Uses of Interface

Packages that use Component

Uses of Component in com.vaadin.event

Fields in com.vaadin.event declared as Component
protected  Component ActionManager.viewer

Methods in com.vaadin.event with type parameters of type Component
<T extends Component & Action.Container & VariableOwner>
ActionManager.setViewer(T viewer)

Methods in com.vaadin.event that return Component
 Component LayoutEvents.LayoutClickEvent.getChildComponent()
          Returns the direct child component of the layout which contains the clicked component.
 Component LayoutEvents.LayoutClickEvent.getClickedComponent()
          Returns the component that was clicked, which is somewhere inside the parent layout on which the listener was registered.
 Component TransferableImpl.getSourceComponent()
 Component Transferable.getSourceComponent()

Constructors in com.vaadin.event with parameters of type Component
DataBoundTransferable(Component sourceComponent, Map<String,Object> rawVariables)
FieldEvents.BlurEvent(Component source)
FieldEvents.FocusAndBlurServerRpcImpl(Component component)
FieldEvents.FocusEvent(Component source)
FieldEvents.TextChangeEvent(Component source)
ItemClickEvent(Component source, Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId, MouseEventDetails details)
LayoutEvents.LayoutClickEvent(Component source, MouseEventDetails mouseEventDetails, Component clickedComponent, Component childComponent)
MouseEvents.ClickEvent(Component source, MouseEventDetails mouseEventDetails)
MouseEvents.DoubleClickEvent(Component source)
TransferableImpl(Component sourceComponent, Map<String,Object> rawVariables)

Uses of Component in com.vaadin.event.dd

Subinterfaces of Component in com.vaadin.event.dd
 interface DragSource
          DragSource is a Component that builds a Transferable for a drag and drop operation.
 interface DropTarget
          DropTarget is an interface for components supporting drop operations.

Uses of Component in com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria

Constructors in com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria with parameters of type Component
SourceIs(Component... component)

Uses of Component in com.vaadin.navigator

Classes in com.vaadin.navigator that implement Component
static class Navigator.EmptyView
          Empty view component.
static class Navigator.SimpleViewDisplay
          View display that is a component itself and replaces its contents with the view.

Uses of Component in com.vaadin.terminal

Subinterfaces of Component in com.vaadin.terminal
 interface Vaadin6Component
          Interface provided to ease porting of Vaadin 6 components to Vaadin 7.

Methods in com.vaadin.terminal with parameters of type Component
 void PaintTarget.addAttribute(String name, Component value)
          Adds a Paintable type attribute.
 void PaintTarget.addVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, Component value)
          Adds a Paintable type variable.
 void PaintTarget.endPaintable(Component paintable)
          Prints paintable element end tag.
protected static boolean LegacyPaint.isVisibleInContext(Component c)
          Checks if the component is visible and its parent is visible, recursively.
static void LegacyPaint.paint(Component component, PaintTarget target)
           Paints the Paintable into a UIDL stream.
 PaintTarget.PaintStatus PaintTarget.startPaintable(Component paintable, String tag)
          Prints element start tag of a paintable section.

Uses of Component in com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server

Methods in com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server that return Component
 Component ChangeVariablesErrorEvent.getComponent()

Methods in com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server with parameters of type Component
 void JsonPaintTarget.addAttribute(String name, Component value)
 void JsonPaintTarget.addVariable(VariableOwner owner, String name, Component value)
static boolean ComponentSizeValidator.checkHeights(Component component)
static boolean ComponentSizeValidator.checkWidths(Component component)
 void JsonPaintTarget.endPaintable(Component paintable)
static boolean ComponentSizeValidator.parentCanDefineHeight(Component component)
static boolean ComponentSizeValidator.parentCanDefineWidth(Component component)
 PaintTarget.PaintStatus JsonPaintTarget.startPaintable(Component connector, String tagName)
static List<ComponentSizeValidator.InvalidLayout> ComponentSizeValidator.validateComponentRelativeSizes(Component component, List<ComponentSizeValidator.InvalidLayout> errors, ComponentSizeValidator.InvalidLayout parent)
          Recursively checks given component and its subtree for invalid layout setups.

