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Frequently asked in high end product companies. Frequently asked in Deloitte.
  Q11. How is Hashmap internally implemented in Java ?Core Java

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hashmap  collections  hashmap internal implementation     Asked in 20 Companies      expert        frequent

 Q12. Let's suppose we have an to destroy objects, Design a program to implement garbage collection ?Design
Ans. Step 1 - We can create a Registry Class having Map of all created objects as key and References list as value.

Step 2 - Whenever we create an object , we should update the Registry in the constructor to add the new object.

Step 3 - Whenever we assign a new reference to the object , we need to update the entry in Map. Similarly if the reference get's removed ( end of scope etc ), we need to remove the entry of reference from the list.

Step 4 - We can have threaded code to monitor the Map to see if any object looses all it's references and should call the method to destroy object and clean the memory.

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 Q13. What is a ConcurrentHashMap ?Core Java
Ans. ConcurrentHashMap is a hashMap that allows concurrent modifications from multiple threads as there can be multiple locks on the same hashmap.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   hashmap   map   concurrenthashmap   concurrenthashmap  concurrency   general electric   ge     Asked in 32 Companies        rare

 Q14. Collections.sort can only be performed on ..

a. Set
b. List
c. Map
d. Any Collection implementation
Core Java
Ans. List

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     collections   java   sorting

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 Q15. Why HashTable has been deprecated ?Core Java
Ans. HashTable has been deprecated. As an alternative, ConcurrentHashMap has been provided. It uses multiple buckets to store data and hence much better performance than HashTable. Moreover, there is already a raw type HashMap. The only difference between the HashTable and HashMap is that Hashtable is synchronized whereas HashMap is not. Most of the synchronized collections have been deprecated and their raw alternative have been presented as preferred.Synchronization has a cost. Using synchronized collection in places where there is no need of it leads to useless utilization of resources. As these collections are rarely used in a static context or shared among threads, Java might have thought it better to just provide the raw collection and let developers implement synchronization if he feels the need to do so. HashMap is now presented as the default and the preferred way of using Map with read optimized hashing, and ConcurrentHashMap has been provided for synchronized access which provides better performance than HashTable. Because of this, Java thought it right to deprecate the use of HashTable.'

Synchronization has a cost. Using synchronized collection at a place where there is hardly any need of it would means useless utilization of resources. As these collections are rarely used in static context or shared among threads, Java might have thought it better to just provide the raw collection and let developer implement synchronization if he feels the need to do so.

As HashMap has been presented as default and preferred way of using Map with read optimized hashing, and ConcurrentHashMap has been provided for synchronized access which provides better performance than HashTable, Java thought it right to deprecate the use of HashTable.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hashtable  synchronized collections  Why synchronized collections have been deprecated  Why HashTable has been deprecated  HashTable vs HashMap      expert

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 Q16. Difference beween HashSet and TreeSet ?Core Java
Ans. 1. HashSet doesnt maintain its elements in any specific order and is all random whereas TreeSet maintains elements in natural order 9 order defined by the equals method of TreeSet element type )

2. TreeSet doesnt allow null elements whereas HashMap does.

3. As TreeSet orders elements and is hence insertion is comparatively slower.

4. HashSet performs basic operations like add(), remove(), contains(), size() etc. in a constant size time. A TreeSet performs these operations at the order of log(n) time.

5. HashMap in Java internally backs a HashSet. A NavigableMap backs a TreeSet internally.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     collections  hashset  treeset  set   hashet vs treeset     Asked in 4 Companies      Basic        frequent

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Frequently asked in Indian Service Companies. Tech Mahindra ( Based on 3 inputs ) and Infosys ( 3 inputs )
  Q17. What is the difference between List, Set and Map ?


What are the different Java Collections Interfaces ?
Core Java
Ans. List - Members are stored in sequence in memory and can be accessed through index.
Set - There is no relevance of sequence and index. Sets doesn't contain duplicates whereas multiset can have duplicates.
Map - Contains Key , Value pairs.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   list   set   map   list vs set vs map     Asked in 8 Companies      basic        frequent

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 Q18. Can we use null as a key for a map collection ?Core Java
Ans. Yes , for HashMap. HashMap implements Map interface. HashMap allows one null key and any number of null values.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   hashmap   map   hashtable   yes-no     Asked in 1 Companies

  Q19. Difference between Vector and ArrayList ?Core Java
Ans. Vectors are synchronized whereas Array lists are not.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   basic interview question   vector   arraylist   collections   synchronization   vector vs arraylist     Asked in 35 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q20. Should we override finalize method ?
Ans. Finalize is used by Java for Garbage collection. It should not be done as we should leave the Garbage Collection to Java itself.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   garbage collection   java memory management   finalize

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 Q21. What are strong, soft, weak and phantom references in Java ?Core Java
Ans. Garbage Collector wont remove a strong reference.

A soft reference will only get removed if memory is low.

A weak reference will get removed on the next garbage collection cycle.

A phantom reference will be finalized but the memory will not be reclaimed. Can be useful when you want to be notified that an object is about to be collected.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   memory management   jvm   garbage collections   references   strong reference   soft reference   weak reference   phantom reference   architecture     Asked in 2 Companies

 Q22. What are the Disadvantages of using Collection Classes over Arrays ?Core Java
Ans. Collections can only hold objects, It can't hold primitive data types.

