#Java - Code Snippets for '#Java.util' - 85 code snippet(s) found |
Sample 1. Get all elements greater than 2, sort them and then push them to a new set, using Lambda Expression | |
// Declare and Initialize the Collection
Set<Integer> intSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
// Add Elements
// Set the predicate or the condition for filtering the elements.
Predicate<Integer> moreThan2Pred = (p) -> (p > 1);
// Use Filter to refine the element set, sort to Sort and Collectors.toSet to get a set out of Stream.
intSet = intSet.stream().filter(moreThan2Pred).sorted().collect(Collectors.toSet());
System.out.println(intSet); // Prints [2, 3, 4]
Like Feedback lambda expression collections set hashset generics stream predicate filter sort java.util.hashset java.util.stream.Collectors |
Sample 2. Combine two Summaries and Generate a new Summary using Lambda Expression | |
// Populate a List using Set elements.
// Declare and Initialize the Collection
Set<Integer> intSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
Set<Integer> intSet2 = new HashSet<Integer>();
// Add Elements
// Use the stream and collectors to Summarize all Integer elements
IntSummaryStatistics summary = intSet.stream().collect(Collectors.summarizingInt(p->((Integer)p)));
System.out.println(summary); // Prints IntSummaryStatistics{count=8, sum=20, min=1, average=2.500000, max=4}
Like Feedback lambda expression collections set hashset generics stream collectors Collectors.summarizingInt summary.combine java.util.hashset java.util.stream.Collectors java.util.IntSummaryStatistics |
Sample 3. Generate Random Number till 100 | |
Random rand = new Random();
int randomNumber = rand.nextInt(100);
Like Feedback Random Number Generation Random |
Sample 4. Blogger API for creating Posts ( Change xxxxxx to your blog specific info ) | |
package Reader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase;
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import com.squareup.okhttp.MediaType;
import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient;
public class BlogPostCreater {
public static final MediaType JSON = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
String post(String title, String content,String label,String authorization_key) throws IOException {
content = content.replace(""",""");
String url = "https://www.googleapis.com/blogger/v3/blogs/xxxxxxxxxx/posts?clientId=xxxxxxxx&clientSecret=xxxxxxxx";
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
// add header
post.setHeader("Authorization", authorization_key);
post.setEntity(new StringEntity(buildJson(title,content,label)));
HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);
return "true";
String buildJson(String title, String content,String label) {
return "{"status": "LIVE", "content": ""+content+"", "kind": "blogger#post"" +
", "title": ""+title+"", "url": "xxxxxx", " +
""readerComments": "DONT_ALLOW_HIDE_EXISTING", "author": {" +
""url": "https://www.blogger.com/profile/04326686331881561093", " +
""image": {" +
""url": "//lh4.googleusercontent.com/-64Ucx9lX9Q4/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAx0/-rUjBgS3djE/s35-c/photo.jpg"" +
"}, " +
""displayName": "Vivek Vermani", " +
""id": "g108356395081185480077"" +
"}, "updated": "2015-09-28T09:46:12+05:30", "replies": {"totalItems": "0", " +
""selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/blogger/v3/blogs/xxxxxxxxxx/posts/2495464003469367152/comments"" +
"}, "blog": {"id": "4275342475651800664"}, " +
""etag": "'GtyIIQmNmmUjEA0nwhSqMElCJ1g/dGltZXN0YW1wOiAxNDQzNDEzNzcyMDc1Cm9mZnNldDogMTk4MDAwMDAK'", " +
""published": "2015-09-28T09:46:00+05:30", " +
""id": "2495464003469367152", " +
""selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/blogger/v3/blogs/xxxxxx/posts/2495464003469367152"}";
public String post(String url, Map<String,String> formParameters) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
HttpPost request = new HttpPost(url);
List <NameValuePair> nvps = new ArrayList <NameValuePair>();
for (String key : formParameters.keySet()) {
nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair(key, formParameters.get(key)));
request.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nvps));
return execute(request);
// makes request and checks response code for 200
private String execute(HttpRequestBase request) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request);
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
String body = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected 200 but got " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + ", with body " + body);
return body;
Like Feedback blogger api blogger api for post creation java.lang.RuntimeException |
Sample 5. Write a Program for Graph Breadth First Traversal using Apache Commons MultiMap | |
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
public class Graph {
private static Multimap<Integer,Integer> adjacentDirectedNodesMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
private static Set<Integer> alreadyVisited = new HashSet();
adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(1, 2);
adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(1, 3);
adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(1, 5);
adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(2, 4);
adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(4, 5);
public static void main(String[] args){
ArrayList visited = new ArrayList();
Integer startNode = 1;
private static void displayAdjacentNodes(Integer integer){
for(Map.Entry<Integer, Collection<Integer>> adjacentNodes: adjacentDirectedNodesMap.asMap().entrySet()){
for(Integer integer1:adjacentNodes.getValue()){
Like Feedback graph traversal breadth first traversal |
Sample 6. Code to find email ids in a string using Pattern. | |
String text="vivek boy goy vivek@tech.com viv@ek.com sdjs@adjk";
Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("[@]");
Matcher regexMatcher = regex.matcher(text);
int i =0;
int width = 0;
while (regexMatcher.find()) {
if((regexMatcher.start()-10 > 0) && (regexMatcher.end()+10 < text.length())){
String[] substr=text.substring(regexMatcher.start()-width,regexMatcher.end()+width).split(" ");
for(int j=0;j<substr.length;j++){
if(substr[j].contains("@") && (substr[j].contains(".com") || substr[j].contains(".net"))){
} else {
Like Feedback regex pattern string regexMatcher.find java.util.regex.Matcher java.util.regex.Pattern |
Sample 7. Enum with a method to get the constant having specific member element. | |
public enum JavaFramework {
CRUNCH("Apache Crunch","BigData");
public String name;
public String type;
JavaFramework(String name, String type){
this.name = name;
this.type = type;
static public List<JavaFramework> getByType(String type) {
List<JavaFramework> frameworks = new ArrayList();
for(JavaFramework framework: JavaFramework.values()){
return frameworks;
Like Feedback enum java.util.list |
Sample 8. Scheduling task using java.util.timer | |
static {
timer.schedule(new ScheduledTask(), 60000, 60000);
private static class Schedule extends TimerTask {
@Override public void run() {
Like Feedback java.util.timer java.util.TimerTask scheduling task java.lang Override |
Sample 9. Convert Time in milliseconds to Days | |
TimeUnit.DAYS.convert(timeinMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
Like Feedback convert time in ms to days TimeUnit java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit |
Sample 10. Usage of LinkedHashMap | |
Map<String,String> linkedhashmap = new LinkedHashMap();
linkedhashmap.put("United States", "Washington");
linkedhashmap.put("Canada", "Ottawa");
linkedhashmap.put("Canada", "Ottawa");
linkedhashmap.put("South Africa", "Pretoria");
linkedhashmap.put("South Africa", "Cape Town");
linkedhashmap.put("South Africa", "Bloemfontein");
System.out.println(linkedhashmap); // Duplicates not allowed as it's a Map, Insertion Order as its linked Map
Like Feedback LinkedHashMap Map HashMap java.util collections framework |
Sample 11. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream | |
private byte[] deflate(byte[] b) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DeflaterOutputStream dos = new DeflaterOutputStream(baos);
return baos.toByteArray();
Like Feedback java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream |
Sample 12. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream | |
private static CSVReader openCsv(File file) throws IOException {
final Reader fileReader;
if (file.getName().endsWith(".gz")) {
final GZIPInputStream inputStream =
new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
fileReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream);
} else {
fileReader = new FileReader(file);
return new CSVReader(fileReader);
Like Feedback java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream |
Sample 13. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.Properties | |
public Connection createConnection() throws SQLException {
final Properties info = new Properties();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
info.setProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
Connection connection =
DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:", info);
for (ConnectionPostProcessor postProcessor : postProcessors) {
connection = postProcessor.apply(connection);
return connection;
Like Feedback java.util.Properties |
Sample 14. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.jar.JarOutputStream | |
private File createBundle(String symbolicName, String version) throws IOException {
File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("tmpbundle-", "jar");
Manifest manifest = new Manifest();
manifest.getMainAttributes().put(Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0");
if (symbolicName != null) {
manifest.getMainAttributes().putValue(Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME, symbolicName);
if (version != null) {
manifest.getMainAttributes().putValue(Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION, version);
JarOutputStream target = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile), manifest);
return tmpFile;
Like Feedback java.util.jar.JarOutputStream |
Sample 15. Write a Program for Graph Depth First Traversal using Apache Commons MultiMap | |
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
public class Graph {
private static Multimap<Integer,Integer> adjacentDirectedNodesMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
private static Set<Integer> alreadyVisited = new HashSet();
adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(1, 2);
adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(1, 3);
adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(1, 5);
adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(2, 4);
adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(4, 5);
public static void main(String[] args){
ArrayList visited = new ArrayList();
Integer startNode = 1;
private static void displayAdjacentNodes(Integer integer){
for(Integer adjacentNodes: adjacentDirectedNodesMap.get(integer)){
Like Feedback graph traversal depth first algorithm |
Sample 16. Java Code to get all images url from html code. | |
regex = Pattern.compile("[http]");
regexMatcher = regex.matcher(htmlParseData.getHtml());
List tr=htmlParseData.getOutgoingUrls();
if(tr.get(i).toString().contains(".jpg") || tr.get(i).toString().contains(".jpeg") || tr.get(i).toString().contains(".gif") || tr.get(i).toString().contains(".bmp")){
url = new URL(tr.get(i).toString());
Image image = new ImageIcon(url).getImage();
Like Feedback regex pattern regex.matcher html java.util.regex.pattern regular expressions |
Sample 17. Usage of HashMap | |
Map<Integer,String> indexedInfo = new HashMap();
Like Feedback hashmap map collections java.util.hashmap |
Sample 18. Sort a List using Collections.sort and comparator | |
Collections.sort(listClassInfo,new Comparator<ClassInfoBean>(){
public int compare(ClassInfoBean s1,ClassInfoBean s2){
if(s1.name.compareTo(s2.name) < 0){
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
Like Feedback sorting sort Collections.sort sort a list comparator compare method java.util.Collections |
Sample 19. ArrayList of Optional Integers | |
List<Optional<Integer>> intList = new ArrayList<Optional<Integer>>();
// Add Elements
Like Feedback optional java 8 list arraylist list of optional integers arraylist of optional java.util.Optional |
Sample 20. Get current time using GregorianCalendar | |
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
float currentTime = calendar.get( Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY ) + ((float)calendar.get( Calendar.MINUTE )/100);
Like Feedback GregorianCalendar Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY Calendar.MINUTE Calendar.java.util.Calendar |
Sample 21. LinkedList of optional Integers | |
List<Optional<Integer>> intList = new LinkedList<Optional<Integer>> ();
// Add Elements
Like Feedback |
Sample 22. Initialize java.util.date using java.util.Calendar | |
Date currentDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
Like Feedback calendar java.util.calendar java.util date java.util.date Calendar.getTime |
Sample 23. Initialize list using google guava Lists | |
import java.util.List;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
class GoogleListsTest{
public static void main(String[] args){
List list = Lists.newArrayList();
Like Feedback list google guava Lists Lists.newArrayList com.google.common.collect.Lists |
Sample 24. Write a Program for coin changer application. The program should set the cash box with available currency and then should render the exact change. If enough cash is not available , it should present the appropriate message. | |
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class CoinChanger {
enum Currency {
private double currencyValue;
Currency(double value){
currencyValue = value;
double getCurrencyValue(){
return this.currencyValue;
private static Map<Currency, Integer> cashBox;
private static Map<Currency, Integer> change;
static {
cashBox = new TreeMap<Currency, Integer>();
change = new TreeMap<Currency, Integer>();
public static void main(String[] args) {
double amountToReturn = 18.79f; // Set the amount to be changed here
for(Entry<Currency, Integer> entry:cashBox.entrySet()){
Currency currency = (Currency)entry.getKey();
int coinCount = (int)(amountToReturn/(entry.getKey().getCurrencyValue()));
int availableCurrency = (int)(entry.getValue());
if(coinCount > availableCurrency){
coinCount = availableCurrency;
change.put(currency, coinCount);
if(coinCount > 0){
amountToReturn = amountToReturn - (coinCount * entry.getKey().getCurrencyValue());
if(amountToReturn > .1){
System.out.println("Not enough cash");
private static void initializeCashBox(){
//set the cash box
cashBox.put(Currency.DOLLAR, 50);
cashBox.put(Currency.QUARTER, 0);
cashBox.put(Currency.DIME, 50);
cashBox.put(Currency.NICKEL, 50);
cashBox.put(Currency.PENNY, 50);
Like Feedback coin changer application coin changer app |
Sample 25. Method to get Date after n days using Calendar | |
Date getDateAfterDays(int numberOfDays){
Calendar futureDate = Calendar.getInstance();
futureDate.setTime(new Date()); // Set Current Date
futureDate.add(Calendar.DATE, numberOfDays); // Add n days to current Date
return new Date(futureDate.getTimeInMillis());
Like Feedback date calendar java.util calendar.add calendar.date calendar.settime calendar.gettimeinmillis |
Sample 26. Get Date and Time after few Hours | |
Date getDateTimeAfterNHours(int numberOfHours){
Calendar futureTime = Calendar.getInstance();
futureTime.setTime(new Date()); // Set Current Date
futureTime.add(Calendar.HOUR, numberOfDays); // Add n hours to current Date and Time
return new Date(futureTime.getTimeInMillis());
Like Feedback date calendar java.util calendar.add calendar.hour calendar.settime calendar.gettimeinmillis |
Sample 27. Time Taken to call a method or service | |
Date date1 = new Date();