Constructors in com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.server with parameters of type Component
ChangeVariablesErrorEvent(Component component, Throwable throwable, Map<String,Object> variableChanges)
ComponentSizeValidator.InvalidLayout(Component component, boolean height, boolean width)

Uses of Component in com.vaadin.ui

Subinterfaces of Component in com.vaadin.ui
static interface Component.Focusable
          A sub-interface implemented by components that can obtain input focus.
 interface ComponentContainer
          Extension to the Component interface which adds to it the capacity to contain other components.
 interface Field<T>
          TODO document
 interface HasComponents
          Interface that must be implemented by all Components that contain other Components.
 interface Layout
          Extension to the ComponentContainer interface which adds the layouting control to the elements in the container.

Classes in com.vaadin.ui that implement Component
 class AbsoluteLayout
          AbsoluteLayout is a layout implementation that mimics html absolute positioning.
 class AbstractComponent
          An abstract class that defines default implementation for the Component interface.
 class AbstractComponentContainer
          Extension to AbstractComponent that defines the default implementation for the methods in ComponentContainer.
 class AbstractField<T>
           Abstract field component for implementing buffered property editors.
 class AbstractJavaScriptComponent
          Base class for Components with all client-side logic implemented using JavaScript.
 class AbstractLayout
          An abstract class that defines default implementation for the Layout interface.
 class AbstractMedia
          Abstract base class for the HTML5 media components.
 class AbstractOrderedLayout
 class AbstractSelect
           A class representing a selection of items the user has selected in a UI.
 class AbstractSplitPanel
 class AbstractTextField
 class Accordion
          An accordion is a component similar to a TabSheet, but with a vertical orientation and the selected component presented between tabs.
 class Audio
          The Audio component translates into an HTML5 <audio> element and as such is only supported in browsers that support HTML5 media markup.
 class Button
          A generic button component.
 class CheckBox
 class ComboBox
          A filtering dropdown single-select.
 class CssLayout
          CssLayout is a layout component that can be used in browser environment only.
 class CustomComponent
          Custom component provides simple implementation of Component interface for creation of new UI components by composition of existing components.
 class CustomField<T>
          A Field whose UI content can be constructed by the user, enabling the creation of e.g.
 class CustomLayout
           A container component with freely designed layout and style.
 class DateField
           A date editor component that can be bound to any Property that is compatible with java.util.Date.
 class DragAndDropWrapper
 class Embedded
          Component for embedding external objects.
 class Form
          Deprecated. Use FieldGroup instead of Form for more flexibility.
 class FormLayout
          FormLayout is used by Form to layout fields.
 class GridLayout
          A layout where the components are laid out on a grid using cell coordinates.
 class HorizontalLayout
          Horizontal layout HorizontalLayout is a component container, which shows the subcomponents in the order of their addition (horizontally).
 class HorizontalSplitPanel
          A horizontal split panel contains two components and lays them horizontally.
 class InlineDateField
           A date entry component, which displays the actual date selector inline.
 class Label
          Label component for showing non-editable short texts.
 class Link
          Link is used to create external or internal URL links.
 class ListSelect
          This is a simple list select without, for instance, support for new items, lazyloading, and other advanced features.
 class LoginForm
          LoginForm is a Vaadin component to handle common problem among Ajax applications: browsers password managers don't fill dynamically created forms like all those UI elements created by Vaadin.
 class MenuBar
           A class representing a horizontal menu bar.
 class NativeButton
 class NativeSelect
          This is a simple drop-down select without, for instance, support for multiselect, new items, lazyloading, and other advanced features.
 class OptionGroup
          Configures select to be used as an option group.
 class Panel
          Panel - a simple single component container.
 class PasswordField
          A field that is used to enter secret text information like passwords.
 class PopupDateField
           A date entry component, which displays the actual date selector as a popup.
 class PopupView
          A component for displaying a two different views to data.
 class ProgressIndicator
          ProgressIndicator is component that shows user state of a process (like long computing or file upload) ProgressIndicator has two mainmodes.
 class RichTextArea
          A simple RichTextArea to edit HTML format text.
 class Root
          The topmost component in any component hierarchy.
static class Root.LegacyWindow
 class Select
           A class representing a selection of items the user has selected in a UI.
 class Slider
          A component for selecting a numerical value within a range.
 class Table
           Table is used for representing data or components in a pageable and selectable table.
 class TabSheet
          TabSheet component.
 class TextArea
          A text field that supports multi line editing.
 class TextField
           A text editor component that can be bound to any bindable Property.
 class Tree
          Tree component.
 class TreeTable
          TreeTable extends the Table component so that it can also visualize a hierarchy of its Items in a similar manner that Tree does.
 class TwinColSelect
          Multiselect component with two lists: left side for available items and right side for selected items.
 class Upload
          Component for uploading files from client to server.
 class VerticalLayout
          Vertical layout VerticalLayout is a component container, which shows the subcomponents in the order of their addition (vertically).
 class VerticalSplitPanel
          A vertical split panel contains two components and lays them vertically.
 class Video
          The Video component translates into an HTML5 <video> element and as such is only supported in browsers that support HTML5 media markup.
 class Window
          A component that represents a floating popup window that can be added to a Root.

