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 Q11. Why do we need Inner classes ? Cant we just work with outer classes wherever we implement Inner classes ?Core Java
Ans. Yes, we can substitute outer classes wherever we need to have inner classes but Inner classes have advantage in certain cases and hence preferred -

Ease - Why to implement a class outside if its objects are only intended to be part of an outer object. Its easy to define the class within another class if the use is only local.

Protection - Making a call an outer exposes a threat of it being used by any of the class. Why should it be made an outer class if its object should only occur as part of other objects.

For example - You may like to have an class address whose object should have a reference to city and by design thats the only use of city you have in your application. Making Address and City as outer class exposes City to any of the Class. Making it an inner class of Address will make sure that its accessed using object of Address.

  Sample Code for inner class

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   inner classes   classes   objects   technical lead      intermediate

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  Q12. What do you mean by "Java is a statically typed language" ?Core Java
Ans. It means that the type of variables are checked at compile time in Java.The main advantage here is that all kinds of checking can be done by the compiler and hence will reduce bugs.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   statically typed language   variable declaration     Asked in 7 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q13. What is the difference between declaration, instantiation and initialization ?Core Java
Ans. Declaration is intimation to the compiler about the nature of Data a reference is going to hold.

For example - List myList;

Instantiation is reservation of memory.

For example

myList = new ArrayList();

Initialization or construction is setting the default values for member elements.

For example

myList = new ArrayList(mySet);

** Example 2nd is both for instantiation as well as initialization. The only difference is that 2nd will initialized the member elements to their default values whereas 3rd will initialized it with the elements from set.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     declaration   instantiation   initialization   construction   declaration vs instantiation   instantiation vs initialization   declaration vs initialization     Asked in 1 Companies      basic        frequent

Very frequently asked. Favorite question in Walk in Drive of many Indian service companies.
  Q14. What is the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList ?Core Java
Ans. Underlying data structure for ArrayList is Array whereas LinkedList is the linked list and hence have following differences -

1. ArrayList needs continuous memory locations and hence need to be moved to a bigger space if new elements are to be added to a filled array which is not required for LinkedList.

2. Removal and Insertion at specific place in ArrayList requires moving all elements and hence leads to O(n) insertions and removal whereas its constant O(1) for LinkedList.

3. Random access using index in ArrayList is faster than LinkedList which requires traversing the complete list through references.

4. Though Linear Search takes Similar Time for both, Binary Search using LinkedList requires creating new Model called Binary Search Tree which is slower but offers constant time insertion and deletion.

5. For a set of integers you want to sort using quicksort, it's probably faster to use an array; for a set of large structures you want to sort using selection sort, a linked list will be faster.

  Sample Code for ArrayList

  Sample Code for LinkedList

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     collections   java   data structures   arraylist   linkedlist   arraylist vs linkedlist     Asked in 61 Companies      Basic        frequent

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Frequently asked in Infosys and HCL Technologies ( Based on 2 feedback )
 Q15. What are different ways of object creation in Java ?Core Java
Ans. Using new operator - new xyzClass()

Using factory methods - xyzFactory.getInstance( )

Using newInstance( ) method - (Class.forName(xyzClass))emp.newInstance( )

By cloning an already available object - (xyzClass)obj1.clone( )

  Sample Code for object initialization using clone

  Sample Code for object initialization using getInstance

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   object creation   new operator   class.forname   cloning   ebay     Asked in 9 Companies      expert

Frequently asked question in companies using Hibernate.
  Q16. What is Lazy Initialization in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. It's a feature to lazily initialize dependencies , relationship and associations from the Database. Any related references marked as @OneToMany or @ManyToMany are loaded lazily i.e when they are accessed and not when the parent is loaded.

  Sample Code for Lazy Initialization

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   lazy loading hibernate   lazy initialization hibernate   architecture     Asked in 77 Companies      Basic        frequent

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 Q17. What are the common uses of "this" keyword in java ?Core Java
Ans. "this" keyword is a reference to the current object and can be used for following -

1. Passing itself to another method.

2. Referring to the instance variable when local variable has the same name.

3. Calling another constructor in constructor chaining.

  Sample Code for this keyword

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   this   object reference   constructor chaining      intermediate        rare

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 Q18. How can we run a java program without making any object?Core Java
Ans. By putting code within static method. With Java 6 and earlier versions, even static block can be used.

