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  Q71. Write a Program to check if 2 strings are Anagrams ?Core Java
Ans. public void checkIfAnagram(String str1,String str2){
boolean anagram = true;
for(char c:str1.toCharArray()){
System.out.println("Strings are Anagrams");
anagram = false;

if(anagram == true){
System.out.println("Strings are not Anagrams");

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve      check if 2 strings are Anagrams     Asked in 30 Companies      basic        frequent

Very frequently asked Hibernate interview question. Frequently asked in TCS ( based on 2 feedback )
  Q72. What are different types of associations in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. There are 4 types of associations in Hibernate

One to One
One to Many
Many to One
Many to Many

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   associations     Asked in 11 Companies        frequent

Very frequently asked if being interviewed for hibernate. Frequently asked in Tata Consultancy (TCS) and
  Q73. Difference between load and get ?Hibernate
Ans. If id doesnt exist in the DB load throws an exception whereas get returns null in that case.get makes the call to DB immediately whereas load makes the call to proxy.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate     Asked in 16 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q74. Can we use static method definitions in Interfaces ?Core Java
Ans. Yes, Effective Java 8.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java8   static interface methods   yes-no     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q75. What are some different logging levels for log4j ?Log4j

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   log4j   log4j level   logging   error logging     Asked in 10 Companies

  Q76. Difference between jar , war and ear ?Java EE
Ans. Jar is Java Archieve i.e compressed Class or Class / Java files.

War comprises of compressed Servlet class files,JSP FIles,supporting files, GIF and HTML files.

Ear comprise of compressed Java and web module files ( was files ).

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   j2ee   jar   web development   war   ear   build management   release management     Asked in 12 Companies      basic        frequent

  Q77. How are values passed in Java ? By value or reference ?Core Java
Ans. Java only provides pass by value.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     ebay   pass by value   pass by reference   method call   methods   functions   function call     Asked in 10 Companies      basic        frequent

Very Frequently asked to Senior Software Engineers or Developers.
  Q78. Describe some of the Design Patterns you have used ?Design
Ans. [Open Ended Answer]

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     design patterns     Asked in 17 Companies      intermediate        frequent

  Q79. What is database Normalization ?Database

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     normalization  database     Asked in 35 Companies      intermediate        frequent

 Q80. Is it a good practice to use Asterick(*) in import statement to load multiple packages with single import statement ?Core Java
Ans. No, we should be lean in loading only packages which are required. Loading packages which are not being used result in memory overheads.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     import  import packages     Asked in 1 Companies

  Q81. What is the difference between authentication and authorization ?Authentication
Ans. Authentication is the process of verifying the identity and credentials of the user to authenticate him into the system.


Authorization is the process by which access to a segment , method or resource is determined.

Authorization is usually a step next to authentication.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     authentication  authorization  authentication vs authorization     Asked in 9 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q82. What is Amazon S3 ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. Amazon Simple Storage Service or S3 is object storage with a simple web service interface to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     aws  amazon s3  aws s3  aws storage  amazon cloud storage  amazon s3     Asked in 12 Companies

 Q83. What is abstraction ?Design
Ans. Abstraction is a process of hiding the implementation details and describing only the functionality to the user.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     bstraction  oops concepts  oops principle     Asked in 22 Companies

 Q84. Describe structure of a Web application.architecture
Ans. WEB APP |WEB-INF - META-INF | | | META-INF.MF | lib - WEB.xml - Classes

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     web application     Asked in 3 Companies      intermediate        frequent

  Q85. What are the types of authentication used in Web services ?Web Service
Ans. Encrypted User Name / Password
Encrypted Password within Cookie
Encrypted Tokens
Client Certificates

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     authentication  security  web service     Asked in 12 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q86. Explain OAuth.Authentication
Ans. OAuth is an open-standard authorization protocol or framework that describes how unrelated servers and services can safely allow authenticated access to their assets without actually sharing the initial, related, single logon credential. Like using Google or Facebook to login to something.

