Uses of Class

Packages that use ShortcutAction

Uses of ShortcutAction in com.vaadin.event

Subclasses of ShortcutAction in com.vaadin.event
 class ShortcutListener

Uses of ShortcutAction in com.vaadin.ui

Subclasses of ShortcutAction in com.vaadin.ui
static class AbstractField.FocusShortcut
          A ready-made ShortcutListener that focuses the given Focusable (usually a Field) when the keyboard shortcut is invoked.
static class Button.ClickShortcut
          A ShortcutListener specifically made to define a keyboard shortcut that invokes a click on the given button.
static class Window.CloseShortcut
          A ShortcutListener specifically made to define a keyboard shortcut that closes the window.

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