Uses of Interface

Packages that use Container Contains interfaces for the data layer, mainly for binding typed data and data collections to components, and for validating data. Provides implementations of Property, Item and Container interfaces, and utilities for the data layer.   

Uses of Container in

Subinterfaces of Container in
 interface Collapsible
          Container needed by large lazy loading hierarchies displayed e.g.
static interface Container.Filterable
          Interface that is implemented by containers which allow reducing their visible contents based on a set of filters.
static interface Container.Hierarchical
           Interface for Container classes whose Items can be arranged hierarchically.
static interface Container.Indexed
          Interface for Container classes whose Items can be accessed by their position in the container.
static interface Container.Ordered
          Interface for Container classes whose Items can be traversed in order.
static interface Container.SimpleFilterable
          Interface that is implemented by containers which allow reducing their visible contents based on a set of filters.
static interface Container.Sortable
          Interface for Container classes whose Items can be sorted.

Methods in that return Container
 Container Container.ItemSetChangeEvent.getContainer()
          Gets the Property where the event occurred.
 Container Container.PropertySetChangeEvent.getContainer()
          Retrieves the Container whose contents have been modified.
 Container Container.Viewer.getContainerDataSource()
          Gets the Container serving as the data source of the viewer.

Methods in with parameters of type Container
 void Container.Viewer.setContainerDataSource(Container newDataSource)
          Sets the Container that serves as the data source of the viewer.

Uses of Container in

Classes in that implement Container
 class AbstractBeanContainer<IDTYPE,BEANTYPE>
          An abstract base class for in-memory containers for JavaBeans.
 class AbstractContainer
          Abstract container class that manages event listeners and sending events to them (PropertySetChangeNotifier, ItemSetChangeNotifier).
 class AbstractInMemoryContainer<ITEMIDTYPE,PROPERTYIDCLASS,ITEMCLASS extends Item>
          Abstract Container class that handles common functionality for in-memory containers.
 class BeanContainer<IDTYPE,BEANTYPE>
          An in-memory container for JavaBeans.
 class BeanItemContainer<BEANTYPE>
          An in-memory container for JavaBeans.
 class ContainerHierarchicalWrapper
           A wrapper class for adding external hierarchy to containers not implementing the Container.Hierarchical interface.
 class ContainerOrderedWrapper
           A wrapper class for adding external ordering to containers not implementing the Container.Ordered interface.
 class FilesystemContainer
          A hierarchical container wrapper for a filesystem.
 class HierarchicalContainer
          A specialized Container whose contents can be accessed like it was a tree-like structure.
 class HierarchicalContainerOrderedWrapper
          A wrapper class for adding external ordering to containers not implementing the Container.Ordered interface while retaining Container.Hierarchical features.
 class IndexedContainer
          An implementation of the Container.Indexed interface with all important features.
 class QueryContainer
          Deprecated. will be removed in the future, use the SQLContainer add-on

Methods in that return Container
 Container AbstractContainer.BasePropertySetChangeEvent.getContainer()
 Container AbstractContainer.BaseItemSetChangeEvent.getContainer()

Constructors in with parameters of type Container
AbstractContainer.BaseItemSetChangeEvent(Container source)
AbstractContainer.BasePropertySetChangeEvent(Container source)
ContainerHierarchicalWrapper(Container toBeWrapped)
          Constructs a new hierarchical wrapper for an existing Container.
ContainerOrderedWrapper(Container toBeWrapped)
          Constructs a new ordered wrapper for an existing Container.

Uses of Container in

Classes in that implement Container
 class SQLContainer

Methods in that return Container
 Container SQLContainer.ItemSetChangeEvent.getContainer()

Uses of Container in com.vaadin.event

Methods in com.vaadin.event that return Container
 Container DataBoundTransferable.getSourceContainer()
          Returns the container data source from which the transfer occurs.

Uses of Container in com.vaadin.ui

Classes in com.vaadin.ui that implement Container
 class AbstractSelect
           A class representing a selection of items the user has selected in a UI.
 class ComboBox
          A filtering dropdown single-select.
 class ListSelect
          This is a simple list select without, for instance, support for new items, lazyloading, and other advanced features.
 class NativeSelect
          This is a simple drop-down select without, for instance, support for multiselect, new items, lazyloading, and other advanced features.
 class OptionGroup
          Configures select to be used as an option group.
 class Select
           A class representing a selection of items the user has selected in a UI.
 class Table
           Table is used for representing data or components in a pageable and selectable table.
 class Tree
          Tree component.
 class TreeTable
          TreeTable extends the Table component so that it can also visualize a hierarchy of its Items in a similar manner that Tree does.
 class TwinColSelect
          Multiselect component with two lists: left side for available items and right side for selected items.

Fields in com.vaadin.ui declared as Container
protected  Container AbstractSelect.items
          Select options.

Methods in com.vaadin.ui that return Container
 Container AbstractSelect.getContainerDataSource()
          Gets the viewing data-source container.

Methods in com.vaadin.ui with parameters of type Container
 Field<?> TableFieldFactory.createField(Container container, Object itemId, Object propertyId, Component uiContext)
          Creates a field based on the Container, item id, property id and the component responsible for displaying the field (most commonly Table).
 Field<?> DefaultFieldFactory.createField(Container container, Object itemId, Object propertyId, Component uiContext)
 void Tree.setContainerDataSource(Container newDataSource)
          Sets the Container that serves as the data source of the viewer.
 void TreeTable.setContainerDataSource(Container newDataSource)
 void Table.setContainerDataSource(Container newDataSource)
 void AbstractSelect.setContainerDataSource(Container newDataSource)
          Sets the Container that serves as the data source of the viewer.

Constructors in com.vaadin.ui with parameters of type Container
AbstractSelect(String caption, Container dataSource)
          Creates a new select that is connected to a data-source.
ComboBox(String caption, Container dataSource)
ListSelect(String caption, Container dataSource)
NativeSelect(String caption, Container dataSource)
OptionGroup(String caption, Container dataSource)
Select(String caption, Container dataSource)
Table(String caption, Container dataSource)
          Creates a new table with caption and connect it to a Container.
Tree(String caption, Container dataSource)
          Creates a new tree with caption and connect it to a Container.
TreeTable(String caption, Container dataSource)
          Creates a TreeTable instance with given captions and data source.
TwinColSelect(String caption, Container dataSource)

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