// Call Service or Method
Date date2 = new Date();
System.out.println(TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(date2.getTime()-date1.getTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));// Time Taken in Seconds
System.out.println(TimeUnit.MINUTES.convert(date2.getTime()-date1.getTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));// Time Taken in Minutes
System.out.println(TimeUnit.HOURS.convert(date2.getTime()-date1.getTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));// Time Taken in Hours
Like Feedback Difference between 2 dates Time to call a method TimeUnit Date.java.util.Date |
Sample 28. Spring AMQP ( messaging-rabbitmq ) - Register the listener and send a message | |
Like Feedback |
Sample 29. RabbitMQ message receiver | |
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
public class Receiver {
private CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
public void receiveMessage(String message) {
public CountDownLatch getLatch() {
return latch;
Like Feedback Spring AMQP Rabbit MQ RabbitMQ |
Sample 30. Apache Kafka Producer | |
Like Feedback |
Sample 31. Implementation of NamespaceContext | |
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;
// Map prefixes to Namespace URIs
public class APINameSpaceContext implements NamespaceContext
static final String WEB_NAMESPACE = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/LiveSearch/2008/04/XML/web";
static final String API_NAMESPACE = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/LiveSearch/2008/04/XML/element";
static final String SPELL_NAMESPACE = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/LiveSearch/2008/04/XML/spell";
static final String RS_NAMESPACE = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/LiveSearch/2008/04/XML/relatedsearch";
static final String PB_NAMESPACE = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/LiveSearch/2008/04/XML/phonebook";
static final String MM_NAMESPACE = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/LiveSearch/2008/04/XML/multimedia";
static final String AD_NAMESPACE = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/LiveSearch/2008/04/XML/ads";
static final String IA_NAMESPACE = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/LiveSearch/2008/04/XML/instantanswer";
static final String NEWS_NAMESPACE = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/LiveSearch/2008/04/XML/news";
static final String ENCARTA_NAMESPACE = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/LiveSearch/2008/04/XML/encarta";
public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix)
if (prefix == null) throw new NullPointerException("Null prefix");
else if ("api".equals(prefix)) return API_NAMESPACE;
else if ("web".equals(prefix)) return WEB_NAMESPACE;
return XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI;
// This method isn't necessary for XPath processing.
public String getPrefix(String uri)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Iterator getPrefixes(String arg0)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Like Feedback NamespaceContext |
Sample 32. Apache Hadoop Map Reduce Example | |
Like Feedback |
Sample 33. Apache Hadoop Multi File Word Count | |
Like Feedback |
Sample 34. Usage of org.apache.abdera.model.Entry; | |
Entry entry = factory.newEntry();
entry.setUpdated(new java.util.Date());
entry.setTitle("Posting to Roller");
entry.setContentAsHtml("<p>This is an example post to Roller</p>");
AbderaClient abderaClient = new AbderaClient(abdera);
abderaClient.addCredentials(start, null, null, new UsernamePasswordCredentials("username", "password"));
Document<Service> service_doc = abderaClient.get(start).getDocument();
Service service = service_doc.getRoot();
Collection collection = service.getWorkspaces().get(0).getCollections().get(0);
String uri = collection.getHref().toString();
Response response = abderaClient.post(uri, entry);
Like Feedback |
Sample 35. Internal Implementation of ArrayList#removeIf | |
public boolean removeIf(Predicate<? super E> filter) {
int removeCount = 0;
final BitSet removeSet = new BitSet(size);
final int expectedModCount = modCount;
final int size = this.size;
for (int i=0; modCount == expectedModCount && i < size; i++) {
final E element = (E) elementData[i];
if (filter.test(element)) {
if (modCount != expectedModCount) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
// shift surviving elements left over the spaces left by removed elements
final boolean anyToRemove = removeCount > 0;
if (anyToRemove) {
final int newSize = size - removeCount;
for (int i=0, j=0; (i < size) && (j < newSize); i++, j++) {
i = removeSet.nextClearBit(i);
elementData[j] = elementData[i];
for (int k=newSize; k < size; k++) {
elementData[k] = null; // Let gc do its work
this.size = newSize;
if (modCount != expectedModCount) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
return anyToRemove;
Like Feedback Internal Implementation of ArrayList#removeIf java.util.function.Predicate java.util.Objects java.util.Objects java.util.ConcurrentModificationException.ConcurrentModificationException |
Sample 36. Internal Implementation of BufferedReader#lines | |
public Stream<String> lines() {
Iterator<String> iter = new Iterator<String>() {
String nextLine = null;
public boolean hasNext() {
if (nextLine != null) {
return true;
