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Frequently asked.
 Q131. When does the finally block gets executed ?Core Java
Ans. A finally block of code always executes, whether or not an exception has occurred.The only time finally won't be called is if you call System.exit() or if the JVM crashes first.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     finally  exception handling  exceptions     Asked in 4 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q132. Explain System.out.println ?Core Java
Ans. System is a class within java.lang package that contains several useful class fields and methods. It cannot be instantiated and hence can use only statically.even in this case this has been used statically i.e with class name itself and without creating an instance.

out is the static reference of Printstream declared as following in the System Class -

public final static PrintStream out = null;

println is the method of PrintStream class.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     System class  Streams  Input Output  println     Asked in 1 Companies      basic        frequent

Very Frequently asked to Senior Software Engineers or Developers.
  Q133. Describe some of the Design Patterns you have used ?Design
Ans. [Open Ended Answer]

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     design patterns     Asked in 17 Companies      intermediate        frequent

  Q134. What is database Normalization ?Database

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     normalization  database     Asked in 35 Companies      intermediate        frequent

 Q135. What is the use of static keyword in Java ?Core Java
Ans. static keyword is used to specify that the respective programming construct ( method , variable ) belongs to the class and not to its instance and is supposed to be shared by all instances of the class.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     static keyword     Asked in 1 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q136. Explain various Searching and Sorting Algorithms ?Algorithm
 This question was recently asked at 'HeadStrong,ServiceNow'.This question is still unanswered. Can you please provide an answer.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     Search Algorithm  Sorting Algorithm     Asked in 2 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q137. What is a Servlet Filter ?Java EE
Ans. It's an object that can intercept http request and response and hence we can take appropriate action on those requests.

There are different types of filters based on Specifications like



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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     servlets  servlet filters     Asked in 3 Companies      basic        frequent

  Q138. What is the difference between authentication and authorization ?Authentication
Ans. Authentication is the process of verifying the identity and credentials of the user to authenticate him into the system.


Authorization is the process by which access to a segment , method or resource is determined.

Authorization is usually a step next to authentication.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     authentication  authorization  authentication vs authorization     Asked in 9 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q139. Describe structure of a Web application.architecture
Ans. WEB APP |WEB-INF - META-INF | | | META-INF.MF | lib - WEB.xml - Classes

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     web application     Asked in 3 Companies      intermediate        frequent

  Q140. What are the types of authentication used in Web services ?Web Service
Ans. Encrypted User Name / Password
Encrypted Password within Cookie
Encrypted Tokens
Client Certificates

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     authentication  security  web service     Asked in 12 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q141. Between Encrypted Password authentication and IP Authentication , which one would you prefer and why ?Authentication
Ans. IP authentication is very restrictive, if IP changes for some reason then getting the new IP white listed on the server firewall could run your day pretty long. I would prefer encrypted password authentication cause it is not affected by IP changes and not limited to a white listed IP, I could use any different machine and get through authentication without any hassle.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     ip authentication   password authentication        frequent

  Q142. Difference between Arrays and ArrayList ?Core Java
Ans. Both Arrays and ArrayLists are used to store elements. Elements can be either primitives or objects in case of Arrays, but only objects can be stored in Arraylist. Array is a fixed length data structure while arraylist is variable length collection class. Once created, you cannot change the size of the arrays, but arraylists can dynamically resize itself when needed.Another notable difference between Arrays and Arrayslist is that arary is part of core java programming and array list is part of collection classes

  Sample Code for arrays arraylist

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     array  arraylist  array vs arraylist     Asked in 7 Companies      basic        frequent

  Q143. What is a cookie ?Java EE
Ans. A cookie is a small piece of text stored on a user's computer by the browser for a specific domain. Commonly used for authentication, storing site preferences, and server session identification.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     cookie   javascript   web application   session management   browser   j2ee     Asked in 16 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q144. Can static method access instance variables ?Core Java
Ans. Though Static methods cannot access the instance variables directly, They can access them using instance handler.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     static   static method   java   oop   variables     Asked in 1 Companies      basic        frequent

Very frequently asked. Usually asked in this format or as difference with interfaces / concrete classes.
  Q145. What is an abstract class ?Core Java
Ans. Abstract class is the class that is not supposed to be instantiated. The purpose of the class to only have extension to the derived class.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     abstract class     Asked in 6 Companies      basic        frequent

Frequently asked.
  Q146. What is an Iterator?Core Java
Ans. Iterator is an interface that provides methods to iterate over any Collection.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   iterator     Asked in 11 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q147. Which interface provides the capability to store objects using a key-value pair?Core Java

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   map      basic        frequent

