Uses of Interface

Packages that use AcceptCriterion

Uses of AcceptCriterion in com.vaadin.event.dd

Methods in com.vaadin.event.dd that return AcceptCriterion
 AcceptCriterion DropHandler.getAcceptCriterion()
          Returns the AcceptCriterion used to evaluate whether the Transferable will be handed over to DropHandler.drop(DragAndDropEvent) method.

Uses of AcceptCriterion in com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria

Classes in com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria that implement AcceptCriterion
 class AcceptAll
          Criterion that accepts all drops anywhere on the component.
 class And
          A compound criterion that accepts the drag if all of its criteria accepts the drag.
 class ClientSideCriterion
          Parent class for criteria that can be completely validated on client side.
 class ContainsDataFlavor
          A Criterion that checks whether Transferable contains given data flavor.
 class Not
          Criterion that wraps another criterion and inverts its return value.
 class Or
          A compound criterion that accepts the drag if any of its criterion accepts it.
 class ServerSideCriterion
          Parent class for criteria which are verified on the server side during a drag operation to accept/discard dragged content (presented by Transferable).
 class SourceIs
          Client side criteria that checks if the drag source is one of the given components.
 class SourceIsTarget
          A criterion that ensures the drag source is the same as drop target.
 class TargetDetailIs
          Criterion for checking if drop target details contains the specific property with the specific value.

Methods in com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria that return AcceptCriterion
static AcceptCriterion AcceptAll.get()

Uses of AcceptCriterion in com.vaadin.ui

Classes in com.vaadin.ui that implement AcceptCriterion
static class AbstractSelect.AcceptItem
          This criterion accepts a only a Transferable that contains given Item (practically its identifier) from a specific AbstractSelect.
static class AbstractSelect.TargetItemIs
          Criterion which accepts a drop only if the drop target is (one of) the given Item identifier(s).
static class AbstractSelect.VerticalLocationIs
          An accept criterion to accept drops only on a specific vertical location of an item.
static class Table.TableDropCriterion
          Lazy loading accept criterion for Table.
 class Tree.TargetInSubtree
          An accept criterion that checks the parent node (or parent hierarchy) for the item identifier given in constructor.
static class Tree.TargetItemAllowsChildren
          A criterion that accepts Transferable only directly on a tree node that can have children.
static class Tree.TreeDropCriterion
          Lazy loading accept criterion for Tree.

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