} else {
try {
nextLine = readLine();
return (nextLine != null);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
public String next() {
if (nextLine != null || hasNext()) {
String line = nextLine;
nextLine = null;
return line;
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return StreamSupport.stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(
iter, Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.NONNULL), false);
Like Feedback Internal Implementation of BufferedReader#lines |
Sample 37. Usage of org.joda.time.DateMidnight | |
DateMidnight currentDate = new DateMidnight();
DateMidnight dateafterAMonth = currentDate.plusMonths(1);
Date javaSedateAfterAMonth = dateafterAMonth.toDate();
Like Feedback org.joda.time.DateMidnight java.util.Date Date Add month to Date |
Sample 38. Check whether a reference of AbstractCollection holds a List,Queue or Set | |
public static void main(String[] args) {
AbstractCollection collection = new ArrayList();
if(collection instanceof AbstractList){
System.out.println("This is a list");
if(collection instanceof AbstractQueue){
System.out.println("This is a Queue");
if(collection instanceof AbstractSet){
System.out.println("This is a Set");
Like Feedback instaceOf AbstractCollection |
Sample 39. Clear Map entries after expiration time using Apache commons PassiveExpiringMap | |
PassiveExpiringMap<String,String> cache = new PassiveExpiringMap<String,String>(1,TimeUnit.SECONDS); // Expiration time of 1 sec
cache.put("Key1", "Value1");
System.out.println(cache.containsKey("Key1")); // prints true
System.out.println(cache.containsKey("Key1")); // prints false
Like Feedback Clear Map entries after expiration PassiveExpiringMap map apache commons TimeUnit.SECONDS Thread.sleep |
Sample 40. Make a map readonly using Apache Commons UnmodifiableMap | |
Map<String,String> map = new HashMap();
map.put("Key1", "Value1");
Map<String,String> unmodifiableMap = UnmodifiableMap.unmodifiableMap(map);
unmodifiableMap.put("Key2", "Value2"); // throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
Like Feedback readonly map apache commons |
Sample 41. Usage of TreeMap | |
Map<String,String> treemap = new TreeMap();
treemap.put("United States", "Washington");
treemap.put("Canada", "Ottawa");
treemap.put("Canada", "Ottawa");
treemap.put("South Africa", "Pretoria");
treemap.put("South Africa", "Cape Town");
treemap.put("South Africa", "Bloemfontein");
System.out.println(treemap); // Duplicate Not allowed as it's a Map, Ordered by Keys as it's a TreeMap
Like Feedback TreeMap Map java.util |
Sample 42. Usage of ConcurrentSkipListMap | |
Map<String,String> map = new ConcurrentSkipListMap();
map.put("United States", "Washington");
map.put("Canada", "Ottawa");
map.put("Canada", "Ottawa");
map.put("South Africa", "Pretoria");
map.put("South Africa", "Cape Town");
map.put("South Africa", "Bloemfontein");
System.out.println(map); // Prints {Canada=Ottawa, South Africa=Bloemfontein, United States=Washington}
// Duplicates not allowed as it's a Map, Sorted as par natural order of keys for faster and concurrent operations.
Like Feedback map ConcurrentSkipListMap concurrent access map |
Sample 43. Usage of EnumMap | |
Map<Country,String> map = new HashMap();
map.put(Country.US, "Washington");
map.put(Country.CANADA, "Ottawa");
map.put(Country.CANADA, "Ottawa");
map.put(Country.SOUTH_AFRICA, "Pretoria");
map.put(Country.SOUTH_AFRICA, "Cape Town");
map.put(Country.SOUTH_AFRICA, "Bloemfontein");
Map<String,String> enumMap = new EnumMap(map); // Prints {CANADA=Ottawa, US=Washington, SOUTH_AFRICA=Bloemfontein}
System.out.println(enumMap); // Duplicates not allowed as it's a Map, Sorted as per order of Enum Declarations
Like Feedback EnumMap Collections framework Map Map with enum keys |
Sample 44. Get the Date object using the TimeZone | |
TimeZone zone = (TimeZone.getDefault().getRawOffset() == EET.getRawOffset() ? EST : EET);
Date expectedZone = createCalendar(zone, 20051231, 0).getTime();
Like Feedback TimeZone java.util.TimeZone Date Calendar |
Sample 45. Usage of java.text.NumberFormat | |
NumberFormat formatter = null;
if (locale != null) {
formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale);
} else {
formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.getDefault());
Like Feedback NumberFormat Locale |
Sample 46. Usage of Java Collections Stack | |
Stack<INodeDirectory> directories = new Stack<INodeDirectory>();
for(directories.push((INodeDirectory)inode); !directories.isEmpty(); ) {
INodeDirectory d = directories.pop();
Like Feedback stack collections java.util |
Sample 47. Usage of java.util.concurrent.Future | |
long bytesLastMoved = bytesMoved.get();
Future<?>[] futures = new Future<?>[sources.size()];
int i=0;
for (Source source : sources) {
futures[i++] = dispatcherExecutor.submit(source.new BlockMoveDispatcher());
for (Future<?> future : futures) {
try {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
LOG.warn("Dispatcher thread failed", e.getCause());
Like Feedback |
Sample 48. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.StringTokenizer | |
public static List<String> getNamedOutputsList(JobConf conf) {
List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(conf.get(NAMED_OUTPUTS, ""), " ");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
return names;