Collections have performance overheads as they deal with objects and offer dynamic memory expansion. This dynamic expansion could be a bigger overhead if the collection class needs consecutive memory location like Vectors.

Collections doesn't allow modification while traversal as it may lead to concurrentModificationException.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   collections classes   disadvantages of collections over arrays   collections vs arrays

 Q23. Can we call the garbage collector explicitly ?Core Java
Ans. Yes, We can call garbage collector directly but it doesn't guarantees that the gc will start executing immediately. This gc( ) method appears in both Runtime and System classes of java.lang package.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   garbage collection   java memory management   jvm   gc   yes no     Asked in 4 Companies      expert

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 Q24. What is comparator interface used for ?Core Java
Ans. The purpose of comparator interface is to compare objects of the same class to identify the sorting order. Sorted Collection Classes ( TreeSet, TreeMap ) have been designed such to look for this method to identify the sorting order, that is why class need to implement Comparator interface to qualify its objects to be part of Sorted Collections.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   treemap   treeset   comparator     Asked in 2 Companies      Intermediate

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 Q25. If I try to add Enum constants to a TreeSet, What sorting order will it use ?
Ans. Tree Set will sort the Values in the order in which Enum constants are declared.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   set   treeset   enum   sorting   technical lead

 Q26. What is ConcurrentModificationException ?Core Java
Ans. This is the exception that is thrown when we try to modify the non concurrent collection class while iterating through it.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   concurrentmodificationexception   exception  concurrency     Asked in 14 Companies      intermediate

 Q27. What is a BlockingQueue?Data Structures
Ans. BlockingQueue is a Queue that supports operations that wait for the queue to become non-empty when retrieving and removing an element, and wait for space to become available in the queue when adding an element.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     blockingqueue   collections   java   concurrent collections     Asked in 10 Companies

 Q28. Which of the following collections stores its elements in insertion Order ?

a. HashMap
b. TreeMap
c. LinkedHashMap
d. LinkedMap
Core Java
Ans. LinkedHashMap

  Sample Code for LinkedHashMap

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     linkedhashmap   collections   java   map

 Q29. In what order the elements of a HashSet are retrieved ?

a. Random Order
b. Insertion Order
c. Natural Sorting Order
d. Inverse Natural Sorting Order
Core Java
Ans. Random Order

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     collections   set   hashset   java

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 Q30. Which of the following doesn't extend Collection interface ?

a. Set
b. List
c. Map
d. Queue
Core Java
Ans. Map

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 Q31. Difference between Map and HashMap ?Core Java
Ans. Map is an interface where HashMap is the concrete class.

  Sample Code for map

  Sample Code for hashmap

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   hashmap   map      basic        frequent

 Q32. What is a Property class ?Core Java
Ans. The properties class is a subclass of Hashtable that can be read from or written to a stream.

  Sample Code for Load Properties using Property Class

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   hashtable   map   synchronization   synchronized

  Q33. what is the difference between collections class vs collections interface ?Core Java
Ans. Collections class is a utility class having static methods for doing operations on objects of classes which implement the Collection interface. For example, Collections has methods for finding the max element in a Collection.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   collections class   collection interface   basic interview question     Asked in 6 Companies      basic        frequent

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Frequently asked in CTS ( Based on 2 feedback )
  Q34. What is the difference between comparable and comparator in java.util pkg?Core Java
Ans. Comparable interface is used for single sequence sorting i.e.sorting the objects based on single data member where as comparator interface is used to sort the object based on multiple data members.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java.util   comparable   comparator   collections     Asked in 23 Companies      basic        frequent

  Q35. Advantage of Collection classes over Arrays ?Core Java
Ans. Collections are re-sizable in nature. We can increase or decrease the size as per recruitment.
Collections can hold both homogeneous and heterogeneous data's.
Every collection follows some standard data structures.
Collection provides many useful built in methods for traversing,sorting and search.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   collections classes   advantages of collections over arrays   collections vs arrays   basic interview question     Asked in 6 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q36. What does String intern() method do?Core Java
Ans. intern() method keeps the string in an internal cache that is usually not garbage collected.

Moreover provide reference for scp object for corresponding string object present in heap memory.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   string class   string   intern method   garbage collection   advanced     Asked in 2 Companies      expert

 Q37. Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList ?
Ans. LinkedList and ArrayList are two different implementations of the List interface. LinkedList implements it with a doubly-linked list. ArrayList implements it with a dynamically resizing array.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   list   arraylist   linkedlist   difference between      basic        frequent

 Q38. What are the pre-requisite for the collection to perform Binary Search ?
Ans. 1. Collection should have an index for random access.
2. Collection should have ordered elements.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   search algorithm   search   binary search   at&t      intermediate

 Q39. Can we add duplicate keys in a HashMap ? What will happen if we attempt to add duplicate values ?
Ans. No, We cannot have duplicate keys in HashMap. If we attempt to do so , the previous value for the key is overwritten.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   hashmap   map   hashtable

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 Q40. Which are the sorted collections ?Core Java
Ans. TreeSet and TreeMap

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   treemap   treeset   basic interview question      basic        frequent

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