  Sample Code for static block

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   static   static method   static block     Asked in 3 Companies      basic        frequent

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Very Frequently asked. Have been asked in HCL Technologies very frequently ( based on 3 feedback ). Among first few questions in many interviews.
  Q19. Differences between abstract class and interface ?Core Java
Ans. Abstract classes can have both abstract methods ( method declarations ) as well as concrete methods ( inherited to the derived classes ) whereas Interfaces can only have abstract methods ( method declarations ).

A class can extend single abstract class whereas it can implement multiple interfaces.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   classes   abstract class   interfaces   abstract class vs interface   abstract classes vs interfaces     Asked in 82 Companies      basic        frequent

Basic and Very Frequently asked.
  Q20. What is Polymorphism in Java ?Core Java
Ans. Polymorphism means the condition of occurring in several different forms.

Polymorphism in Java is achieved in two manners

1. Static polymorphism is the polymorphic resolution identified at compile time and is achieved through function overloading whereas

2. Dynamic polymorphism is the polymorphic resolution identified at runtime and is achieved through method overriding.

  Sample Code for overloading

  Sample Code for overriding

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     polymorphism  object oriented programming (oops)  oops concepts  oops concepts     Asked in 108 Companies      Basic        frequent

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Frequently asked.
 Q21. If you are given a choice to use either ArrayList and LinkedList, Which one would you use and Why ?Core Java
Ans. ArrayList are implemented in memory as arrays and hence allows fast retrieval through indices but are costly if new elements are to be inserted in between other elements. LinkedList allows for constant-time insertions or removals using iterators, but only sequential access of elements

1. Retrieval - If Elements are to be retrieved sequentially only, Linked List is preferred.

2. Insertion - If new Elements are to be inserted in between other elements , Linked List is preferred.

3. Search - Binary Search and other optimized way of searching is not possible on Linked List.

4. Sorting - Initial sorting could be pain but lateral addition of elements in a sorted list is good with linked list.

5. Adding Elements - If sufficiently large elements needs to be added very frequently ,Linked List is preferable as elements don't need consecutive memory location.

  Sample Code for ArrayList

  Sample Code for LinkedList

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   list   arraylist   linkedlist   difference between   architecture   data structure   ebay     Asked in 2 Companies      basic        frequent

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 Q22. What are the benefits of JSON over XML ?Json
Ans. Lighter and faster than XML as on-the-wire data format

Object Representation - Information is presented in object notations and hence better understandable.

Easy to parse and conversion to objects for information consumption.

Support multiple data types - JSON supports string, number, array, boolean whereas XML data are all string.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     json   markup language     Asked in 1 Companies      intermediate        frequent

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Frequently asked in all types of companies especially Indian Services companies. Frequently asked in CTS (Based on 2 feedback)
  Q23. What is the use of hashcode in Java ?Core Java
Ans. Hashcode is used for bucketing in Hash implementations like HashMap, HashTable, HashSet etc. The value received from hashcode() is used as bucket number for storing elements. This bucket number is the address of the element inside the set/map. when you do contains() then it will take the hashcode of the element, then look for the bucket where hashcode points to and if more than 1 element is found in the same bucket (multiple objects can have the same hashcode) then it uses the equals() method to evaluate if object are equal, and then decide if contain() is true or false, or decide if element could be added in the set or not.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   hashcode   advanced  hashtable     Asked in 33 Companies      intermediate        frequent

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Recently asked in TCS , Tech Mahindra, HCL , Accenture and Fidelity.
  Q24. Explain Flow of Spring MVC ?Spring
Ans. The DispatcherServlet configured in web.xml file receives the request.

The DispatcherServlet finds the appropriate Controller with the help of HandlerMapping and then invokes associated Controller.

Then the Controller executes the logic business logic and then returns ModeAndView object to the DispatcherServlet.

The DispatcherServlet determines the view from the ModelAndView object.

Then the DispatcherServlet passes the model object to the View.

The View is rendered and the Dispatcher Servlet sends the output to the Servlet container.