Like Feedback java.util.StringTokenizer |
Sample 49. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.Calendar | |
public static double year()
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
return cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
Like Feedback java.util.Calendar |
Sample 50. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.EventListener | |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
listenerList = NULL_ARRAY;
Object listenerTypeOrNull;
while (null != (listenerTypeOrNull = s.readObject())) {
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
EventListener l = (EventListener)s.readObject();
String name = (String) listenerTypeOrNull;
add((Class<EventListener>)Class.forName(name, true, cl), l);
Like Feedback java.util.EventListener |
Sample 51. Concatenate two Streams | |
public static IntStream concat(IntStream a, IntStream b) {
Spliterator.OfInt split = new Streams.ConcatSpliterator.OfInt(
a.spliterator(), b.spliterator());
IntStream stream = StreamSupport.intStream(split, a.isParallel() || b.isParallel());
return stream.onClose(Streams.composedClose(a, b));
Like Feedback Concatenate two Streams java 8 java8 |
Sample 52. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.Map | |
public Schema create(SchemaPlus parentSchema, String name,
Map<String, Object> operand) {
Map map = (Map) operand;
String host = (String) map.get("host");
String database = (String) map.get("database");
return new MongoSchema(host, database);
Like Feedback java.util.Map |
Sample 53. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.Random | |
public Enumerable<Object[]> scan(DataContext root) {
final Random random = seed >= 0 ? new Random(seed) : new Random();
final Maze maze = new Maze(width, height);
final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(System.out);
maze.layout(random, pw);
if (Maze.DEBUG) {
maze.print(pw, true);
return new AbstractEnumerable<Object[]>() {
public Enumerator<Object[]> enumerator() {
final Set<Integer> solutionSet;
if (solution) {
solutionSet = maze.solve(0, 0);
} else {
solutionSet = null;
return Linq4j.transform(maze.enumerator(solutionSet),
new Function1<String, Object[]>() {
public Object[] apply(String s) {
return new Object[] {s};
Like Feedback java.util.Random |
Sample 54. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.TimeZone | |
private static final FastDateFormat TIME_FORMAT_TIMESTAMP;
static {
TimeZone gmt = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
TIME_FORMAT_DATE = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd", gmt);
TIME_FORMAT_TIME = FastDateFormat.getInstance("HH:mm:ss", gmt);
FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", gmt);
Like Feedback java.util.TimeZone |
Sample 55. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.Calendar | |
private SparkHandlerImpl() {
classServer = new HttpServer(CLASS_DIR);
System.setProperty("spark.repl.class.uri", classServer.uri());
final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
classId = new AtomicInteger(
calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 10000
+ calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) * 100
+ calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND));
Like Feedback java.util.Calendar |
Sample 56. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.regex.Matcher | |
private void defineVariables(String line) {
Matcher varDefn = matchesVarDefn.matcher(line);
if (varDefn.lookingAt()) {
String var = varDefn.group(1);
String val = varDefn.group(2);
vars.define(var, val);
} else {
String[] words = splitWords.split(line);
for (String var : words) {
String value = System.getenv(var);
vars.define(var, value);
Like Feedback java.util.regex.Matcher |
Sample 57. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.StringTokenizer | |
private List<String> tokenize(String s) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(s);
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
return result;
Like Feedback java.util.StringTokenizer |
Sample 58. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.Collection | |
public Void apply(ResultSet resultSet) {
try {
final Collection result =
ordered ? new ArrayList<String>() : new TreeSet<String>());
if (executeCount == 1) {
expected = result;
} else {
if (!expected.equals(result)) {
assertThat(newlineList(result), equalTo(newlineList(expected)));
return null;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Like Feedback java.util.Collection |
Sample 59. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.BitSet | |
public static BitSet INIT_BITSET(final int ... b) {
final BitSet bitset = new BitSet();
for (final int aB : b) {
return bitset;
Like Feedback java.util.BitSet |
Sample 60. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.List | |
private static List convertArrayToList(Object array)
int len = Array.getLength(array);
List list = new ArrayList(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
list.add(Array.get(array, i));
return list;
Like Feedback java.util.List |
Sample 61. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.regex.Pattern | |
private long getStoreId(File storeFile) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(m_name + "-(\d+)");
Matcher m = p.matcher(storeFile.getName());
if (m.find()) {
return Long.parseLong(m.group(1));
