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SWT - Interview Questions and Answers for 'SWT' - 12 question(s) found - Order By Rating

 Q1. If we need to change the cell text in tableviewer or tree viewer , which file should we make the change in ?SWT
Ans. LabelProvider

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 Q2. Which class is used to create buttons and how many classes we have to create different button types ?SWT
Ans. Only a single class ie Button is used to create all button types. We distinguish among different types by specifying the style while creating a new button object.

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 Q3. Have you worked with the TreeViewer ? If yes , explainSWT
Ans. The TreeViewer class provides viewer support for displaying trees. This widget is used to display parent-child information with buttons to expand and collapse the tree.

We have to create and specify the LabelProvider and Content Provider classes. In the respective classes we specify the parent and child objects and their relationship.

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 Q4. Explain Layout Managers in SWT ?SWT
Ans. A layout manager is responsible for arranging the user interface components of a container, e.g. a Composite, on the screen. SWT offers several standard layout managers.

Following are the layout managers offered by SWT


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 Q5. How do we do event handling using SWT ?SWT
Ans. We do it by registering listeners for respective widgets

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 Q6. Are SWT Widgets automatically Gabage collected ?SWT
Ans. SWT widgets are not automatically garbage collected. If you release an SWT widget, you have to call its dispose() method.

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 Q7. What are the key components of SWT applications ?SWT
Ans. The Display and Shell classes are key components of SWT applications.

A org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell class represents a window.

The org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display class is responsible for managing event loops, fonts, colors and for controlling the communication between the UI thread and other threads. Display is the base for all SWT capabilities.

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 Q8. Can we run Swing objects using SWT ?SWT
Ans. Yes

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 Q9. Which is the highest level container which contains other widgets in SWT ?SWT
Ans. Shell

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 Q10. What is SWT ?SWT
Ans. SWT is an open source widget tool kit for developing rich, efficient and portable GUI applications.

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 Q11. What is a Listener ?Design
Ans. In GUI programming, an object that can be registered to be notified when events of some given type occur. The object is said to listener? for the events.

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 Q12. What is meant by controls and what are different types of controls in AWT / SWT?
Ans. Controls are components that allow a user to interact with your application and SWT / AWT supports the following types of controls:

Labels, Push Buttons, Check Boxes, Choice Lists, Lists, Scrollbars, Text Components.

These controls are subclasses of Component.

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