Fields in com.vaadin.ui with type parameters of type Component
protected  LinkedList<Component> CssLayout.components
          Custom layout slots containing the components.
protected  LinkedList<Component> AbstractOrderedLayout.components
          Custom layout slots containing the components.

Methods in com.vaadin.ui that return Component
 Component ComponentContainer.ComponentAttachEvent.getAttachedComponent()
          Gets the attached component.
 Component GridLayout.Area.getComponent()
          Gets the component connected to the area.
 Component Component.Event.getComponent()
          Gets the component where the event occurred.
 Component TabSheet.Tab.getComponent()
          Get the component related to the Tab
 Component TabSheet.TabSheetTabImpl.getComponent()
 Component CssLayout.getComponent(int index)
          Returns the component at the given position.
 Component AbstractOrderedLayout.getComponent(int index)
          Returns the component at the given position.
 Component GridLayout.getComponent(int x, int y)
          Gets the Component at given index.
 Component CustomLayout.getComponent(String location)
          Gets the child-component by its location.
protected  Component CustomComponent.getCompositionRoot()
          Returns the composition root.
protected  Component CustomField.getContent()
          Returns the content (UI) of the custom component.
 Component ComponentContainer.ComponentDetachEvent.getDetachedComponent()
          Gets the detached component.
 Component DragAndDropWrapper.WrapperTransferable.getDraggedComponent()
          The component in wrapper that is being dragged or null if the transferable is not a component (most likely an html5 drag).
 Component AbstractSplitPanel.getFirstComponent()
          Gets the first component of this split panel.
 Component PopupView.Content.getPopupComponent()
          This should return the full Component representing the data
 Component AbstractSplitPanel.getSecondComponent()
          Gets the second component of this split panel.
 Component TabSheet.getSelectedTab()
          Gets the selected tab content component.
protected abstract  Component CustomField.initContent()
          Create the content component or layout for the field.

Methods in com.vaadin.ui that return types with arguments of type Component
 Iterator<Component> HasComponents.getComponentIterator()
          Deprecated. Use Iterable.iterator() instead.
 Iterator<Component> CssLayout.getComponentIterator()
          Gets the component container iterator for going trough all the components in the container.
 Iterator<Component> AbstractSplitPanel.getComponentIterator()
 Iterator<Component> CustomComponent.getComponentIterator()
 Iterator<Component> PopupView.getComponentIterator()
          This class only contains other components when the popup is showing.
 Iterator<Component> GridLayout.getComponentIterator()
          Gets an Iterator for the components contained in the layout.
 Iterator<Component> Form.getComponentIterator()
 Iterator<Component> Panel.getComponentIterator()
          Gets the component container iterator for going through all the components in the container.
 Iterator<Component> AbsoluteLayout.getComponentIterator()
          Gets an iterator for going through all components enclosed in the absolute layout.
 Iterator<Component> Root.getComponentIterator()
 Iterator<Component> Table.getComponentIterator()
 Iterator<Component> CustomLayout.getComponentIterator()
          Gets the component container iterator for going trough all the components in the container.
 Iterator<Component> CustomField.getComponentIterator()
 Iterator<Component> AbstractOrderedLayout.getComponentIterator()
          Gets the component container iterator for going trough all the components in the container.
 Iterator<Component> TabSheet.getComponentIterator()
          Gets the component container iterator for going through all the components (tab contents).
 Iterator<Component> AbstractComponentContainer.iterator()
 Iterator<Component> Form.iterator()
 Iterator<Component> Table.iterator()
 Iterator<Component> CustomField.iterator()

