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 Q31. What are the contents of Hibernate configuration file ( hibernate.cfg.xml ) ?Hibernate
Ans. HBM Files ( Mapping )
DB Connection ( DB Connection String , User Name , Password , Pool Size )
SQL Dialect ( SQL variant to be generated )
Show SQL ( Show / No show SQL on Console )
Auto Commit ( True / False )

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   configuration   barclays     Asked in 11 Companies

Frequently asked. Among first few questions in the J2EE segment of interview.
  Q32. What is deployment descriptor ?


What is the use of deployment descriptor ?
Java EE
Ans. Deployment Descriptor which is usually web.xml is used to specify the classes, resources and configuration of the application and how the web server uses them to serve web requests.This file is usually added to WEB-INF folder and contains following

* Servlet entries and url mapping
* Plugins
* Some info regarding authentication / filters
* Landing Page
* Event Handlers

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     web.xml   servlets  deployment descriptor     Asked in 15 Companies      basic        frequent

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  Q33. What are the different types of inner classes ?Core Java
Ans. Simple Inner Class,
Local Inner Class,
Anonymous Inner Class,
Static Nested Inner Class.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   inner classes   classes     Asked in 6 Companies      basic        frequent

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Frequently asked in Indian Service Companies. Tech Mahindra ( Based on 3 inputs ) and Infosys ( 3 inputs )
  Q34. What is the difference between List, Set and Map ?


What are the different Java Collections Interfaces ?
Core Java
Ans. List - Members are stored in sequence in memory and can be accessed through index.
Set - There is no relevance of sequence and index. Sets doesn't contain duplicates whereas multiset can have duplicates.
Map - Contains Key , Value pairs.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   list   set   map   list vs set vs map     Asked in 8 Companies      basic        frequent

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Frequently asked at HCL Technologies ( Based on 3 feedback )
  Q35. Difference between Checked and Unchecked exceptions ?Core Java
Ans. Checked exceptions are the exceptions for which compiler throws an errors if they are not checked whereas unchecked exceptions are caught during run time only and hence can't be checked.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   exceptions   checked exceptions   unchecked exceptions   exception handling   checked vs unchecked exceptions     Asked in 39 Companies      basic        frequent

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  Q36. Difference between Vector and ArrayList ?Core Java
Ans. Vectors are synchronized whereas Array lists are not.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   basic interview question   vector   arraylist   collections   synchronization   vector vs arraylist     Asked in 35 Companies      basic        frequent

Very Frequently asked. Usually asked along with String Class related questions.
  Q37. What is an immutable class ?Core Java
Ans. Class using which only immutable (objects that cannot be changed after initialization) objects can be created.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   immutable  immutability   immutable  immutability class   string class   basic interview question     Asked in 18 Companies      Basic        frequent

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Very frequently asked in phone and walk in interviews.
  Q38. What are Marker Interfaces ? Name few Java marker interfaces ?Core Java
Ans. An interface without any method declaration is called as marker interface. there are 3 in-built interfaces in JVM i.e. serializable, clonable, remote

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   interfaces   marker interface   serializable   clonable     Asked in 21 Companies      intermediate        frequent

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Very frequently asked. Usually difference between String,StringBuffer and StringBuilder is asked in different variations.
  Q39. Difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder ?Core Java
Ans. StringBuffer is synchronized whereas StringBuilder is not.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   string   stringbuffer   string class   stringbuilder   synchronized   basic interview question   infosys technologies     Asked in 17 Companies      basic        frequent

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  Q40. What is reflection ?
Ans. It is the process of examining / modifying the behaviour of an object at runtime.

  Sample Code for reflection

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   reflection   reflection api   ebay   mindtree     Asked in 29 Companies      basic        frequent

  Q41. Difference between GET and POST Requests ?Web Service
Ans. GET is supposed to get information from the server. Client sends the minimal information so that Server can respond with the response body on basis of request. For example - You want to get complete employment record for employee id 123

POST is supposed to send the information for submission. Payload or a Body is usually sent so that it can be persisted on the server. For example - Sending the complete information of an employee ( id, name , dept etc ) to the server for persisting it.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     get vs post   web service   rest     Asked in 11 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q42. If an Abstract class has only abstract methods, What's the difference between such a class and an interface ?Core Java
Ans. Such a class still can have member elements which can be inherited and hence facilitate code reuse. Moreover Abstract class can have non final static elements whereas interfaces are only allowed to have static final elements.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     abstract class   interfaces     Asked in 2 Companies      Basic

 Q43. What is the difference between Singleton and Prototype Bean scope in Spring ?Spring
Ans. Prototype scope - A new object is created each time it is injected/looked up. It will use new SomeClass() each time.