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid store file name: " + storeFile.getName());
Like Feedback java.util.regex.Pattern |
Sample 62. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService | |
public void postEvent(final String topic, Map<String, String> payload) {
final Map<String, String> eventPayload = new HashMap<>(payload);
for (final EventListener listener : m_listeners) {
ScheduledExecutorService executor = getExecutorService();
if (executor.isShutdown()) {
logWarning("Cannot post event, executor is shut down!");
executor.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
listener.handle(topic, eventPayload);
catch (Exception e) {
logWarning("Exception while posting event", e);
Like Feedback java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService |
Sample 63. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock | |
public int getDeploymentVersionLimit() {
Lock lock = m_lock.readLock();
try {
return m_deploymentVersionLimit;
finally {
Like Feedback java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock |
Sample 64. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.Iterator | |
public void validateRangeIterators() {
SortedRangeSet srs1 = new SortedRangeSet("1-10");
Iterator i1 = srs1.rangeIterator();
assert i1.hasNext() : "We should have one Range instance in our iterator.";
assert ((Range) i1.next()).toRepresentation().equals("1-10");
assert !i1.hasNext() : "There should be only one instance in our iterator.";
SortedRangeSet srs2 = new SortedRangeSet("1-5,8,10-15");
Iterator i2 = srs2.rangeIterator();
assert i2.hasNext() && i2.next() instanceof Range
&& i2.hasNext() && i2.next() instanceof Range
&& i2.hasNext() && i2.next() instanceof Range
&& !i2.hasNext() : "There should be exactly three Range instances in our iterator.";
SortedRangeSet srs3 = new SortedRangeSet("");
assert !srs3.iterator().hasNext() : "Iterator should be empty.";
Like Feedback java.util.Iterator |
Sample 65. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.Set | |
public Set getExtendList() {
Set set = new HashSet();
for (Iterator i = requirements.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
RequirementImpl impl = (RequirementImpl) i.next();
if (impl.isExtend())
return set;
Like Feedback java.util.Set |
Sample 66. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.Random | |
private File createRandomFileWithContent() throws IOException {
OutputStream fileOut = null;
File file = null;
try {
file = FileUtils.createTempFile(null);
fileOut = new FileOutputStream(file);
byte[] byteArray = new byte[12345];
Random randomContentCreator = new Random();
return file;
finally {
try {
if (fileOut != null) {
catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
Like Feedback java.util.Random |
Sample 67. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.StringTokenizer | |
public LowestID(String representation) {
try {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(representation, ",");
m_targetID = Codec.decode(st.nextToken());
m_storeID = Long.parseLong(st.nextToken());
m_lowestID = Long.parseLong(st.nextToken());
catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not create lowest ID object from: " + representation);
Like Feedback java.util.StringTokenizer |
Sample 68. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch | |
public void testTooLongTask() throws Exception {
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(5);
Executer executer = new Executer(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
assert latch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Like Feedback java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch |
Sample 69. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.Calendar | |
private static Calendar getToday() {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 12);
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
return cal;
Like Feedback java.util.Calendar |
Sample 70. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.concurrent.Semaphore | |
private void removeRepository(String instanceName) throws IOException, InterruptedException, InvalidSyntaxException {
Configuration[] configs = listConfigurations("(factory.instance.pid=" + instanceName + ")");
if ((configs != null) && (configs.length > 0)) {
final Semaphore sem = new Semaphore(0);
ServiceTracker<Object, Object> tracker = new ServiceTracker<Object, Object>(m_bundleContext, m_bundleContext.createFilter("(factory.instance.pid=" + instanceName + ")"), null) {
public void removedService(ServiceReference<Object> reference, Object service) {
super.removedService(reference, service);
try {
if (!sem.tryAcquire(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
throw new IOException("Instance did not get removed in time.");
finally {
Like Feedback java.util.concurrent.Semaphore |
Sample 71. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.jar.Manifest | |
public InputStream getDeploymentPackage(String id, String version) throws OverloadedException, IOException {
List<ArtifactData> data = m_provider.getBundleData(id, version);
Manifest manifest = new Manifest();
Attributes main = manifest.getMainAttributes();
main.putValue("Manifest-Version", "1.0");
main.putValue("DeploymentPackage-SymbolicName", id);
main.putValue("DeploymentPackage-Version", version);
for (ArtifactData bd : data) {