Methods in com.vaadin.ui with parameters of type Component
 void CssLayout.addComponent(Component c)
          Add a component into this container.
 void AbstractComponentContainer.addComponent(Component c)
          This only implements the events and component parent calls.
 void AbstractSplitPanel.addComponent(Component c)
          Add a component into this container.
 void CustomComponent.addComponent(Component c)
          This method is not supported by CustomComponent.
 void PopupView.addComponent(Component c)
          Not supported in this implementation.
 void Window.addComponent(Component c)
 void GridLayout.addComponent(Component component)
          Adds the component into this container to the cursor position.
 void Panel.addComponent(Component c)
          Adds the component into this container.
 void AbsoluteLayout.addComponent(Component c)
 void Root.addComponent(Component component)
          Adds a component to this root.
 void CustomLayout.addComponent(Component c)
          Adds the component into this container.
 void ComponentContainer.addComponent(Component c)
          Adds the component into this container.
 void CustomField.addComponent(Component c)
 void AbstractOrderedLayout.addComponent(Component c)
          Add a component into this container.
 void TabSheet.addComponent(Component c)
          Adds a new tab into TabSheet.
 void CssLayout.addComponent(Component c, int index)
          Adds a component into indexed position in this container.
 void AbstractOrderedLayout.addComponent(Component c, int index)
          Adds a component into indexed position in this container.
 void GridLayout.addComponent(Component component, int column, int row)
          Adds the component to the grid in cells column1,row1 (NortWest corner of the area.) End coordinates (SouthEast corner of the area) are the same as column1,row1.
 void GridLayout.addComponent(Component component, int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2)
           Adds a component to the grid in the specified area.
 void AbsoluteLayout.addComponent(Component c, String cssPosition)
          Adds a component to the layout.
 void CustomLayout.addComponent(Component c, String location)
          Adds the component into this container to given location.
 void CssLayout.addComponentAsFirst(Component c)
          Adds a component into this container.
 void AbstractOrderedLayout.addComponentAsFirst(Component c)
          Adds a component into this container.
 TabSheet.Tab TabSheet.addTab(Component c)
          Adds a new tab into TabSheet.
 TabSheet.Tab TabSheet.addTab(Component c, int position)
          Adds a new tab into TabSheet.
 TabSheet.Tab TabSheet.addTab(Component c, String caption)
          Adds a new tab into TabSheet.
 TabSheet.Tab TabSheet.addTab(Component c, String caption, Resource icon)
          Adds a new tab into TabSheet.
 TabSheet.Tab TabSheet.addTab(Component c, String caption, Resource icon, int position)
          Adds a new tab into TabSheet.
 Field<?> TableFieldFactory.createField(Container container, Object itemId, Object propertyId, Component uiContext)
          Creates a field based on the Container, item id, property id and the component responsible for displaying the field (most commonly Table).
 Field<?> DefaultFieldFactory.createField(Container container, Object itemId, Object propertyId, Component uiContext)
 Field<?> DefaultFieldFactory.createField(Item item, Object propertyId, Component uiContext)
 Field<?> FormFieldFactory.createField(Item item, Object propertyId, Component uiContext)
          Creates a field based on the item, property id and the component (most commonly Form) where the Field will be presented.
protected  void AbstractComponentContainer.fireComponentAttachEvent(Component component)
          Fires the component attached event.
protected  void CustomField.fireComponentAttachEvent(Component component)
          Fires the component attached event.
protected  void AbstractComponentContainer.fireComponentDetachEvent(Component component)
          Fires the component detached event.
 String AbstractSelect.ItemDescriptionGenerator.generateDescription(Component source, Object itemId, Object propertyId)
          Called by Table when a cell (and row) is painted or a item is painted in Tree
 Alignment GridLayout.getComponentAlignment(Component childComponent)
 Alignment Layout.AlignmentHandler.getComponentAlignment(Component childComponent)
          Returns the current Alignment of given component.
 Alignment AbstractOrderedLayout.getComponentAlignment(Component childComponent)
 GridLayout.Area GridLayout.getComponentArea(Component component)
          Returns information about the area where given component is laid in the GridLayout.
 int CssLayout.getComponentIndex(Component component)
          Returns the index of the given component.
 int AbstractOrderedLayout.getComponentIndex(Component component)
          Returns the index of the given component.
protected  String CssLayout.getCss(Component c)
          Returns styles to be applied to given component.
 float AbstractOrderedLayout.getExpandRatio(Component component)
          Returns the expand ratio of given component.
 AbsoluteLayout.ComponentPosition AbsoluteLayout.getPosition(Component component)
          Gets the position of a component in the layout.
 TabSheet.Tab TabSheet.getTab(Component c)
          Returns the TabSheet.Tab (metadata) for a component.
 String TabSheet.getTabCaption(Component c)
          Deprecated. Use TabSheet.getTab(Component) and TabSheet.Tab.getCaption() instead.
 Resource TabSheet.getTabIcon(Component c)
          Deprecated. Use TabSheet.getTab(Component) and TabSheet.Tab.getIcon() instead.
 boolean HasComponents.isComponentVisible(Component childComponent)
