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Interview Questions and Answers for 'Cognizant (CTS)' - 88 question(s) found - Order By Rating

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 Q1. How can we create custom AMI ?Amazon Web Service (AWS)
 This question was recently asked at 'Cognizant (CTS), Advanced Micro Instruments'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     aws ami     Asked in 2 Companies

 Q2. Is String mutable or immutable in Java ?Core Java
Ans. String is Immutable because of String Constant Pool.

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 Q3. What are different types of Polymorphism in Java ?Core Java
Ans. run time polymorphism
compile time polymorphism

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 Q4. How many objects are created when we define a bean with two different name in spring?Spring
Ans. we wont create the objects because of each and every bean will be an object

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 Q5. When singleton can break and how to resolve itDesign
Ans. Deserialization. In serialization, we can save the object of a byte stream into a file or send over a network. Suppose if you serialize the Singleton class, and then again de-serialize that object, it will create a new instance, hence deserialization will break the Singleton pattern.

To overcome this issue, we need to override readResolve() method in the Singleton class and return the same Singleton instance.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     singleton  design patterns     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q6. What is your experience with AWS EMR ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
 This question was recently asked at 'Cognizant (CTS)'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     aws emr     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q7. Describe AWS VPC and subnets.Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. VPC stands for Virtual Private Cloud. You can define a VPC and subnets for a region in AWS and that can be used to access shared resources on the cloud. For eg: API gateway to access any file on S3.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     aws vpc  aws subnets     Asked in 3 Companies

 Q8. Explain different inheritance mapping strategies with JPA / Hibernate.Hibernate
Ans. table per hierarchy
table per concrete class
table per sub class

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate mapping  hibernate associations     Asked in 4 Companies

 Q9. How to avoid cloning, serialization in the singleton class ?Design
Ans. For Cloning-exception,For deserialization-read.resolve()

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     singleton  cloneable  serializable  serialization  cloning     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q10. How you can check Object is created or not in case of Singleton using Object class method ?Design
Ans. Reflections-- setAccesible--avoid using enumns

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 Q11. What does System.exit() do ?Core Java
Ans. Generally used to indicate termination

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 Q12. When to use List, Set and Map in JavaCore Java
Ans. I. If we want a Collection that does not store duplicate values, then we use a Set based collection.

II. If we want to frequently access elements operations based on an index value then we use a List based collection. E.g. ArrayList

III. If we want to maintain the insertion order of elements in a collection then we use a List based collection.

IV. For fast search operation based on a key, value pair, we use a HashMap based collection.

V. If we want to maintain the elements in a sorted order, then we use a TreeSet based collection.

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 Q13. What is the use of second level cache in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. Second level cache is shared between sessions. Hibernate by default uses first level cache. Second level cache need to be configurd to use.
There are several second level cache e.g eh cache,jboss cache etc.

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  Q14. Explain OOps concepts.Core Java
Ans. There are four main OOP concepts in Java. These are:

Abstraction. Abstraction means using simple things to represent complexity. We all know how to turn the TV on, but we don?t need to know how it works in order to enjoy it. In Java, abstraction means simple things like objects, classes, and variables represent more complex underlying code and data. This is important because it lets avoid repeating the same work multiple times.

Encapsulation. This is the practice of keeping fields within a class private, then providing access to them via public methods. It?s a protective barrier that keeps the data and code safe within the class itself. This way, we can re-use objects like code components or variables without allowing open access to the data system-wide.

Inheritance. This is a special feature of Object Oriented Programming in Java. It lets programmers create new classes that share some of the attributes of existing classes. This lets us build on previous work without reinventing the wheel.

