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 Q31. Scale yourself on Java on the scale of 1 to 10General
Ans. [Open Ended Answer]

The objective of the question is to check how efficient one is in the language so that appropriate level questions are asked. Don't tell too high number if you are being interviewed for a junior or mid level position as the interviewer may throw advance level questions.

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Frequently asked in Cognizant ( Based on 2 feedback )
  Q32. What are Inner , Outer , Left and Right Joins in SQL ?Database
Ans. Inner join is the intersection of two tables on the condition defined by the where clause i.e will get records from both tables matched by a column.

Outer join is the union of two tables i.e will get all records from both tables and will put null in the columns where related records are not present.

Left Outer join is the left union of two tables i.e all records from the table on the left and values from the right table for related records else null for the columns from right table.

Right Outer join is the right union of two tables i.e all records from the table on the right and values from the left table for related records else null for the columns from left table.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     sql  inner join  outer join  right join  left join     Asked in 24 Companies      basic        frequent

  Q33. What is an exception and exception handling in Java ?Core Java
Ans. An Exception in java is the occurrence during computation that is anomalous and is not expected.

Exception handling is the mechanism which is used to handle such situations.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     exception handling     Asked in 18 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q34. Difference between Maven and Ant ?Maven
Ans. Ant is procedural, we need to provide information about what to do and when to do through code.

Maven is declarative, everything is defined in the pom file.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     maven  maven vs ant     Asked in 1 Companies

  Q35. What is Maven ?Maven
Ans. Maven is a build automation tool used primarily for Java projects.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     maven  build     Asked in 6 Companies      basic        frequent

  Q36. Difference between Array and ArrayList ?Core Java
Ans. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

  Sample Code for ArrayList

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     array  arraylist     Asked in 11 Companies      basic        frequent

Very Frequently asked to Senior Software Engineers or Developers.
  Q37. Describe some of the Design Patterns you have used ?Design
Ans. [Open Ended Answer]

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     design patterns     Asked in 17 Companies      intermediate        frequent

 Q38. What is Dirty read in Database Transactions ?Database
Ans. A dirty read occurs when a transaction is allowed to read data from a row that has been modified by another running transaction but not yet committed.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     database transaction     Asked in 8 Companies

Basic and Very Frequently asked.
  Q39. What is Polymorphism in Java ?Core Java
Ans. Polymorphism means the condition of occurring in several different forms.

Polymorphism in Java is achieved in two manners

1. Static polymorphism is the polymorphic resolution identified at compile time and is achieved through function overloading whereas

2. Dynamic polymorphism is the polymorphic resolution identified at runtime and is achieved through method overriding.

  Sample Code for overloading

  Sample Code for overriding

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     polymorphism  object oriented programming (oops)  oops concepts  oops concepts     Asked in 108 Companies      Basic        frequent

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Frequently asked Design Pattern interview question.
 Q40. What is a prototype design pattern ?Design
Ans. The prototype pattern is a creational design pattern. It is used when the type of objects to create is determined by a prototypical instance, which is cloned to produce new objects. Prototype is used when we need duplicate copies of objects.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     design pattern  prototype design pattern  cloning     Asked in 11 Companies      intermediate

 Q41. Have you heard about the external table feature of Oracle ?Database
Ans. The external tables feature is a complement to existing SQL Loader functionality. It enables to access data in external sources as if it were in a table in the database. We have used it few times for replicating tables across different database systems.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     external table oracle     Asked in 1 Companies        rare

  Q42. Difference between GET and POST Requests ?Web Service
Ans. GET is supposed to get information from the server. Client sends the minimal information so that Server can respond with the response body on basis of request. For example - You want to get complete employment record for employee id 123

POST is supposed to send the information for submission. Payload or a Body is usually sent so that it can be persisted on the server. For example - Sending the complete information of an employee ( id, name , dept etc ) to the server for persisting it.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     get vs post   web service   rest     Asked in 11 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q43. What was the driving force to introduce default methods in Interfaces wef from Java 8 ?Core Java
Ans. Earlier any class implementing an interface was supposed to implement all methods declared in an interface. There was no place for optionally implementing all or subset of methods.Though we have abstract classes wherein we could have provided such a mechanism by declaring some methods as abstract while providing definition for some. But as Abstract classes have a body and are comparatively heavier than interfaces and interfaces associate closely to the concept of providing interfacing than abstract classes, Java might have though of providing optional implementation for default methods. This way same interface can be reused in variety of ways rather than making copies of an interface to suit different needs.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java 8   java8  interface default methods  default methods     Asked in 6 Companies