Singleton scope - It is the default scope. The same object is returned each time it is injected/looked up. Here it will instantiate one instance of SomeClass and then return it each time.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     Spring beans  singleton bean scope  prototype bean scope     Asked in 1 Companies

Very Frequently asked.Favorite question in Walk in drive for many Indian service companies.
 Q44. What is a Final Class ?
Ans. A Class that cannot be sub classed.

  Sample Code for final class

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   final   final class   java keyword   basic interview question     Asked in 3 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q45. What is a Static import ?Core Java
Ans. By static import , we can access the static members of a class directly without prefixing it with the class name.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java5   static import   static   java keyword   static import     Asked in 4 Companies      basic        frequent

  Q46. what is the difference between collections class vs collections interface ?Core Java
Ans. Collections class is a utility class having static methods for doing operations on objects of classes which implement the Collection interface. For example, Collections has methods for finding the max element in a Collection.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   collections class   collection interface   basic interview question     Asked in 6 Companies      basic        frequent

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  Q47. Advantage of Collection classes over Arrays ?Core Java
Ans. Collections are re-sizable in nature. We can increase or decrease the size as per recruitment.
Collections can hold both homogeneous and heterogeneous data's.
Every collection follows some standard data structures.
Collection provides many useful built in methods for traversing,sorting and search.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   collections classes   advantages of collections over arrays   collections vs arrays   basic interview question     Asked in 6 Companies      basic        frequent

Very frequently asked Hibernate interview question. Frequently asked in TCS ( based on 2 feedback )
  Q48. What are different types of associations in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. There are 4 types of associations in Hibernate

One to One
One to Many
Many to One
Many to Many

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   associations     Asked in 11 Companies        frequent

  Q49. What are Default Methods ?Core Java
Ans. With Java 8, We can provide method definitions in the Interfaces that gets carried down the classes implementing that interface in case they are not overridden by the Class. Keyword "default" is used to mark the default method.

  Sample Code for interface default

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java8   default methods     Asked in 7 Companies      expert        frequent

 Q50. What are some different logging levels for log4j ?Log4j

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   log4j   log4j level   logging   error logging     Asked in 10 Companies

  Q51. How are values passed in Java ? By value or reference ?Core Java
Ans. Java only provides pass by value.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     ebay   pass by value   pass by reference   method call   methods   functions   function call     Asked in 10 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q52. Have you heard about the external table feature of Oracle ?Database
Ans. The external tables feature is a complement to existing SQL Loader functionality. It enables to access data in external sources as if it were in a table in the database. We have used it few times for replicating tables across different database systems.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     external table oracle     Asked in 1 Companies        rare

 Q53. What was the driving force to introduce default methods in Interfaces wef from Java 8 ?Core Java
Ans. Earlier any class implementing an interface was supposed to implement all methods declared in an interface. There was no place for optionally implementing all or subset of methods.Though we have abstract classes wherein we could have provided such a mechanism by declaring some methods as abstract while providing definition for some. But as Abstract classes have a body and are comparatively heavier than interfaces and interfaces associate closely to the concept of providing interfacing than abstract classes, Java might have though of providing optional implementation for default methods. This way same interface can be reused in variety of ways rather than making copies of an interface to suit different needs.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java 8   java8  interface default methods  default methods     Asked in 6 Companies

Very Frequently asked to Senior Software Engineers or Developers.
  Q54. Describe some of the Design Patterns you have used ?Design
Ans. [Open Ended Answer]

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     design patterns     Asked in 17 Companies      intermediate        frequent

 Q55. Write a Program to print factorial of a number using recursionCore Java
Ans. public class BuggyBread {
public static void main(String args[]) {

private static int factorial(int number){
if(number == 1){
return 1;
} else {
return number * factorial(number - 1);

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     recursion     Asked in 25 Companies

 Q56. What is a Webdriver ?Testing
Ans. Selenium WebDriver is a tool for automating web application testing.It helps in replicating the manual tester behavior like keyboard entry, mouse events etc and then matching the output against the expected.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     selenium  webdriver     Asked in 37 Companies

 Q57. What is Amazon S3 ?Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ans. Amazon Simple Storage Service or S3 is object storage with a simple web service interface to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     aws  amazon s3  aws s3  aws storage  amazon cloud storage  amazon s3     Asked in 12 Companies

 Q58. What is abstraction ?Design
Ans. Abstraction is a process of hiding the implementation details and describing only the functionality to the user.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     bstraction  oops concepts  oops principle     Asked in 22 Companies

 Q59. Can we have multiple inheritance in java using abstract class ?Core Java
Ans. No

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     abstract class   multiple inheritance  object oriented programming (oops)  oops concepts     Asked in 2 Companies

 Q60. Describe structure of a Web application.architecture
Ans. WEB APP |WEB-INF - META-INF | | | META-INF.MF | lib - WEB.xml - Classes

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     web application     Asked in 3 Companies      intermediate        frequent

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