Polymorphism. This Java OOP concept lets programmers use the same word to mean different things in different contexts. One form of polymorphism in Java is method overloading. That?s when different meanings are implied by the code itself. The other form is method overriding. That?s when the different meanings are implied by the values of the supplied variables. See more on this below.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     oops  oops concepts     Asked in 16 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q15. Explain Generics in Java ?Core Java
Ans. Generics are a facility of generic programming that were added to the Java programming language in 2004 within J2SE5.0. They allow "a type or method to operate on objects of various types while providing compile-time type safety.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     generics     Asked in 7 Companies

  Q16. Explain OOPs


Explain OOPs Principles


Explain OOPs Concepts


Explain OOPs features


Tell me something about OOPs
Core Java
Ans. OOPs or Object Oriented Programming is a Programming model which is organized around Objects instead of processes. Instead of a process calling series of processes, this model stresses on communication between objects. Objects that all self sustained, provide security by encapsulating it's members and providing abstracted interfaces over the functions it performs. OOP's facilitate the following features

1. Inheritance for Code Reuse
2. Abstraction for modularity, maintenance and agility
3. Encapsulation for security and protection
4. Polymorphism for flexibility and interfacing

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     oops  oops features     Asked in 260 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q17. What is a Webdriver ?Testing
Ans. Selenium WebDriver is a tool for automating web application testing.It helps in replicating the manual tester behavior like keyboard entry, mouse events etc and then matching the output against the expected.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     selenium  webdriver     Asked in 37 Companies

  Q18. What is the difference between authentication and authorization ?Authentication
Ans. Authentication is the process of verifying the identity and credentials of the user to authenticate him into the system.


Authorization is the process by which access to a segment , method or resource is determined.

Authorization is usually a step next to authentication.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     authentication  authorization  authentication vs authorization     Asked in 9 Companies      basic        frequent

Frequently asked in Cognizant ( Based on 2 feedback )
  Q19. What are Inner , Outer , Left and Right Joins in SQL ?Database
Ans. Inner join is the intersection of two tables on the condition defined by the where clause i.e will get records from both tables matched by a column.

Outer join is the union of two tables i.e will get all records from both tables and will put null in the columns where related records are not present.

Left Outer join is the left union of two tables i.e all records from the table on the left and values from the right table for related records else null for the columns from right table.

Right Outer join is the right union of two tables i.e all records from the table on the right and values from the left table for related records else null for the columns from left table.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     sql  inner join  outer join  right join  left join     Asked in 24 Companies      basic        frequent

  Q20. What is an exception and exception handling in Java ?Core Java
Ans. An Exception in java is the occurrence during computation that is anomalous and is not expected.

Exception handling is the mechanism which is used to handle such situations.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     exception handling     Asked in 18 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q21. What is Spring Boot ?Spring Boot
Ans. Spring Boot is Springs convention-over-configuration solution for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based Applications.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     Spring Boot     Asked in 7 Companies

Very Frequently asked to Senior Software Engineers or Developers.
  Q22. Describe some of the Design Patterns you have used ?Design
Ans. [Open Ended Answer]

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     design patterns     Asked in 17 Companies      intermediate        frequent

Very Frequently asked to fresh graduates and less experienced.
 Q23. What are the principle concepts of Object Oriented Programming ?Core Java
Ans. Abstraction Polymorphism Inheritance Encapsulation

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     oops  oops concepts     Asked in 1 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q24. Can we have try statement without catch? If try statement contains return will the finally block be executed? What happens if there is an exception inside finally block?Core Java
Ans. Yes, with finally.

Yes, finally block will be executed even if there is no exception in try block.

If finally throws an exception, the exception gets thrown to the calling module.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     exception handling     Asked in 1 Companies      intermediate

 Q25. What do you know about JQuery ?Java EE
Ans. jQuery is a cross platform JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. JQuery is the most popular JavaScript library.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     jquery     Asked in 1 Companies

  Q26. What is a Database Trigger ?Database
Ans. A trigger is a special kind of stored procedure that automatically gets executed upon an event in the database server.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     database   trigger     Asked in 10 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q27. What is a Database sequence ?Database
Ans. Its a feature wherein database creates unique values incremental values to be stored as primary key for the table.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     database   sequence     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q28. What is a Database Procedure ?Database
Ans. Stored procedures are a batch of SQL statements along with programming constructs ( if else, loops etc ) and stored as a single program that can be called by different clients and hence reused.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     database  stored procedure     Asked in 2 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q29. Explain Exception Hierarchy in Java SE ?Core Java
Ans. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     exception hierarchy   exceptions     Asked in 3 Companies

 Q30. Which data structure would you recommend for ordered and sorted data?Core Java
Ans. TreeSet and TreeMap are used for maintaining sorted elements.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     ordered collections  sorted collections     Asked in 1 Companies      basic        frequent

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