 Q44. What are fail-fast Iterators ?Core Java
Ans. Fail-fast iterators detect illegal concurrent modification during iteration and fail quickly and cleanly rather than risking arbitrary, non deterministic behavior at an undetermined time in future. Example could be of an Iterator failing if it smells ConcurrentModificationException.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     fail-fast Iterators  Iterators     Asked in 5 Companies      intermediate

Frequently asked. Among first few questions in the J2EE segment of interview.
  Q45. What is deployment descriptor ?


What is the use of deployment descriptor ?
Java EE
Ans. Deployment Descriptor which is usually web.xml is used to specify the classes, resources and configuration of the application and how the web server uses them to serve web requests.This file is usually added to WEB-INF folder and contains following

* Servlet entries and url mapping
* Plugins
* Some info regarding authentication / filters
* Landing Page
* Event Handlers

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     web.xml   servlets  deployment descriptor     Asked in 15 Companies      basic        frequent

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  Q46. What is a cookie ?Java EE
Ans. A cookie is a small piece of text stored on a user's computer by the browser for a specific domain. Commonly used for authentication, storing site preferences, and server session identification.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     cookie   javascript   web application   session management   browser   j2ee     Asked in 16 Companies      basic        frequent

  Q47. What are the different types of inner classes ?Core Java
Ans. Simple Inner Class,
Local Inner Class,
Anonymous Inner Class,
Static Nested Inner Class.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   inner classes   classes     Asked in 6 Companies      basic        frequent

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Very frequently asked. Favorite question in Walk in Drive of many Indian service companies.
  Q48. Difference between TreeMap and HashMap ?Core Java
Ans. They are different the way their elements are stored in memory. TreeMap stores the Keys in order whereas HashMap stores the key value pairs randomly.

  Sample Code for treemap

  Sample Code for hashmap

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   map   treemap   hashmap   treemap vs hashmap     Asked in 31 Companies      basic        frequent

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Frequently asked in Indian Service Companies. Tech Mahindra ( Based on 3 inputs ) and Infosys ( 3 inputs )
  Q49. What is the difference between List, Set and Map ?


What are the different Java Collections Interfaces ?
Core Java
Ans. List - Members are stored in sequence in memory and can be accessed through index.
Set - There is no relevance of sequence and index. Sets doesn't contain duplicates whereas multiset can have duplicates.
Map - Contains Key , Value pairs.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   list   set   map   list vs set vs map     Asked in 8 Companies      basic        frequent

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Very frequently asked. Among first few questions in almost all interviews. Among Top 5 frequently asked questions. Frequently asked in Indian service companies (HCL,TCS,Infosys,Capgemini etc based on multiple feedback ) and Epam Systems
  Q50. Difference between == and .equals() ?Core Java
Ans. "equals" is the method of object class which is supposed to be overridden to check object equality, whereas "==" operator evaluate to see if the object handlers on the left and right are pointing to the same object in memory.

x.equals(y) means the references x and y are holding objects that are equal. x==y means that the references x and y have same object.

Sample code:

String x = new String("str");
String y = new String("str");

System.out.println(x == y); // prints false
System.out.println(x.equals(y)); // prints true

  Sample Code for equals

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   string comparison   string   object class   ==    equals   object equality  operator   == vs equals   equals vs ==     Asked in 294 Companies      basic        frequent

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Frequently asked at HCL Technologies ( Based on 3 feedback )
  Q51. Difference between Checked and Unchecked exceptions ?Core Java
Ans. Checked exceptions are the exceptions for which compiler throws an errors if they are not checked whereas unchecked exceptions are caught during run time only and hence can't be checked.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   exceptions   checked exceptions   unchecked exceptions   exception handling   checked vs unchecked exceptions     Asked in 39 Companies      basic        frequent

