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Interview Questions and Answers for 'ITech' - 6 question(s) found - Order By Rating

 Q1. Can we catch errors in Java ? Core Java
Ans. Yes we can

try {
// code
} catch (Error ex) {
// handling code

but we shouldn't ideally do that as errors are mostly JVM based and not application based and there is rarely we can do something about it. Very likely catching and not re throwing would lead to muting their response or trace.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     exception handling  error handling  errors     Asked in 1 Companies      intermediate

 Q2. Is it ok to use optional everywhere just to get over nullpointerexception ?Core Java
Ans. Optional is to be used for arguments / atrributes which are indeed optional i.e the request should continue even if they aren't provided. It should not be used for mandatory attributes or arguments as we would like application to shout out ( with error message / exception trace ) to signify a problem.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     optional  nullpointerexception  java8  java 8     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q3. Write a class and override the equals and hashcode method ?Core Java
Ans. class Student
private int id;
private String name;

public Student(int id, String name)
{ = name; = id;

}// Student

public int getId()
return id;

}// getId

public void setId(int id)
{ = id;

}// setId

public String getName()
return name;

}// getName

public void setName(String name)
{ = name;

}// setName

public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (obj == null) return false;
if (!(obj instanceof Student))
return false;
if (obj == this)
return true;

return this.getId() == ((Student) obj).getId();

}// equals

public int hashCode()
return this.getId();

}// hashCode

}// Student

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Very frequently asked.Usually among first few questions.
  Q4. What is MVC ? Design
Ans. MVC is a Design Pattern that facilititates loose coupling by segregating responsibilities in a Web application

1. Controller receives the requests and handles overall control of the request
2. Model holds majority of the Business logic, and
3. View comprise of the view objects and GUI component

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   mvc   mvc design pattern   design pattern   struts   spring   web application   web frameworks   ebay     Asked in 60 Companies      basic        frequent

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 Q5. Why every object constructor automatically call super() in Object before its own constructors?Core Java
Ans. Derived object carries the body of its class as well as the body of the parent class. Its body ( member elements ) is initialized using its own class constructor whereas the body ( member elements ) carried from the parent class are initialized using super class constructor. So In order to initialize the elements of the parent class before its own elements are even initialized, super is called.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   constructor   super   inheritance  object oriented programming (oops)  oops concepts   inheritence     Asked in 1 Companies      intermediate

Very Frequently asked. Have been asked in HCL Technologies very frequently ( based on 3 feedback ). Among first few questions in many interviews.
  Q6. Differences between abstract class and interface ?Core Java
Ans. Abstract classes can have both abstract methods ( method declarations ) as well as concrete methods ( inherited to the derived classes ) whereas Interfaces can only have abstract methods ( method declarations ).

A class can extend single abstract class whereas it can implement multiple interfaces.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   classes   abstract class   interfaces   abstract class vs interface   abstract classes vs interfaces     Asked in 82 Companies      basic        frequent

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