Uses of Interface

Packages that use Item Contains interfaces for the data layer, mainly for binding typed data and data collections to components, and for validating data. Provides implementations of Property, Item and Container interfaces, and utilities for the data layer.   

Uses of Item in

Methods in that return Item
 Item Container.addItem(Object itemId)
          Creates a new Item with the given ID in the Container.
 Item Container.Ordered.addItemAfter(Object previousItemId, Object newItemId)
          Adds a new item after the given item.
 Item Container.Indexed.addItemAt(int index, Object newItemId)
          Adds a new item at given index (in the filtered view).
 Item Item.PropertySetChangeEvent.getItem()
          Retrieves the Item whose contents has been modified.
 Item Container.getItem(Object itemId)
          Gets the Item with the given Item ID from the Container.
 Item Item.Viewer.getItemDataSource()
          Gets the Item serving as the data source of the viewer.

Methods in with parameters of type Item
 boolean Container.Filter.passesFilter(Object itemId, Item item)
          Check if an item passes the filter (in-memory filtering).
 void Item.Viewer.setItemDataSource(Item newDataSource)
          Sets the Item that serves as the data source of the viewer.

Uses of Item in

Methods in that return Item
 Item FieldGroup.getItemDataSource()
          Gets the item used by this FieldBinder.

Methods in with parameters of type Item
 void FieldGroup.setItemDataSource(Item itemDataSource)
          Updates the item that is used by this FieldBinder.
 void BeanFieldGroup.setItemDataSource(Item item)

Constructors in with parameters of type Item
FieldGroup(Item itemDataSource)
          Constructs a field binder that uses the given data source.

Uses of Item in

Classes in with type parameters of type Item
 class AbstractInMemoryContainer<ITEMIDTYPE,PROPERTYIDCLASS,ITEMCLASS extends Item>
          Abstract Container class that handles common functionality for in-memory containers.

Classes in that implement Item
 class BeanItem<BT>
          A wrapper class for adding the Item interface to any Java Bean.
 class FilesystemContainer.FileItem
          A Item wrapper for files in a filesystem.
 class PropertysetItem
          Class for handling a set of identified Properties.

Methods in that return Item
 Item QueryContainer.addItem(Object itemId)
          Deprecated. Creates new Item with the given ID into the Container.
 Item HierarchicalContainer.addItem(Object itemId)
 Item AbstractInMemoryContainer.addItem(Object itemId)
 Item ContainerHierarchicalWrapper.addItem(Object itemId)
          Adds a new Item by its ID to the underlying container and to the hierarchy.
 Item IndexedContainer.addItem(Object itemId)
 Item ContainerOrderedWrapper.addItem(Object itemId)
          Registers a new Item by its ID to the underlying container and to the ordering.
 Item FilesystemContainer.addItem(Object itemId)
 Item QueryContainer.addItemAfter(Object previousItemId, Object newItemId)
          Deprecated. Adds new item after the given item.
 Item AbstractInMemoryContainer.addItemAfter(Object previousItemId, Object newItemId)
 Item IndexedContainer.addItemAfter(Object previousItemId, Object newItemId)
 Item ContainerOrderedWrapper.addItemAfter(Object previousItemId, Object newItemId)
 Item QueryContainer.addItemAt(int index, Object newItemId)
          Deprecated. Adds the given item at the position of given index.
 Item AbstractInMemoryContainer.addItemAt(int index, Object newItemId)
 Item IndexedContainer.addItemAt(int index, Object newItemId)
 Item QueryContainer.getItem(Object id)
          Deprecated. Gets the Item with the given Item ID from the Container.
 Item ContainerHierarchicalWrapper.getItem(Object itemId)
 Item ContainerOrderedWrapper.getItem(Object itemId)
 Item FilesystemContainer.getItem(Object itemId)
protected  Item IndexedContainer.getUnfilteredItem(Object itemId)

Methods in with parameters of type Item
protected  int DefaultItemSorter.compareProperty(Object propertyId, boolean sortDirection, Item item1, Item item2)
          Compares the property indicated by propertyId in the items indicated by item1 and item2 for order.
protected  void IndexedContainer.fireItemAdded(int position, Object itemId, Item item)
protected  void IndexedContainer.registerNewItem(int index, Object newItemId, Item item)

Uses of Item in

Methods in with parameters of type Item
 boolean Or.passesFilter(Object itemId, Item item)
 boolean Not.passesFilter(Object itemId, Item item)
 boolean IsNull.passesFilter(Object itemId, Item item)
 boolean And.passesFilter(Object itemId, Item item)
 boolean Like.passesFilter(Object itemId, Item item)
 boolean Between.passesFilter(Object itemId, Item item)
 boolean Compare.passesFilter(Object itemId, Item item)
 boolean SimpleStringFilter.passesFilter(Object itemId, Item item)

Uses of Item in

Classes in that implement Item
 class RowItem
          RowItem represents one row of a result set obtained from a QueryDelegate.

Methods in that return Item
 Item SQLContainer.addItem(Object itemId)
 Item SQLContainer.addItemAfter(Object previousItemId, Object newItemId)
 Item SQLContainer.addItemAt(int index, Object newItemId)
 Item SQLContainer.getItem(Object itemId)
 Item SQLContainer.getItemUnfiltered(Object itemId)
          Bypasses in-memory filtering to return items that are cached in memory.
 Item SQLContainer.getReferencedItem(Object itemId, SQLContainer refdCont)
          Fetches the referenced item from the target SQLContainer.

Uses of Item in com.vaadin.event

Methods in com.vaadin.event that return Item
 Item ItemClickEvent.getItem()
          Gets the item on which the click event occurred.

Constructors in com.vaadin.event with parameters of type Item
ItemClickEvent(Component source, Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId, MouseEventDetails details)

Uses of Item in com.vaadin.ui

Classes in com.vaadin.ui that implement Item
 class Form
          Deprecated. Use FieldGroup instead of Form for more flexibility.

Methods in com.vaadin.ui that return Item
 Item AbstractSelect.addItem(Object itemId)
          Create a new item into container.
 Item Table.addItemAfter(Object previousItemId, Object newItemId)
          Adds new item after the given item.
 Item AbstractSelect.getItem(Object itemId)
          Gets the item from the container with given id.
 Item Form.getItemDataSource()

Methods in com.vaadin.ui with parameters of type Item
 Field<?> DefaultFieldFactory.createField(Item item, Object propertyId, Component uiContext)
 Field<?> FormFieldFactory.createField(Item item, Object propertyId, Component uiContext)
          Creates a field based on the item, property id and the component (most commonly Form) where the Field will be presented.
 void Form.setItemDataSource(Item newDataSource)
          Deprecated. Sets the item datasource for the form.
 void Form.setItemDataSource(Item newDataSource, Collection<?> propertyIds)
          Deprecated. Set the item datasource for the form, but limit the form contents to specified properties of the item.

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