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Core Java - Interview Questions and Answers for 'Round' - 4 question(s) found - Order By Rating

 Q1. What is the difference between round and scale method of BigDecimal ?Core Java
Ans. Round method would round it to integer places irrespective of if it's decimal places or not whereas scale would only round the decimal places.

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 Q2. Have you ever faced problems with rounding decimal places and what were the reasons ? Core Java
Ans. 1. The problem with double (x*100)/100 doesn't return exact x but few fractions lesser than x and then if you are using floor rounding , it makes a big difference

2. Rounding only after getting a result vs rounding each outcome of 2 operand make difference

3. Usage of inappropriate Rounding mode and Rounding scale.

4. Results with double and BigDecimal

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 Q3. Math.round method rounds the decimal to an integer by stripping off the decimal places. How can we use the same method to keep only 2 decimal places

For example -

Math.round(12.3456) will return 12. What should we do to get 12.34 without using any other class or method.
Core Java
Ans. We can multiply the value by 100 and then use Math.round on that and then divide the result by 100

For example -

(Math.round(12.3456 * 100)) / 100

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     Math.round  double

 Q4. What is the difference between following rounding modes


Which is the one you use often and Why ?
Core Java
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