Finally Servlet Container sends the result back to the user.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   spring   mvc   frameworks   web applications   architecture     Asked in 11 Companies      Basic        frequent

Frequently asked in Infosys India
  Q25. What is a String Pool ?Core Java
Ans. String pool (String intern pool) is a special storage area in Java heap. When a string is created and if the string already exists in the pool, the reference of the existing string will be returned, instead of creating a new object and returning its reference.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   string   string class   string pool   heap memory     Asked in 31 Companies      intermediate        frequent

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Very Frequently asked to fresh graduates and less experienced. Favorite question in Walk in drives. Frequently asked in Indian Services companies.
  Q26. Difference between Overloading and Overriding ?Core Java
Ans. Overloading - Similar Signature but different definition , like function overloading.

Overriding - Overriding the Definition of base class in the derived class.

  Sample Code for overloading

  Sample Code for overriding

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   overloading   overriding   oops concepts   basic interview question   overloading vs overriding     Asked in 86 Companies      basic        frequent

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 Q27. Can you give a real world example of Encapsulation and Abstraction ?Core Java
Ans. Car Engine is an example of encapsulation and abstraction. You ignite the car using an interface called starter and least bothered about how the tire actually moves (This is abstraction). The engine encapsulates the complete process to itself only and doesn't allow you to start the other components like the radiator etc ( this is excapsulation )

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     encapsulation  object oriented programming (oops)  oops concepts  abstraction  oops  oops features  java features     Asked in 13 Companies

 Q28. What are the ways to avoid LazyInitializationException ?Hibernate
Ans. 1. Set lazy=false in the hibernate config file.

2. Set @Basic(fetch=FetchType.EAGER) at the mapping.

3. Make sure that we are accessing the dependent objects before closing the session.

4. Force initialization using Hibernate.initialize

5. Using Fetch Join in HQL.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   lazy loading hibernate   lazy initialization hibernate   lazyinitializationexception   architecture     Asked in 2 Companies

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Very frequently asked across all types of companies.
  Q29. Difference between HashMap and Hashtable?Core Java
Ans. Hashtable is synchronized whereas HashMap is not.HashMap allows null values whereas Hashtable doesnt allow null values.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   hashmap   map   hashtable   hashmap vs hashtable     Asked in 14 Companies      basic        frequent

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Advanced level question usually asked in High end product companies. Have been asked in Google and Amazon (Based on 1 Feedback)
  Q30. Describe, in general, how java's garbage collector works ?Core Java
Ans. The Java runtime environment deletes objects when it determines that they are no longer being used. This process is known as garbage collection. The Java runtime environment supports a garbage collector that periodically frees the memory used by objects that are no longer needed. The Java garbage collector is a mark-sweep garbage collector that scans Java dynamic memory areas for objects, marking those that are referenced. After all possible paths to objects are investigated, those objects that are not marked (i.e. are not referenced) are known to be garbage and are collected.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   garbage collection   java memory management   advanced     Asked in 21 Companies      intermediate        frequent

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Frequently asked in Cognizant (CTS)
  Q31. What is Serialization ? Why do we need it ?Core Java
Ans. Storing the state of an object in a file or other medium is called serialization.

Classes can communicate only if they are built together ( as they need Byte code for communication ). What if we need to enable communication between different applications ( i.e they have been built independently or even they reside at different locations ), We need a mechanism that will transfer the Bean state to a Medium than can be transferred to the receiving application.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   serialization     Asked in 18 Companies      basic        frequent

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Frequently asked question in companies using hibernate.
  Q32. Difference between first level and second level cache in hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. 1. First level cache is enabled by default whereas Second level cache needs to be enabled explicitly.

2. First level Cache came with Hibernate 1.0 whereas Second level cache came with Hibernate 3.0.

3. First level Cache is Session specific whereas Second level cache is shared by sessions that is why First level cache is considered local and second level cache is considered global.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   orm   hibernate cache   architecture   technical lead   first level cache vs second level cache     Asked in 18 Companies      Intermediate        frequent

 Q33. What are the advantages and disadvantages of static variables and static methods ?Core Java
Ans. Advantages

Can do meta object operations ( like validating something before creating objects , keep count of number of objects )

Can do operations which have nothing to do with objects but still you want them to be tied to Class.


