Uses of Class

Packages that use DateField.Resolution   

Uses of DateField.Resolution in

Constructors in with parameters of type DateField.Resolution
DateRangeValidator(String errorMessage, Date minValue, Date maxValue, DateField.Resolution resolution)
          Creates a validator for checking that an Date is within a given range.

Uses of DateField.Resolution in com.vaadin.ui

Fields in com.vaadin.ui declared as DateField.Resolution
static DateField.Resolution DateField.RESOLUTION_DAY
          Deprecated. Use DAY
static DateField.Resolution DateField.RESOLUTION_HOUR
          Deprecated. Use HOUR
static DateField.Resolution DateField.RESOLUTION_MIN
          Deprecated. Use MINUTE
static DateField.Resolution DateField.RESOLUTION_MONTH
          Deprecated. Use MONTH
static DateField.Resolution DateField.RESOLUTION_SEC
          Deprecated. Use SECOND
static DateField.Resolution DateField.RESOLUTION_YEAR
          Deprecated. Use YEAR

Methods in com.vaadin.ui that return DateField.Resolution
 DateField.Resolution DateField.getResolution()
          Gets the resolution.
static DateField.Resolution DateField.Resolution.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static DateField.Resolution[] DateField.Resolution.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in com.vaadin.ui that return types with arguments of type DateField.Resolution
static Iterable<DateField.Resolution> DateField.Resolution.getResolutionsHigherOrEqualTo(DateField.Resolution r)
          Returns the resolutions that are higher or equal to the given resolution, starting from the given resolution.
static List<DateField.Resolution> DateField.Resolution.getResolutionsLowerThan(DateField.Resolution r)
          Returns the resolutions that are lower than the given resolution, starting from the given resolution.

Methods in com.vaadin.ui with parameters of type DateField.Resolution
static Iterable<DateField.Resolution> DateField.Resolution.getResolutionsHigherOrEqualTo(DateField.Resolution r)
          Returns the resolutions that are higher or equal to the given resolution, starting from the given resolution.
static List<DateField.Resolution> DateField.Resolution.getResolutionsLowerThan(DateField.Resolution r)
          Returns the resolutions that are lower than the given resolution, starting from the given resolution.
 void DateField.setResolution(DateField.Resolution resolution)
          Sets the resolution of the DateField.

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