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 Q71. Why serverless is called serverless if there are actually servers serving the requests ?Infrastructure
Ans. Because Vendors need not worry about provisioning , managing and maintaining the servers and it's intrinsically taken care of by AWS.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     Amazon Web Services (AWS)  aws serverless  aws lambda  aws serverless computing  amazon cloud serverless computing  amazon lambda

 Q72. What is the use case of having Code Commit trigger within AWS Lambda ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. If we would like a program to be executed if someone commits code to the repository.

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 Q73. What are the different trigger types in AWS Lambda ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. Api Gateway
Code Commit

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 Q74. Can we attach single volume to multiple Ec2 instances ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. Yes EFS volumes but not EBS

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 Q75. Can we associate a single EFS volume with multiple EC2 instances ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. Yes

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 Q76. Can we associate a single EBS volume with multiple EC2 instances ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. No

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 Q77. What are the factors on which Lambda usage is priced ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. No of requests, computation duration, assigned RAM

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 Q78. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Lambda over EC2 ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. Advantages -

Much Cheaper
Continuous scaling
Higher level and Serverless

Disadvantages -

Warm up time
Limited flexibility in terms of technologies
Limited control

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 Q79. Which AWS computing service provides IAAS, PAAS , Containerization and Serverless ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. EC2 is IAAS
Elastic Beanstalk is PAAS
EKS is Containerization service
Lambda is Serverless

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 Q80. Difference between Containerization and Serverless ? Infrastructure
Ans. Following are key differences between containers and serverless:

Supported host environments: Containers can run on any modern Linux server, as well as certain versions of Windows. In contrast, serverless runs on specific host platforms, most of which are based in the public cloud (like AWS Lambda or Azure Functions).

Self-servicing ability. For the reasons just noted, in most cases, serverless functions require you to use a public cloud. (There are on-premises serverless frameworks, like Fn, but these are not yet widely used.) With containers, you can set up your own on-premises host environment, or use a public cloud service like ECS.

Cost. Because serverless environments are hosted in the cloud, you have to pay to use them. In contrast, you can set up a container environment yourself using open source code for free (although you’ll still have management costs, of course).

Supported languages. You can containerize an application written in any type of language as long as the host server supports the language. Serverless frameworks are different; they support a limited number of languages. The details of supported serverless language vary from serverless platform to platform.

Statefulness. Most serverless platforms are designed to support stateless workloads. (Some serverless providers offer limited support for stateful services; cf. Durable Functions on Azure.) Although you can connect to external storage services (like S3 on AWS) from within serverless platforms, the functions themselves cannot be stateful. Containers present their own persistent storage challenges, but creating stateful containerized apps is certainly possible.

Availability. Serverless functions are designed to run for a short period—usually, a few hundred seconds—before they shut down. Containers can run for as long as you need.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     Amazon Web Service (AWS)  serverless  containers  production support

 Q81. Difference between S3 and EFS ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. S3 is object based whereas EFS is block based.

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 Q82. Difference between EFS and EBS ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. Both EFS and EBS are block storage but EBS is reserved storage whereas EFS is On Demand.

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 Q83. Can we move an existing instance to a placement group ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. No but we can create an AMI and then launch a new instance in placement group.

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 Q84. Can we merge placement groups ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. No

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 Q85. Can we use all EC2 instance types in placement group ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. No, only the following type are allowed

Compute Optimized
Memory Optimized
Storage Optimized

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 Q86. What are different types of EC2 Placement Groups in AWS ? What is the difference between them ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. Clustered and Spread

All instances in Clustered group is in same availability zone and whereas instances in spread could be in different az or regions.

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 Q87. Are you using Auto Scaling for your EC2 instances ? How have you configured Auto scaling policy ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. yes, you can create auto scaling policy to set max and min no of instance.

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 Q88. Somebody changed the permissions on a S3 bucket, Which Aws service can help locate the user who performed the action ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. CloudTrail

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 Q89. Difference between CloudWatch and CloudTrail ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. CloudWatch is for monitoring resources whereas CloudTrail is for auditing activity.

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 Q90. How frequently Cloudwatch monitor AWS services for generating metrics ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. 5 mins for Standard / Basic
1 min for Detailed / advanced

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 Q91. What are the Default metrics available for EC2 in CloudWatch ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. CPU, Disk, Network, Status

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 Q92. Are CloudWatch metrics available with free tier ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. Only Basic not advanced

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 Q93. What is the purpose of EC2 Health check ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. We can use this check for variety of things -

1. Monitoring the status / Alarms in case it's down
2. Regulating traffic to healthy instances only through Load Balancer

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 Q94. Difference between internal and external Load Balancer ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. Internal Load balancer is used for services which are for internal consumption only and hence doesn't need to direct Web traffic.

External Load balancers are for regulating web traffic.

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 Q95. Which of the Load balancer - Application / Network provides advanced features ? What is the use of other Load Balancer than if one provides advanced feature than other ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. Application Load Balancer is high level ( Level 7 Networking Layer ) and provides better features and flexibility than Network Load Balancer ( Level 4 Network Layer )

Network Load Balancer is turn provides better performance as it regulates raw traffic.

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 Q96. What are the different types of AWS Load Balancers ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. Application , Network and Classic

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 Q97. How would you securely migrate a database to RDS?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
 This question was recently asked at 'Cognizant (C?TS),Overstock'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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 Q98. Difference between AMI EBS based and AMI Instance Store based ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
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 Q99. Can we create AMI with encrypted snapshots ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. No they need to be unencrypted before an AMI is created.

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 Q100. What is a Volume Snapshot ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. Snapshots are point in time copies of Volume.

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