Frequently asked to fresh graduates.
 Q148. What are the difference between Threads and Processes ?Operating System
Ans. 1. when an OS wants to start running program it creates new process means a process is a program that is currently executing and every process has at least one thread running within it.
2). A thread is a path of code execution in the program, which has its own local variables, program counter(pointer to current execution being executed) and lifetime.
3. When the JavaVirtual Machine (JavaVM, or just VM) is started by the operating system, a new process is created. Within that process, many threads can be created.
4. Consider an example : when you open Microsoft word in your OS and you check your task manger then you can see this running program as a process. now when you write something in opened word document, then it performs more than one work at same time like it checks for the correct spelling, it formats the word you enter , so within that process ( word) , due to different path execution(thread) all different works are done at same time.
5. Within a process , every thread has independent path of execution but there may be situation where two threads can interfere with each other then concurrency and deadlock come is picture.
6. like two process can communicate ( ex:u open an word document and file explorer and on word document you drag and drop another another file from file explorer), same way two threads can also communicate with each other and communication with two threads is relatively low.
7. Every thread in java is created and controlled by unique object of java.lang.Thread class.
8. prior to jdk 1.5, there were lack in support of asynchronous programming in java, so in that case it was considered that thread makes the runtime environment asynchronous and allow different task to perform concurrently.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   operating system   threads   processes     Asked in 2 Companies        frequent

 Q149. Why java doesn't support multiple Inheritence ?Core Java
Ans. class A {
void test() {
System.out.println("test() method");

class B {
void test() {
System.out.println("test() method");

Suppose if Java allows multiple inheritance like this,

class C extends A, B {

A and B test() methods are inheriting to C class.

So which test() method C class will take? As A & B class test() methods are different , So here we would Facing Ambiguity.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   inheritence   multiple inheritence     Asked in 1 Companies      basic        frequent

Frequently asked to fresh graduates.
 Q150. What is the difference between yield() and sleep()?Operating System
Ans. When a object invokes yield() it returns to ready state. But when an object invokes sleep() method enters to not ready state.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   threads   multi threading   yield   sleep   scheduling   operating system     Asked in 4 Companies      basic        frequent

Usually asked only to fresh graduates.
 Q151. What is the initial state of a thread when it is created and started?
Ans. Ready state.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     operating system   threads   multi threading   java   thread states     Asked in 1 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q152. What restrictions are placed on method overriding?
Ans. Overridden methods must have the same name, argument list, and return type. The overriding method may not limit the access of the method it overrides. The overriding method may not throw any exceptions that may not be thrown by the overridden method.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   overriding      basic        frequent

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 Q153. How does a try statement determine which catch clause should be used to handle an exception?Core Java
Ans. When an exception is thrown within the body of a try statement, the catch clauses of the try statement are examined in the order in which they appear. The first catch clause that is capable of handling the exception is executed. The remaining catch clauses are ignored.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   exceptions   exception handling   try   catch      basic        frequent

  Q154. Explain static blocks in Java ?Core Java
Ans. A static initialization block is a normal block of code enclosed in braces, { }, and preceded by the static keyword. Here is an example:

static {
// whatever code is needed for initialization goes here

A class can have any number of static initialization blocks, and they can appear anywhere in the class body. The runtime system guarantees that static initialization blocks are called in the order that they appear in the source code.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   static   static block     Asked in 16 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q155. Explain Annotations ?
Ans. Annotations, a form of metadata, provide data about a program that is not part of the program itself. Annotations have no direct effect on the operation of the code they annotate. Annotations have a number of uses, among them:
• Information for the compiler — Annotations can be used by the compiler to detect errors or suppress warnings.
• Compile-time and deployment-time processing — Software tools can process annotation information to generate code, XML files, and so forth.
• Runtime processing — Some annotations are available to be examined at runtime.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   annotations      basic        frequent

 Q156. What is a finalize method ?Core Java
Ans. finalize() method is called just before an object is destroyed.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   finalize   garbage collection   basic interview question     Asked in 1 Companies      basic        frequent

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Recently asked in Infoview Technologies.
 Q157. What is a Default Constructor ?Core Java
Ans. The no argument constructor provided by Java Compiler if no constructor is specified.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   constructor   default constructor     Asked in 1 Companies      Basic        frequent

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 Q158. Whats the purpose of marker interfaces ?
Ans. They just tell the compiler that the objects of the classes implementing the interfaces with no defined methods need to be treated differently.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   interfaces   marker interfaces   clonable   serializable      basic        frequent

Usually asked only to fresh graduates and less experienced developers.
  Q159. What is a daemon thread? Give an Example ?
Ans. These are threads that normally run at a low priority and provide a basic service to a program or programs when activity on a machine is reduced. garbage collector thread is daemon thread.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   threads   multi threading   operating system   daemon thread   garbage collection     Asked in 10 Companies      intermediate        frequent

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Very Frequently asked Spring question.
  Q160. What is bean auto wiring?Spring
Ans. The Spring container is able to autowire relationships between collaborating beans. This means that it is possible to automatically let Spring resolve collaborators (other beans) for your bean by inspecting the contents of the BeanFactory without using and elements.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   spring   mvc   frameworks   web applications   autowiring   beans   at&t   ge     Asked in 9 Companies        frequent

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