          Checks if the child component is visible.
 boolean AbstractComponentContainer.isComponentVisible(Component childComponent)
 boolean Form.isComponentVisible(Component childComponent)
 boolean Table.isComponentVisible(Component childComponent)
 boolean CustomField.isComponentVisible(Component childComponent)
 boolean TabSheet.isComponentVisible(Component childComponent)
 void TabSheet.CloseHandler.onTabClose(TabSheet tabsheet, Component tabContent)
          Called when a user has pressed the close icon of a tab in the client side widget.
protected  void Table.registerComponent(Component component)
 void CssLayout.removeComponent(Component c)
          Removes the component from this container.
 void AbstractComponentContainer.removeComponent(Component c)
          This only implements the events and component parent calls.
 void AbstractSplitPanel.removeComponent(Component c)
          Removes the component from this container.
 void CustomComponent.removeComponent(Component c)
          This method is not supported by CustomComponent.
 void PopupView.removeComponent(Component c)
          Not supported in this implementation
 void GridLayout.removeComponent(Component component)
          Removes the specified component from the layout.
 void Panel.removeComponent(Component c)
          Removes the component from this container.
 void AbsoluteLayout.removeComponent(Component c)
 void Root.removeComponent(Component component)
          This implementation removes the component from the content container ( Root.getContent()) instead of from the actual root.
 void CustomLayout.removeComponent(Component c)
          Removes the component from this container.
 void ComponentContainer.removeComponent(Component c)
          Removes the component from this container.
 void CustomField.removeComponent(Component c)
 void AbstractOrderedLayout.removeComponent(Component c)
          Removes the component from this container.
 void TabSheet.removeComponent(Component c)
          Removes a component and its corresponding tab.
 void CssLayout.replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent)
 void AbstractSplitPanel.replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent)
 void CustomComponent.replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent)
          This method is not supported by CustomComponent.
 void PopupView.replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent)
          Not supported in this implementation.
 void GridLayout.replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent)
 void Panel.replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent)
 void AbsoluteLayout.replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent)
          Replaces one component with another one.
 void Root.replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent)
 void CustomLayout.replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent)
 void ComponentContainer.replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent)
          Replaces the component in the container with another one without changing position.
 void CustomField.replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent)
 void AbstractOrderedLayout.replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent)
 void TabSheet.replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent)
          Replaces a component (tab content) with another.
 void Root.scrollIntoView(Component component)
          Scrolls any component between the component and root to a suitable position so the component is visible to the user.
protected  void GridLayout.Area.setComponent(Component newComponent)
          Sets the component connected to the area.
 void GridLayout.setComponentAlignment(Component childComponent, Alignment alignment)
 void Layout.AlignmentHandler.setComponentAlignment(Component childComponent, Alignment alignment)
          Set alignment for one contained component in this layout.
 void AbstractOrderedLayout.setComponentAlignment(Component childComponent, Alignment alignment)
 void GridLayout.setComponentAlignment(Component childComponent, int horizontalAlignment, int verticalAlignment)
 void Layout.AlignmentHandler.setComponentAlignment(Component childComponent, int horizontalAlignment, int verticalAlignment)
          Deprecated. Use Layout.AlignmentHandler.setComponentAlignment(Component, Alignment) instead
 void AbstractOrderedLayout.setComponentAlignment(Component childComponent, int horizontalAlignment, int verticalAlignment)
protected  void CustomComponent.setCompositionRoot(Component compositionRoot)
          Sets the compositions root.
 void AbstractOrderedLayout.setExpandRatio(Component component, float ratio)
           This method is used to control how excess space in layout is distributed among components.
 void AbstractSplitPanel.setFirstComponent(Component c)
          Sets the first component of this split panel.
 void AbsoluteLayout.setPosition(Component component, AbsoluteLayout.ComponentPosition position)
          Sets the position of a component in the layout.
 void AbstractSplitPanel.setSecondComponent(Component c)
          Sets the second component of this split panel.
 void TabSheet.setSelectedTab(Component c)
          Sets the selected tab.
 void TabSheet.setTabCaption(Component c, String caption)
          Deprecated. Use TabSheet.getTab(Component) and TabSheet.Tab.setCaption(String) instead.
 void TabSheet.setTabIcon(Component c, Resource icon)
          Deprecated. Use TabSheet.getTab(Component) and TabSheet.Tab.setIcon(Resource) instead.
protected  void Table.unregisterComponent(Component component)
          This method cleans up a Component that has been generated when Table is in editable mode.