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  Q87. Difference between Arrays and ArrayList ?Core Java
Ans. Both Arrays and ArrayLists are used to store elements. Elements can be either primitives or objects in case of Arrays, but only objects can be stored in Arraylist. Array is a fixed length data structure while arraylist is variable length collection class. Once created, you cannot change the size of the arrays, but arraylists can dynamically resize itself when needed.Another notable difference between Arrays and Arrayslist is that arary is part of core java programming and array list is part of collection classes

  Sample Code for arrays arraylist

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     array  arraylist  array vs arraylist     Asked in 7 Companies      basic        frequent

  Q88. What is a cookie ?Java EE
Ans. A cookie is a small piece of text stored on a user's computer by the browser for a specific domain. Commonly used for authentication, storing site preferences, and server session identification.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     cookie   javascript   web application   session management   browser   j2ee     Asked in 16 Companies      basic        frequent

Frequently asked.
  Q89. What is an Iterator?Core Java
Ans. Iterator is an interface that provides methods to iterate over any Collection.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   iterator     Asked in 11 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q90. What are transient variables in java?Core Java
Ans. Transient variables are variable that cannot be serialized.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   serialization   transient     Asked in 15 Companies      intermediate        rare

Very Frequently asked Spring question.
  Q91. What is bean auto wiring?Spring
Ans. The Spring container is able to autowire relationships between collaborating beans. This means that it is possible to automatically let Spring resolve collaborators (other beans) for your bean by inspecting the contents of the BeanFactory without using and elements.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   spring   mvc   frameworks   web applications   autowiring   beans   at&t   ge     Asked in 9 Companies        frequent

 Q92. public class a {
   public static void main(String args[]){
      final String s1=""job"";
      final String s2=""seeker"";
      String s3=s1.concat(s2);
      String s4=""jobseeker"";
      System.out.println(s3==s4); // Output 1
      System.out.println(s3.hashCode()==s4.hashCode()); Output 2

What will be the Output 1 and Output 2 ?
Core Java
Ans. S3 and S4 are pointing to different memory location and hence Output 1 will be false.

Hash code is generated to be used as hash key in some of the collections in Java and is calculated using string characters and its length. As they both are same string literals, and hence their hashcode is same.Output 2 will be true.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   string   hashcode   hash code   string comparison   string pool

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  Q93. What is the use of HashCode in objects ?Core Java
Ans. Hashcode is used for bucketing in Hash implementations like HashMap, HashTable, HashSet etc.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   string   hashcode   hash code   string comparison  hashtable     Asked in 17 Companies      basic        frequent

Very Frequently asked. Favorite question in walkins and telephonic interviews. Usually among first few questions. Asked in different variants. Must know for intermediate and expert professionals.Among Top 10 frequently asked questions.
  Q94. What is rule regarding overriding equals and hashCode method ?Core Java
Ans. A Class must override the hashCode method if its overriding the equals method.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   hashcode  hash code   equals   collections     Asked in 44 Companies      intermediate        frequent

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 Q95. What are different types of second level cache ?Hibernate
Ans. 1. EHCache ( Easy Hibernate )
2. OSCache ( Open Symphony )
3. Swarm Cache ( JBoss )
4. Tree Cache ( JBoss )

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   orm   hibernate cache   technical lead     Asked in 7 Companies

Very frequently asked. Usually followed by questions related to private constructor and synchronized access. Frequently asked in JPMorgan and TCS (Based on 2 feedback)
  Q96. Explain Singleton Design Pattern ?Design

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   design pattern   singleton   at&t   ebay  fidelity india  united healthcare india     Asked in 46 Companies      intermediate        frequent

 Q97. What is Criteria in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. Criteria is a simplified API for retrieving entities by composing Criterion objects.

For example - session.createCriteria(Employee.class).add("name", "A%") ).list();

will return all employee objects having name starting with A.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   hibernate criteria     Asked in 7 Companies      Basic        Frequent

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  Q98. Which Software Development methodology is being used in your current Job ?General
Ans. We are using Agile methodology. I attend daily stand up where the development leads takes the status of assigned stories, achievements, any bottlenecks or challenges. We follow iteration of 2 weeks.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     sdlc   agile methodology   software system analyst   software developer interview   development lead   project lead interview     Asked in 14 Companies        frequent

 Q99. What is your role in current position ?General
Ans. I am working as a Software System Analyst that specializes in understanding Business Requirements, Analyzing them , Performs Cost / Benefit analysis, Make suggestions to business , translate the business requirements into technical requirements, Discuss their feasibility with the technical team, performs sizing in coordination with developers and prepare high level design document.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     system analyst   software system analyst   software business analyst     Asked in 4 Companies        frequent

 Q100. What is collision in hash collections ?Core Java
Ans. Collision is the situation when two different elements have the same Hash Code.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   collision   hashcode  hash code   hash collections   ebay     Asked in 1 Companies      intermediate        frequent

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