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Very frequently asked. Favorite question in Walk in Drive of many Indian service companies.
  Q52. What is a final method ?Core Java
Ans. Its a method which cannot be overridden. Compiler throws an error if we try to override a method which has been declared final in the parent class.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   final   final method     Asked in 30 Companies      basic        frequent

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Very frequently asked across all types of companies.
  Q53. Difference between HashMap and Hashtable?Core Java
Ans. Hashtable is synchronized whereas HashMap is not.HashMap allows null values whereas Hashtable doesnt allow null values.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   hashmap   map   hashtable   hashmap vs hashtable     Asked in 14 Companies      basic        frequent

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Frequently asked in Infosys India
  Q54. What is a String Pool ?Core Java
Ans. String pool (String intern pool) is a special storage area in Java heap. When a string is created and if the string already exists in the pool, the reference of the existing string will be returned, instead of creating a new object and returning its reference.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   string   string class   string pool   heap memory     Asked in 31 Companies      intermediate        frequent

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  Q55. What is casting?Core Java
Ans. There are two types of casting, casting between primitive numeric types and casting between object references. Casting between numeric types is used to convert larger values, such as double values, to smaller values, such as byte values. Casting between object references is used to refer to an object by a compatible class, interface, or array type reference

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   data types   casting  type casting   basic interview question     Asked in 8 Companies      basic        frequent

Very frequently asked. Usually asked in different variants like Diff between StringBuffer , String Builder ; Difference between StringBuilder and String class; Choice between these classes etc.
  Q56. What is the difference between StringBuffer and String class ?Core Java
Ans. A string buffer implements a mutable sequence of characters. A string buffer is like a String, but can be modified. At any point in time it contains some particular sequence of characters, but the length and content of the sequence can be changed through certain method calls.

The String class represents character strings. All string literals in Java programs, such as "abc" are constant and implemented as instances of this class; their values cannot be changed after they are created.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   string   stringbuffer   frequently asked     Asked in 18 Companies      basic        frequent

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Advanced level question usually asked in High end product companies. Have been asked in Google and Amazon (Based on 1 Feedback)
  Q57. Describe, in general, how java's garbage collector works ?Core Java
Ans. The Java runtime environment deletes objects when it determines that they are no longer being used. This process is known as garbage collection. The Java runtime environment supports a garbage collector that periodically frees the memory used by objects that are no longer needed. The Java garbage collector is a mark-sweep garbage collector that scans Java dynamic memory areas for objects, marking those that are referenced. After all possible paths to objects are investigated, those objects that are not marked (i.e. are not referenced) are known to be garbage and are collected.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   garbage collection   java memory management   advanced     Asked in 21 Companies      intermediate        frequent

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Very frequently asked to Fresh graduates.
  Q58. What is the difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction?Core Java
Ans. 1.Abstraction solves the problem at design level while encapsulation solves the problem at implementation level

2.Abstraction is used for hiding the unwanted data and giving relevant data. while Encapsulation means hiding the code and data into a single unit to protect the data from outside world.

3. Abstraction lets you focus on what the object does instead of how it does it while Encapsulation means hiding the internal details or mechanics of how an object does something.

4.For example: Outer Look of a Television, like it has a display screen and channel buttons to change channel it explains Abstraction but Inner Implementation detail of a Television how CRT and Display Screen are connect with each other using different circuits , it explains Encapsulation.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   oops concepts   encapsulation  object oriented programming (oops)  oops concepts   abstraction   basic interview question   encapsulation vs abstraction     Asked in 10 Companies      basic        frequent

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Very Frequently asked to fresh graduates and less experienced. Favorite question in Walk in drives. Frequently asked in Indian Services companies.
  Q59. Difference between Overloading and Overriding ?Core Java
Ans. Overloading - Similar Signature but different definition , like function overloading.

Overriding - Overriding the Definition of base class in the derived class.

  Sample Code for overloading

  Sample Code for overriding

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   overloading   overriding   oops concepts   basic interview question   overloading vs overriding     Asked in 86 Companies      basic        frequent

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  Q60. Difference between Vector and ArrayList ?Core Java
Ans. Vectors are synchronized whereas Array lists are not.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   basic interview question   vector   arraylist   collections   synchronization   vector vs arraylist     Asked in 35 Companies      basic        frequent

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