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 Q61. What is Queue ?Data Structure
 This question was recently asked at 'Unisys'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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 Q62. What is life cycle of cloud deployment process ?Cloud Computing
 This question was recently asked at 'Barclays'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     Google Cloud Platform (GCP)  Amazon Web Services (AWS)     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q63. Write an algorithm to shift a linked list n positions.Data Structure
 This question was recently asked at 'Amdocs'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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 Q64. What is the time complexity and space complexity of reversing a Linked List ?Data Structure
Ans. o(n) for time complexity
o(1) for space complexity

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 Q65. what annotation do in background in hibernate ?Hibernate
 This question was recently asked at 'Cdac Pune'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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 Q66. What is Message Queue or MQ ?Data Structure
Ans. Message queues implement an asynchronous communication pattern between two or more processes/threads whereby the sending and receiving party do not need to interact with the message queue at the same time. Messages placed onto the queue are stored until the recipient retrieves them. Message queues have implicit or explicit limits on the size of data that may be transmitted in a single message and the number of messages that may remain outstanding on the queue.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     message queue     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q67. Why Spring boot is preferred over Spring MVC ?
Ans. Spring Boot aims to shorten the code length and provide you with the easiest way to develop a web application. It helps create a stand-alone application with less or almost zero-configuration.

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 Q68. Find the second largest array element without sorting?Design
Ans. We initialize two variables first and second to INT_MIN as,
first = second = INT_MIN
then Start traversing the array,
If the current element in array say arr[i] is greater
than first. Then update first and second as,
second = first
first = arr[i]
If the current element is in between first and second,
then update second to store the value of current variable as
second = arr[i]
then Return the value stored in second.

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 Q69. How can we increase the speed of SQL queries ?Database
Ans. Using -
1. Prepared Statements
2. Using Indices
3. Using whereby clause only on indexed columns

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 Q70. Give an example of a time when you recommended code changes in a code review that simplified the code ?Code Review
Ans. If there is a situation to remove duplicates values from an arrayList. Developer implemented using legacy for-loop where I suggested to use Linked hash set to remove duplicates from the list.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     Clean code     Asked in 3 Companies

 Q71. Can we use combination of two authentication mechanism in an application ? Narrate with an example.Authentication
Ans. Yes We can use. Negotiate is a very good example with NTLM fallback mechanism over Kerberose.

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 Q72. What are different ways a user can be authenticated other than username / password ?Authentication
Ans. IP Authentication
IP Range Authentication
Authentication Cards

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 Q73. Have you ever worked on any project dealing with authentication and authorization ?Authentication
Ans. Yes, I have worked on single sign on project.

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 Q74. Why do we use Hibernate ?Hibernate
 This question was recently asked at 'NIIT'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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 Q75. Explain Working of joins in sql.Database
 This question was recently asked at 'InfoGain'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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 Q76. SQL Questions.Database
 This question was recently asked at 'Eurofins IT Solutions'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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 Q77. Linked List related questions.Data Structure
 This question was recently asked at 'Compro Technologies'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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 Q78. Can you give me a use case where you utilized serialization in your project code?Core Java
Ans. we use serialization when we send response to client in JSON format.(the process of converting model object into json is nothing but serialization

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     serialization     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q79. How to build a blocking queue ?Data Structure
 This question was recently asked at 'Jefferies'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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 Q80. Write SQL query to join 2 tables ?SQL
Ans. Select * from table1 join Select * from table2

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     database     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q81. Give specific situation about when to go for constructor based injection and setter based injection in spring.Spring
 This question was recently asked at 'Tata Consultancy (TCS)'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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 Q82. what is dispatcher servlet@componentScan use ?Spring Framework
Ans. @ComponentScan in a Spring Application.

With Spring, we use the @ComponentScan annotation along with the @Configuration annotation to specify the packages that we want to be scanned. @ComponentScan without arguments tells Spring to scan the current package and all of its sub-packages.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     ComponentScan  dispatcher  @ComponentScan annotation  @Configuration annotation     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q83. What is stereotype annotation ?Spring
Ans. These annotations are used to create Spring beans automatically in the application context. The main stereotype annotation is @Component . @Controller: Which is used to create Spring beans at the controller layer. The stereotype annotations in spring are @Component, @Service, @Repository and @Controller

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     stereotype annotation   stereotype annotation spring     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q84. Write program to control traffic in a parking lot.Design
 This question was recently asked at 'MathWorks'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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 Q85. When singleton can break and how to resolve itDesign
Ans. Deserialization. In serialization, we can save the object of a byte stream into a file or send over a network. Suppose if you serialize the Singleton class, and then again de-serialize that object, it will create a new instance, hence deserialization will break the Singleton pattern.

To overcome this issue, we need to override readResolve() method in the Singleton class and return the same Singleton instance.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     singleton  design patterns     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q86. C dynamic memory questions
 This question was recently asked at 'MathWorks'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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 Q87. What are different awt constructs ?
 This question was recently asked at 'Sabre Corporation'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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 Q88. Where will you configure database details in tomcat server ?Tomcat
Ans. Add a file META-INF/context.xml into the root of your web application folder, which defines database connection detail :

File : META-INF/context.xml

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 Q89. Differences between MongoDB and mysql.Database
 This question was recently asked at 'RiseSmart'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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 Q90. Create DB schema for Employee, Department.Database
 This question was recently asked at 'RiseSmart India,RiseSmart'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     db schema  database schema  database design     Asked in 2 Companies

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