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 Q11. What is the purpose of dialect configured in Hibernate configuration file ?Hibernate
Ans. It tells the framework which SQL varient to generate.

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 Q12. Please specify in what sequence the objects of following classes will be created ?

Session , SessionFactory, Query , Configuration
Ans. Configuration -> SessionFactory -> Session -> Query

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Very frequently asked Hibernate interview question. Frequently asked in TCS ( based on 2 feedback )
  Q13. What are different types of associations in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. There are 4 types of associations in Hibernate

One to One
One to Many
Many to One
Many to Many

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   associations     Asked in 11 Companies        frequent

 Q14. What are the configuration files in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. hibernate.cfg.xml ( Main Configuration File )

and *.hbm.xml files ( Mapping Files )

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 Q15. What are the Core Interfaces of Hibernate Framework ? Hibernate
Ans. Configuration
Query and Citeria

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 Q16. What are collection types in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. Bag, Set , List , Array, Map

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Very frequently asked if being interviewed for hibernate. Frequently asked in Tata Consultancy (TCS) and Overstock.com
  Q17. Difference between load and get ?Hibernate
Ans. If id doesnt exist in the DB load throws an exception whereas get returns null in that case.get makes the call to DB immediately whereas load makes the call to proxy.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate     Asked in 16 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q18. What is the way to rollback transaction if something goes wrong using hibernate API ? Hibernate
Ans. We can have the code calling Hibernate API within try block and can have transaction.rollback within Catch.

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 Q19. What are the restrictions for the entity classes ?Hibernate
Ans. 1. Entity classes should have default constructor.

2. Entity classes should be declared non final.

3. All elements to be persisted should be declared private and should have public getters and setters in the Java Bean style.

4. All classes should have an ID that maps to Primary Key for the table.

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 Q20. What are some differences between Spring caching and Hibernate caching?Hibernate
Ans. Spring caching makes use of its intercepting capabilities to add caching to method calls. Therefore, the entire object is cached and reused. Hibernate, on the other hand, has more domain-specific knowledge of the Entity being cached and can handle the objects more appropriately.

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 Q21. Do you like Native SQL Apis like JDBC or JPA / Hibernate ?Hibernate
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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     JDBC vs JPA  JDBC vs Hibernate

 Q22. What are the the methods to clear cache in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. Evict() and clear(). Evist is used to clear a particular object from the cache whereas clear clears the complete local cache.

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 Q23. What are different types of second level cache ?Hibernate
Ans. 1. EHCache ( Easy Hibernate )
2. OSCache ( Open Symphony )
3. Swarm Cache ( JBoss )
4. Tree Cache ( JBoss )

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   orm   hibernate cache   technical lead     Asked in 7 Companies

 Q24. Can we disable first level cache ? What should one do if we don't want an object to be cached ?Hibernate
Ans. No.We can either call evict after the object retrieval or can use separate sessions.

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 Q25. What is Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. Hibernate is a Java ORM Framework.

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 Q26. What are the different types of inheritance in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. Table Per Class , Table per Sub Class , Table per Concrete Class

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   orm   inheritance hibernate     Asked in 1 Companies      Basic        frequent

  Q27. What is lazy fetching in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. Lazy fetching is the technique of not loading the child objects when parent objects are loaded. By default Hibernate does not load child objects. One can specify whether to load them or not while doing the association.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   lazy fetching   architecture     Asked in 11 Companies        frequent

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 Q28. Different types of Hibernate Instance States ?Hibernate
Ans. Transient - In this state, an instance is not associated with any persistence context
Persistent - In this state, an instance is associated with a persistence context
Detached - This is a state for an instance which was previously associated with a persistence context an has been currently closed dissociated

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 Q29. Which class elements are not persisted ?Hibernate
Ans. Static and Transient.

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 Q30. What entries we make in the hibernate config file if we are not using hbm files but Annotations ?Hibernate
Ans. We configure Entity classes having annotated mappings.

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 Q31. How many SessionFactory and Session objects are created ?Java EE
Ans. Single SessionFactory object and multiple session objects for opening different session. Hibernate creates new Session object per thread.

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 Q32. What is the use of hbm2ddl Configuration in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. This configuration specifies if hibernate should creates the Schema / Table on its own if the respective table is not found.

"update" doesn't create the table if it's not found whereas configuration set as "create" creates the schema automatically.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   hibernate configuration   hibernate.cfg.xml   hbm2ddl

 Q33. What is the difference between these 2 annotations ?


@Entity ( name="EMPLOYEES" )
Ans. The first annotation will try to map the Class with the Table as of same name as Class whereas the second annotation will specify the Entity name as "EMPLOYEES" and hence will try to map with Table Name "EMPLOYEES".

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 Q34. What is the difference between these 2 annotations ?

@Entity ( name ="EMPLOYEES")
@Entity @Table ( name=""EMPLOYEES"" )

@Entity ( name="EMP")
@Table ( name="EMPLPYEES" )
Ans. First Annotation will set the Entity name as EMPLOYEES and hence will try to map with the same Table name.

The second annotation will make the Entity mapped to table EMPLOYEES irrespective of the Entity Name ( which is class name in this case ).

Third Annotations will set the different names for Enitity and Table and will explicitly map them.

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 Q35. What are the different ID generating strategies using @GeneratedValue annotation ?Hibernate
Ans. Auto , Identity , Sequence and Table.

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 Q36. How to do Eager loading in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. Using

lazy = false in hibernate config file


@Basic(fetch=FetchType.EAGER) at the mapping

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 Q37. What is cascade ?Hibernate
Ans. Instead of Saving Parent as well as Child Entities individually , Hibernate provides the option to persist / delete the related entities when the Parent is persisted.

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 Q38. What are the different Cascade types ?Hibernate
Ans. Detach, Merge , Persist , Remove , Refresh

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 Q39. Which type of associated Entities are Eagerly loaded by Default ?Hibernate
Ans. OneToOne

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 Q40. After which Hibernate version , related Entities are initialized lazily ?Hibernate
Ans. After Hibernate 3.0

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