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Very frequently asked. Usually asked in this format or as difference with interfaces / concrete classes.
  Q131. What is an abstract class ?Core Java
Ans. Abstract class is the class that is not supposed to be instantiated. The purpose of the class to only have extension to the derived class.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     abstract class     Asked in 6 Companies      basic        frequent

Frequently asked.
  Q132. What is an Iterator?Core Java
Ans. Iterator is an interface that provides methods to iterate over any Collection.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   iterator     Asked in 11 Companies      basic        frequent

 Q133. What are transient variables in java?Core Java
Ans. Transient variables are variable that cannot be serialized.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   serialization   transient     Asked in 15 Companies      intermediate        rare

  Q134. Explain static blocks in Java ?Core Java
Ans. A static initialization block is a normal block of code enclosed in braces, { }, and preceded by the static keyword. Here is an example:

static {
// whatever code is needed for initialization goes here

A class can have any number of static initialization blocks, and they can appear anywhere in the class body. The runtime system guarantees that static initialization blocks are called in the order that they appear in the source code.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   static   static block     Asked in 16 Companies      basic        frequent

Recently asked in Infoview Technologies.
 Q135. What is a Default Constructor ?Core Java
Ans. The no argument constructor provided by Java Compiler if no constructor is specified.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   constructor   default constructor     Asked in 1 Companies      Basic        frequent

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Usually asked only to fresh graduates and less experienced developers.
  Q136. What is a daemon thread? Give an Example ?
Ans. These are threads that normally run at a low priority and provide a basic service to a program or programs when activity on a machine is reduced. garbage collector thread is daemon thread.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   threads   multi threading   operating system   daemon thread   garbage collection     Asked in 10 Companies      intermediate        frequent

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 Q137. What is marshalling ?Xml
Ans. Its the process of creating XML structures out of Java Objects which is used to traverse information across the network.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     xml   java api for xml   marshalling   parser   sax   dom   technologies     Asked in 1 Companies

Very Frequently asked Spring question.
  Q138. What is bean auto wiring?Spring
Ans. The Spring container is able to autowire relationships between collaborating beans. This means that it is possible to automatically let Spring resolve collaborators (other beans) for your bean by inspecting the contents of the BeanFactory without using and elements.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   spring   mvc   frameworks   web applications   autowiring   beans   at&t   ge     Asked in 9 Companies        frequent

 Q139. What are the phases of the JSP life cycle ?Java EE
Ans. Translation of JSP PageCompilation of JSP PageClassloading (class file is loaded by the classloader)Instantiation (Object of the Generated Servlet is created).Initialization ( jspInit() method is invoked by the container).Reqeust processing ( _jspService() method is invoked by the container).Destroy ( jspDestroy() method is invoked by the container).

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     j2ee   servlets   servelets   web application   jsp   jsp life cycle   mindtree     Asked in 9 Companies

 Q140. What is an applet? What is the lifecycle of an applet?
Ans. Applet is a dynamic and interactive program that runs inside a web page displayed by a java capable browser.

Lifecycle methods of Applet -

init( ) method - Can be called when an applet is first loaded
start( ) method - Can be called each time an applet is started
paint( ) method - Can be called when the applet is minimized or maximized
stop( ) method - Can be used when the browser moves off the applet's page
destroy( ) method - Can be called when the browser is finished with the applet

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   java ui   applet   swing   awt   lifecycle of applet   technologies

 Q141. What is the best practice configuration usage for files - pom.xml or settings.xml ?Maven
Ans. The best practice guideline between settings.xml and pom.xml is that configurations in settings.xml must be specific to the current user and that pom.xml configurations are specific to the project.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     maven   build technologies   pom.xml   settings.xml   architecture   technical architect   technical lead   build management   build and release

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 Q142. How can I change the default location of the generated jar when I command "mvn package"?Maven
Ans. By default, the location of the generated jar is in ${} or in your target directory. We can change this by configuring the outputDirectory of maven-jar-plugin.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     maven   build technologies   build management   build and release   release management

 Q143. How do I determine which POM contains missing transitive dependency?Maven
Ans. run mvn -X

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     maven   build technologies   pom   build management

  Q144. What is the use of HashCode in objects ?Core Java
Ans. Hashcode is used for bucketing in Hash implementations like HashMap, HashTable, HashSet etc.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   string   hashcode   hash code   string comparison  hashtable     Asked in 17 Companies      basic        frequent