manifest.getEntries().put(bd.getFilename(), bd.getManifestAttributes(false));
return DeploymentPackageStream.createStreamForThread(m_connectionFactory, manifest, data.iterator(), false);
Like Feedback java.util.jar.Manifest |
Sample 72. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.jar.Attributes | |
public InputStream getDeploymentPackage(String id, String version) throws OverloadedException, IOException {
List<ArtifactData> data = m_provider.getBundleData(id, version);
Manifest manifest = new Manifest();
Attributes main = manifest.getMainAttributes();
main.putValue("Manifest-Version", "1.0");
main.putValue("DeploymentPackage-SymbolicName", id);
main.putValue("DeploymentPackage-Version", version);
for (ArtifactData bd : data) {
manifest.getEntries().put(bd.getFilename(), bd.getManifestAttributes(false));
return DeploymentPackageStream.createStreamForThread(m_connectionFactory, manifest, data.iterator(), false);
Like Feedback java.util.jar.Attributes |
Sample 73. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.Properties | |
public void init(BundleContext context, DependencyManager manager) throws Exception {
.setInterface(Servlet.class.getName(), null)
.add(createServiceDependency().setService(DeploymentProcessor.class).setRequired(false).setCallbacks("addProcessor", "removeProcessor"))
.setInterface(Servlet.class.getName(), null)
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("pattern", "/*");
.setInterface(Filter.class.getName(), null)
Like Feedback java.util.Properties |
Sample 74. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService | |
public void hundredStreamsConcurrently() throws Exception {
ExecutorService e = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
e.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
m_failure = e;
e.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assert m_failure == null : "Test failed: " + m_failure.getLocalizedMessage();
Like Feedback java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService |
Sample 75. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.Timer | |
public void shutdown(long delay) {
Timer timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
try {
catch (BundleException e) {
}, delay);
Like Feedback java.util.Timer |
Sample 76. Code Sample / Example / Snippet of java.util.Vector | |
private static final String DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE = "QueueMonitor.properties";
String propertiesFile = DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE;
String broker = "tcp://localhost:61616";
String connectID = "QueueMonitor";
String username = "QueueMonitor";
String password = "QueueMonitor";
String browseQueues = "Q1,Q2,Q3";
String textFontName = "Dialog";
String textFontStyle = "PLAIN";
String textFontSize = "12";
String title = "QueueMonitor";
JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea();
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea);
JButton browseButton = new JButton("Browse Queues");
Vector theQueues = new Vector();
Like Feedback java.util.Vector |
Sample 77. Write CSV values to a file using au.com.bytecode.opencsv.CSVWriter | |
String[] stringArray1 = new String[5];
String[] stringArray2 = new String[5];
String[] stringArray3 = new String[5];
List listOfStringArrays = new ArrayList();
File file = new File("BuggyBread.txt");
CSVWriter csvWriter = null;
try {
csvWriter = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(file),CSVWriter.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR);
} catch (Exception ex){
Like Feedback array of Strings csv writer |
Sample 78. Usage of java.util.stream.Stream | |
List<Integer> list1 = Arrays.asList(1, 2);
List<Integer> list2 = Arrays.asList(4, 5);
Stream.of(list1, list1)
.flatMap(list -> list.stream())
Like Feedback Stream.flatMap System.out::println |
Sample 79. Usage of Java 8 Consumer interface | |
Consumer<String> consumer = s->{
consumer.accept("BuggyBread"); // prints BuggyBread
Like Feedback Java 8 Consumer Consumer interface |
Sample 80. Usage of java.util.function.BiPredicate | |
BiPredicate<String, String> predicate = (s1, s2) -> (s1.equals(s2));
System.out.println(predicate.test("BUGGY", "BREAD"));
Like Feedback BiPredicate Java 8 BiPredicate |
Sample 81. Code to get Module name for List class | |
Module module = java.util.List.class.getModule();
System.out.println(module.getName()); // prints java.base
Like Feedback java 9 java 9 module |
Sample 82. Code to print all packages of a module | |
Module module = java.util.List.class.getModule();
Like Feedback java 9 java 9 modules |
Sample 83. Code to get exports of a particular Module | |
Module module = java.util.List.class.getModule();
ModuleDescriptor moduleDescriptor = module.getDescriptor();
Like Feedback java 9 java 9 modules get exports for a module |
Sample 84. Code to get ModuleDescriptor from a particular Module | |
Module module = java.util.List.class.getModule();
ModuleDescriptor moduleDescriptor = module.getDescriptor();
Like Feedback java 9 java 9 modules get ModuleDescriptor for a module |
Sample 85. Code to get main class in a particular module | |
Module module = java.util.List.class.getModule();
ModuleDescriptor moduleDescriptor = module.getDescriptor();
Like Feedback java 9 java 9 modules get main class for a module get main class for a module in java 9 java module |