Uses of Class

Packages that use ShortcutListener

Uses of ShortcutListener in com.vaadin.event

Methods in com.vaadin.event with parameters of type ShortcutListener
 void Action.ShortcutNotifier.addShortcutListener(ShortcutListener shortcut)
 void Action.ShortcutNotifier.removeShortcutListener(ShortcutListener shortcut)

Uses of ShortcutListener in com.vaadin.ui

Subclasses of ShortcutListener in com.vaadin.ui
static class AbstractField.FocusShortcut
          A ready-made ShortcutListener that focuses the given Focusable (usually a Field) when the keyboard shortcut is invoked.
static class Button.ClickShortcut
          A ShortcutListener specifically made to define a keyboard shortcut that invokes a click on the given button.
static class Window.CloseShortcut
          A ShortcutListener specifically made to define a keyboard shortcut that closes the window.

Methods in com.vaadin.ui with parameters of type ShortcutListener
 void AbstractComponent.addShortcutListener(ShortcutListener shortcut)
 void AbstractComponent.removeShortcutListener(ShortcutListener shortcut)

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