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Design - Interview Questions and Answers for 'Hcl' - 12 question(s) found - Order By Newest
Very frequently asked. Among first few questions in almost all interviews. Among Top 5 frequently asked questions. Frequently asked in Indian service companies (HCL,TCS,Infosys,Capgemini etc based on multiple feedback ) and Epam Systems
Ans. "equals" is the method of object class which is supposed to be overridden to check object equality, whereas "==" operator evaluate to see if the object handlers on the left and right are pointing to the same object in memory.
x.equals(y) means the references x and y are holding objects that are equal. x==y means that the references x and y have same object.
Sample code:
String x = new String("str");
String y = new String("str");
System.out.println(x == y); // prints false
System.out.println(x.equals(y)); // prints true
Ans. Abstract classes can have both abstract methods ( method declarations ) as well as concrete methods ( inherited to the derived classes ) whereas Interfaces can only have abstract methods ( method declarations ).
A class can extend single abstract class whereas it can implement multiple interfaces.
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Ans. It is a Design Pattern that facilitates loose coupling by sending the dependency information ( object references of dependent object ) while building the state of the object. Objects are designed in a manner where they receive instances of the objects from other pieces of code, instead of constructing them internally and hence provide better flexibility.
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Ans. MVC is a Design Pattern that facilititates loose coupling by segregating responsibilities in a Web application
1. Controller receives the requests and handles overall control of the request
2. Model holds majority of the Business logic, and
3. View comprise of the view objects and GUI component
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Ans. Coupling is the degree of interdependence between software modules, a measure of how closely connected two modules are or the strength of the relationships between modules.
Cohesion refers to the degree to which the elements of a module belong together. Cohesion measures the strength of relationship between pieces of functionality within a given module.
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Very frequently asked. Usually followed by questions related to private constructor and synchronized access. Frequently asked in JPMorgan and TCS (Based on 2 feedback)
Ans. Fail Safe systems are tolerant systems that continue processing even if they sense any problem. the objective here is to continue with the processing even if there are some problems instead of completely shutting it down. Example could be to catch an exception and still letting it complete with partial results.
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Ans. The prototype pattern is a creational design pattern. It is used when the type of objects to create is determined by a prototypical instance, which is cloned to produce new objects. Prototype is used when we need duplicate copies of objects.
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Ans. Java provides its own implementations of the thread pool pattern, through objects called executors. These can be used through executor interfaces or directly through thread pool implementations which does allow for finer-grained control. The java.util.concurrent package contains the following interfaces:
Executor : a simple interface for executing tasks.ExecutorService a more complex interface which contains additional methods for managing the tasks and the executor itself.
ScheduledExecutorService: extends ExecutorService with methods for scheduling the execution of a task.Alongside these interfaces, the package also provides the Executors helper class for obtaining executor instances, as well as implementations for these interfaces.
Generally, a Java thread pool is composed of:
The pool of worker threads, responsible for managing the threads.
A thread factory that is responsible for creating new threads.
A queue of tasks waiting to be executed.
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