Commonly used to static variables sometime leads to problems due to access by different objects.

Are not tied to objects so doesn't reflect pure Object Oriented approach.

Needs to be synchronized so as to avoid update conflicts by mutiple objects and threads.

Some limitation in testing as not all frameworks have facility to mock them. Powermock has but Mockito doesnt

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   static   static variables   static methods

Frequently asked in Cognizant ( Based on 2 feedback )
  Q34. What are Inner , Outer , Left and Right Joins in SQL ?Database
Ans. Inner join is the intersection of two tables on the condition defined by the where clause i.e will get records from both tables matched by a column.

Outer join is the union of two tables i.e will get all records from both tables and will put null in the columns where related records are not present.

Left Outer join is the left union of two tables i.e all records from the table on the left and values from the right table for related records else null for the columns from right table.

Right Outer join is the right union of two tables i.e all records from the table on the right and values from the left table for related records else null for the columns from left table.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     sql  inner join  outer join  right join  left join     Asked in 24 Companies      basic        frequent

Very frequently asked. Favorite question in Walk in Drive of many Indian service companies.
  Q35. What is a final method ?Core Java
Ans. Its a method which cannot be overridden. Compiler throws an error if we try to override a method which has been declared final in the parent class.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   final   final method     Asked in 30 Companies      basic        frequent

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  Q36. What is casting?Core Java
Ans. There are two types of casting, casting between primitive numeric types and casting between object references. Casting between numeric types is used to convert larger values, such as double values, to smaller values, such as byte values. Casting between object references is used to refer to an object by a compatible class, interface, or array type reference

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   data types   casting  type casting   basic interview question     Asked in 8 Companies      basic        frequent

Frequently asked. Favorite question in Walk in Drive of many Indian service companies.
  Q37. What are the methods of Object Class ?Core Java
Ans. clone() - Creates and returns a copy of this object.

equals() - Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

finalize() - Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

getClass() - Returns the runtime class of an object.

hashCode() - Returns a hash code value for the object.

toString() - Returns a string representation of the object.

notify(), notifyAll(), and wait() - Play a part in synchronizing the activities of independently running threads in a program.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   object class     Asked in 16 Companies      basic        frequent

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 Q38. Can we use both "this()" and "super()" in a constructor ?Core Java
Ans. No, because both this and super should be the first statement.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops  this   super   constructor     Asked in 1 Companies      intermediate        rare

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 Q39. Why every object constructor automatically call super() in Object before its own constructors?Core Java
Ans. Derived object carries the body of its class as well as the body of the parent class. Its body ( member elements ) is initialized using its own class constructor whereas the body ( member elements ) carried from the parent class are initialized using super class constructor. So In order to initialize the elements of the parent class before its own elements are even initialized, super is called.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   constructor   super   inheritance  object oriented programming (oops)  oops concepts   inheritence     Asked in 1 Companies      intermediate

Usually asked in relation to casting and ClassCastException.
 Q40. What is instanceOf operator ? Explain it's use ?Core Java
Ans. The operator instanceOf is used to verify if the specified object is the instance of specified class or interface.

Syntax if(x instanceOf ABC)

where x is an object reference and ABC could be a class name or interface name. The above statement will be true if x holds an object that is an instance of ABC or any of the child class of ABC or if x holds an object that implements ABC.

instanceOf operator is used to verify in case of downcasting. For ex -

DerivedClass extends BaseClass

x is the reference of BaseClass but holds DerivedClass object ( Polymorphism )

There is an operation that is defined in Derived Class, let's say derivedClassMethod()

We cannot call derivedClassMethod() directly using x as x is reference of BaseClass and not DerivedClass and hence can only access methods that are defined in BaseClass and overridden in derived class.

Though we can cast it to DerivedClass as following

But it may throw ClassCastException in case x doesn't hold an instance of DerivedClass at that point.

So before casting it to DerivedClass we may like to make sure that it is an instance of DerivedClass and hence won't throw ClassCastException.

So we make a check for it

if(x instanceOf DerivedClass) {

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     instanceOf  instanceOf operator  Why we need instanceOf operator  use of instanceOf operator     Asked in 2 Companies      Intermediate        frequent

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