Constructors in com.vaadin.ui with parameters of type Component
AbstractSplitPanel.SplitterClickEvent(Component source, MouseEventDetails mouseEventDetails)
Button.ClickEvent(Component source)
          New instance of text change event.
Button.ClickEvent(Component source, MouseEventDetails details)
          Constructor with mouse details
Component.ErrorEvent(ErrorMessage message, Component component)
          Constructs a new event with a specified source component.
Component.Event(Component source)
          Constructs a new event with the specified source component.
ComponentContainer.ComponentAttachEvent(ComponentContainer container, Component attachedComponent)
          Creates a new attach event.
ComponentContainer.ComponentDetachEvent(ComponentContainer container, Component detachedComponent)
          Creates a new detach event.
CustomComponent(Component compositionRoot)
          Constructs a new custom component.
DragAndDropWrapper.WrapperTransferable(Component sourceComponent, Map<String,Object> rawVariables)
DragAndDropWrapper(Component root)
          Wraps given component in a DragAndDropWrapper.
GridLayout.Area(Component component, int column1, int row1, int column2, int row2)
           Construct a new area on a grid.
PopupView(String small, Component large)
          A simple way to create a PopupPanel.
Table.ColumnReorderEvent(Component source)
Table.ColumnResizeEvent(Component source, Object propertyId, int previous, int current)
Table.FooterClickEvent(Component source, Object propertyId, MouseEventDetails details)
Table.HeaderClickEvent(Component source, Object propertyId, MouseEventDetails details)
TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeEvent(Component source)
          New instance of selected tab change event
Tree.CollapseEvent(Component source, Object collapsedItemId)
          New instance of options change event.
Tree.ExpandEvent(Component source, Object expandedItemId)
          New instance of options change event
Tree.TreeTransferable(Component sourceComponent, Map<String,Object> rawVariables)
Window.CloseEvent(Component source)
Window.ResizeEvent(Component source)

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