Very Frequently asked. Favorite question in walkins and telephonic interviews. Usually among first few questions. Asked in different variants. Must know for intermediate and expert professionals.Among Top 10 frequently asked questions.
  Q145. What is rule regarding overriding equals and hashCode method ?Core Java
Ans. A Class must override the hashCode method if its overriding the equals method.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   collections   hashcode  hash code   equals   collections     Asked in 44 Companies      intermediate        frequent

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 Q146. What are different types of second level cache ?Hibernate
Ans. 1. EHCache ( Easy Hibernate )
2. OSCache ( Open Symphony )
3. Swarm Cache ( JBoss )
4. Tree Cache ( JBoss )

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   orm   hibernate cache   technical lead     Asked in 7 Companies

  Q147. What is lazy fetching in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. Lazy fetching is the technique of not loading the child objects when parent objects are loaded. By default Hibernate does not load child objects. One can specify whether to load them or not while doing the association.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   lazy fetching   architecture     Asked in 11 Companies        frequent

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Very frequently asked. Usually followed by questions related to private constructor and synchronized access. Frequently asked in JPMorgan and TCS (Based on 2 feedback)
  Q148. Explain Singleton Design Pattern ?Design

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   design pattern   singleton   at&t   ebay  fidelity india  united healthcare india     Asked in 46 Companies      intermediate        frequent

 Q149. What is the difference between JPA and Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. JPA or Java Persistence API is a standard specification for ORM implementations whereas Hibernate is the actual ORM implementation or framework.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     jpa   hibernate   orm   architecture   technologies     Asked in 2 Companies

 Q150. What is the advantage of JPA ?Database
Ans. Its a specification that guides the implementation of ORM frameworks. Implementations abiding by the specification would mean that one can be replaced with other in an application without much hassle. Only the Features that are added over the specification needs to be taken care of if any such change is made.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     jpa   hibernate   orm   technologies

 Q151. Which version control (VC) or software configuration management (SCM) systems work with Merge?Scm
Ans. You can use Tortoise SVN,which has Merge Utility embedded in it.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     svn   configuration management   technologies   technical lead

 Q152. .Can you uninstall an older version of Merge before installing a newer version or build?
Ans. NA

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     technologies   merge

 Q153. What is Criteria in Hibernate ?Hibernate
Ans. Criteria is a simplified API for retrieving entities by composing Criterion objects.

For example - session.createCriteria(Employee.class).add("name", "A%") ).list();

will return all employee objects having name starting with A.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     hibernate   hibernate criteria     Asked in 7 Companies      Basic        Frequent

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  Q154. Which Software Development methodology is being used in your current Job ?General
Ans. We are using Agile methodology. I attend daily stand up where the development leads takes the status of assigned stories, achievements, any bottlenecks or challenges. We follow iteration of 2 weeks.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     sdlc   agile methodology   software system analyst   software developer interview   development lead   project lead interview     Asked in 14 Companies        frequent

 Q155. What is your role in current position ?General
Ans. I am working as a Software System Analyst that specializes in understanding Business Requirements, Analyzing them , Performs Cost / Benefit analysis, Make suggestions to business , translate the business requirements into technical requirements, Discuss their feasibility with the technical team, performs sizing in coordination with developers and prepare high level design document.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     system analyst   software system analyst   software business analyst     Asked in 4 Companies        frequent

 Q156. What technologies have you worked with for build management ?
Ans. Ant and Maven

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     build management   build technologies

 Q157. What is the difference between Maven, Ant and Jenkins ?Tool
Ans. Maven and Ant are Build Technologies whereas Jenkins is a continuous integration tool.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     maven   ant   jenkins   build technologies

 Q158. Have you created any build script yourself ?
Ans. Yes, I have worked on many build scripts in last few years.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     build management   build technologies   build scripts

  Q159. What is Jenkins ?Jenkins
Ans. It is a continuous integration tool written in Java.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   jenkins     Asked in 6 Companies      Basic        frequent

Frequently asked in Tata Consultancy (TCS) interview ( Based on 2 Feedback )
 Q160. What are the technologies used in Jira ?Tools
Ans. JIRA is written in Java and uses the Pico IOC container,Apache OFBiz entity engine, and WebWork technology stack. For remote procedure calls (RPC), JIRA supports REST, SOAP, and XML RPC.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   jira   issue management   defect management     Asked in 5 Companies      expert

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