSheet TabSheet component.
TextArea A text field that supports multi line editing.
TextField A text editor component that can be bound to any bindable Property.
Tree Tree component.
Tree.CollapseEvent Collapse event
Tree.ExpandEvent Event to fired when a node is expanded.
Tree.TargetItemAllowsChildren A criterion that accepts Transferable only directly on a tree node that can have children.
Tree.TreeDropCriterion Lazy loading accept criterion for Tree.
TreeTable TreeTable extends the Table component so that it can also visualize a hierarchy of its Items in a similar manner that Tree does.
TwinColSelect Multiselect component with two lists: left side for available items and right side for selected items.
UniqueSerializable A base class for generating an unique object that is serializable.
Upload Component for uploading files from client to server.
Upload.FailedEvent Upload.FailedEvent event is sent when the upload is received, but the reception is interrupted for some reason.
Upload.FinishedEvent Upload.FinishedEvent is sent when the upload receives a file, regardless of whether the reception was successful or failed.
Upload.NoInputStreamEvent FailedEvent that indicates that an input stream could not be obtained.
Upload.NoOutputStreamEvent FailedEvent that indicates that an output stream could not be obtained.
Upload.StartedEvent Upload.StartedEvent event is sent when the upload is started to received.
Upload.SucceededEvent Upload.SucceededEvent event is sent when the upload is received successfully.
VerticalLayout Vertical layout VerticalLayout is a component container, which shows the subcomponents in the order of their addition (vertically).
VerticalSplitPanel A vertical split panel contains two components and lays them vertically.
Video The Video component translates into an HTML5 <video> element and as such is only supported in browsers that support HTML5 media markup.
Window A component that represents a floating popup window that can be added to a Root.
Window.CloseShortcut A ShortcutListener specifically made to define a keyboard shortcut that closes the window.

Enum Summary
AbstractSelect.MultiSelectMode Multi select modes that controls how multi select behaves.
AbstractTextField.TextChangeEventMode Different modes how the TextField can trigger FieldEvents.TextChangeEvents.
DateField.Resolution Resolutions for DateFields
Table.TableDragMode Modes that Table support as drag sourse.
Tree.TreeDragMode Supported drag modes for Tree.

Exception Summary

Package com.vaadin.ui Description

Provides interfaces and classes in Vaadin.

Package Specification

Interface hierarchy

The general interface hierarchy looks like this:

Note that the above picture includes only the main interfaces. This package includes several other lesser sub-interfaces which are not significant in this scope. The interfaces not appearing here are documented with the classes that define them.

The Component interface is the top-level interface which must be implemented by all user interface components in Vaadin. It defines the common properties of the components and how the framework will handle them. Most simple components, such as Button, for example, do not need to implement the lower-level interfaces described below. Notice that also the classes and interfaces required by the component event framework are defined in Component.

The next level in the component hierarchy are the classes implementing the ComponentContainer interface. It adds the capacity to contain other components to Component with a simple API.

The third and last level is the Layout, which adds the concept of location to the components contained in a ComponentContainer. It can be used to create containers which contents can be positioned.

Component class hierarchy

The actual component classes form a hierarchy like this:

Underlined classes are abstract.

At the top level is AbstractComponent which implements the Component interface. As the name suggests it is abstract, but it does include a default implementation for all methods defined in Component so that a component is free to override only those functionalities it needs.

As seen in the picture, AbstractComponent serves as the superclass for several "real" components, but it also has a some abstract extensions. AbstractComponentContainer serves as the root class for all components (for example, panels and windows) who can contain other components. AbstractField, on the other hand, implements several interfaces to provide a base class for components that are used for data display and manipulation.

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